Can Parents be Sure? - Background and Meaning of Canons of Dort I,17

This article underlines the truth that the doctrine of election is not a theoretical issue, far removed from the daily faith life of believers. God-fearing parents are comforted in their grief over the death of an infant. The Canons point out that the election and salvation of their child ought not to be doubted.

Calvin on Epicurus and the Epicureans: Background to a Remark in Article 13 of the Belgic Confession

Following a lengthy explanation of the Reformed doctrine concerning providence, Article 13 of the Belgic Confession concludes with a negative statement: “On this we reject the damnable error of the Epicureans who say that God does not involve himself in anything, and allows all things to go by chance”. This article discusses Calvin’s view on Epicurus and the Epicureans.

Problems with Proof Texts: The Proof Text of Article 11 of the Belgic Confession and Their Implications for the Confession

The sixteenth-century editions of the Belgic Confession were printed with marginal references to Scripture.  It is remarkable that originally only Articles 4-6 of the Belgic Confession did not have any marginal texts. 

The Structure of Bavinck's - Reformed Dogmatics

The first edition of Reformed Dogmatics, H. Bavinck's masterpiece, was published almost a hundred years ago. After years of intense study, he published the first volume of his Dogmatics in 1895. The final, fourth volume, appeared in 1901. Reformed people who wish to continue in line with Bavinck’s dogmatics will also benefit greatly from the contents.

The Meaning of the Lord's Supper

If one would ask today what the main difference was between the Roman Catholic view and the Protestant view, he will probably answer, “Transubstantiation.” The Roman Catholics taught that the bread and the wine change into the body and blood of Christ while this was denied in the Reformation. The real issue was the meaning of this sacrament—is it a meal or is it a sacrifice?

Sign and Seal

The word combination “sign and seal” is a well-known expression in the doctrine of the sacraments. It is used in both the Belgic Confession and the Heidelberg Catechism. The Belgic Confession presents a definition in Article 33 and speaks of “visible signs and seals of something internal and invisible! The Catechism begins the answer to the question as to what the sacraments are, with: “The sacraments are holy, visible signs and seals” (LD 25, Q&A 66). This article discusses what is actually meant by “sign and seal”?

The Witness of the Spirit in Relation to Scripture

The witness of the Spirit is mentioned in the section about Scripture as the means of revelation. This article concerns accepting and believing in Scripture. The decisive role is given hereby to the Spirit, because He witnesses to the fact that the books of Scripture come from God. In addition, it is pointed out that the church also has a role in helping us accept Scripture as God's Word. And further it is added that Scripture itself offers proof of its origin.

The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and the Meaning of Pentecost

While there has always been much attention in the church for what happened on the day of Pentecost, this attention has not always meant special attention for the “baptism with the Holy Spirit. For a century now, the concept of “baptism with the Holy Spirit” has been frequently discussed, for this phrase is used to indicate the central experience of the Charismatic movement and Pentecostal circles.