"These Things Happened as Examples for Us"
Prayer in the Protestant Confessions of the Sixteenth Century
Can Parents be Sure? - Background and Meaning of Canons of Dort I,17
Calvin on Epicurus and the Epicureans: Background to a Remark in Article 13 of the Belgic Confession
Problems with Proof Texts: The Proof Text of Article 11 of the Belgic Confession and Their Implications for the Confession
The Earliest Report on the Author of the Belgic Confession (1561)
The Structure of Bavinck's - Reformed Dogmatics
Man as God's Steward
Is Creation the Same as Providence?
The Meaning of the Lord's Supper
The Promises of Baptism
Sign and Seal
The Witness of the Spirit in Relation to Scripture
The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and the Meaning of Pentecost
The Spirit in Bezalel
Christ's Obedience and Covenant Obedience
The Virgin Birth
Farming According to General Revelation: The Meaning of Isaiah 28:22-29
What Does God Reveal in the Grand Canyon?
Luke 1:35 - Christ's Birth from the Virgin
Genesis 2:10-14 – Some Thoughts on the Rivers of Paradise
Rethinking Redemptive-Historical Interpretation
Can God Be Angry?
The Virgin Birth Stumbling Block for Feminist Theology
Preaching about the Prayer
The Virgin Birth – By Grace Alone
Is Creation the Same as Providence?
The Importance of the Virgin Birth
Thanksgiving Is First
The Meaning of the Lord's Supper
This is an extensive article on the Lord's Supper.
What Does God Reveal in the Grand Canyon?
This article is about science and the general revelation of God in creation. Belgic Confession, Article 2 is discussed. Other things discussed in this article is the relation of faith and science, and of general revelation as revelation of God.
How Much Did Jesus Christ Know?
God Is Awesome
The Mystery of the Virgin Birth
The Lord’s Supper and the Mass The Meaning of the Lord’s Supper has been Disputed
Intercession by the Saints?
Original Sin and Feminism
Membership: Serving God and One Another
Who Suffered?
A Personal Relationship with Jesus
Immanuel and the Virgin Birth
Pressures on Preaching
Confessing the Virgin Birth
Christians and Art
Matthew 5:43-48 - “Perfect” Christians
The Christian Mind in the Church
Matthew 1:18-25 - Joseph and the Virgin Birth
The Promises at Baptism
This article is about infant baptism and the work of the Holy Spirit. Infant regeneration, the promises of God at baptism, and specifically the promise of the Spirit at baptism is discussed in this article.
Catechism Preaching
In this article on Catechism preaching, the character of the confessions, preaching the whole counsel of God, and preaching doctrine is also discussed.