Generosity Motivated by the Grace of God
Cross-Shaped Giving
I Wish I Was Rich
What would you do if you were rich? This article argues that the better question is what you are doing with what you have now. Are you exercising stewardship? Generosity isn’t about how much you have, but what you do with the bit you do have.
Money (2): Giving
On Lending to God
Demonstrating kindness to the poor is like lending to the Lord. And God promises to repay! (Proverbs 19:17)
Private Investments
From 10 Percent To 100 Percent
God's Promise for Generous Living
Christians are called to live a life of generosity. This article explains that Christian giving is part of participating in God's generosity.
Don't Let Frugality Steal Your Generosity
If you are frugal, is it possible you are dismissing generosity? This article explains how this is possible, that thriftiness can mask greed. This is an obedience issue, since we are to be both stewards of what God has given as well as generous givers.
The Best Generosity Story Ever
The culture of generosity has gripped your heart if you take more delight in giving than getting. How does one develop the discipline of generous giving? It is by understanding the story of the generosity of God. This article explains how this story unfolds and how it leads to generosity.
Personal Gospel Mercy
Mercy ministry is not only the responsibility of the church. Every Christian should make use of the opportunity he has to show acts of mercy.
We Are to Use Our Wealth for the Aid of Those in Poverty
Developing right attitudes to provisions and wealth and making changes in our personal lifestyles are a starting point for redeeming the economic sphere of life. This article shows that the responsibility lies with the wealthy to help the poor through giving, investment, and spending.
Ten Principles to Guide Your Giving
This article outlines ten principles from the New Testament that should guide how we give financially. Among others, it notes that everything we have belongs to God, God is using our possessions to advance the gospel in the world, giving is part of the weekly corporate worship of the church, and giving needs to be sacrificial and generous.
Four Truths about Christian Giving
This article highlights four key truths about Christian giving: it is both a spiritual gift and a discipline of discipleship, a management of God's money, a ministry with God's money, and a mindset regarding God's money.
1 Timothy 3:3 – The Character of the Christian: Generous
The qualifications for being an elder should not be limited to them. They should be characteristics of all Christians. This article explains that in 1 Timothy 3:3 God calls Christians to be generous, not lovers of money.
Joy Is for the Generous
Money cannot buy happiness, but money can be used to generate holy joy. How? 1 Chronicles 29 explains how giving does this.
The Widow and Her Mite
The Poverty Issue The Christian Response, Good News, and Good Works
Giving - Heart Matters!
Thanks Be to God for His Inexpressible Gift
This article is about giving generously in the collection. In his letter, Paul exhorts the Corinthian Christians to give generously, pointing to the Macedonian Christians as an example. Did the Corinthians really understand the extent of God's generosity to them in the gift of his Son? Our willingness to give shows that we belong to Christ.
Sacrificial Giving
The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age: Greed
This article looks at the seven deadly sins in the context of our digital age. The author of this article shows how easy it is to fall into the sin of greed. Greed is a refusal to live in dependence upon God, motivated by a desire to be in control.
What Does the Bible Say about Giving? Six Lessons from the Old Testament
Giving and generosity are what should characterize the attitude of Christians towards others. What does it mean to give and be generous? This article draws six lessons from Genesis 12-14.
Philippians 4:18 – Giving as an Act of Worship
This article exposits and applies Philippians 4:18, about cheerful giving.