The Chronology of Ezra & Nehemiah, Part 3
This article examines the argument against the short chronology in Ezra-Nehemiah, that the Artaxerxes referred to must be Artaxerxes Longimanus, who followed Darius and Xerxes.
The Chronology of Ezra & Nehemiah, Part 1
This article considers the subject of biblical chronology, particularly the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, which provide chronological information for the period after the return from exile. The author addresses the question whether the Artaxerxes of these books is the same person as Darius.
God's Word, Our Story – Taking Action in Light of God's Word (Nehemiah 1-2)
Chapter 1 is an exposition of Nehemiah 1 and Nehemiah 2. The exposition takes the historic setting of Nehemiah serious and the focus falls on the faithfulness of God in Israel’s return from exile.
What’s Really Wrong in the Church?
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Inspection Gate
The Gates of Jerusalem: The East Gate
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Horse Gate
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Water Gate
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Fountain Gate
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Dung Gate (Refuse Gate)
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Valley Gate
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Old Gate (Jeshanah Gate)
The Gates of Jerusalem: The Fish Gate
A Trip around the Ancient Walls of Jerusalem Beginning at the Sheep Gate
Reformation by the Word of God
A Prodigal Church Returning to Its God Studies in Nehemiah
Nehemiah 13:15-18 - Judah’s Profaning the Sabbath
Nehemiah 13:15-18 reveals how Judah profaned the Sabbath. This article looks at what contributed to this sin and provides reasons why keeping the Sabbath was so crucial for God’s people. The author discusses what it meant to not keep the Sabbath, and how Christians today should view the Sunday.
Nehemiah 1 - Nehemiah on His Knees in the Court of Heaven Studies in Nehemiah
Nehemiah 1 – Real Church Building
Nehemiah 1 – Prayer in the Palace
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 1.
Nehemiah 2 - From Burdened to Boasting
Nehemiah 2 – From Court to City
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 2.
Nehemiah 2:1-6 – Protection for Church Builders
Nehemiah 2:11-20 – The Lord Blesses Nehemiah's Preparations
Nehemiah 3 - Putting Our Necks to the Work of the Lord Studies in Nehemiah
Nehemiah 3 – The Lord Involves His People
Nehemiah 3 – Blessed Builders
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 3.
Nehemiah 4 - The Wrath of Man Turned to the Praise of God Studies in Nehemiah
Nehemiah 4 – Building Progress Despite Attacks
Nehemiah 4 – Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares (Part 1)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 4.
Nehemiah 5 - A Redeemer Comes to Zion Studies in Nehemiah
Nehemiah 5 – The Lord Demonstrates the Power of Christian Love
Nehemiah 5-6 – Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares (Part 2)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 5-Nehemiah 6.
Nehemiah 6 – The Lord Thwarts Satan's Attempts
Nehemiah 7 – The Lord Restores Jerusalem as Zion
Nehemiah 7 – Reformation Days (Part 1)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 7.
Nehemiah 7:1-7 - What to Do with an Empty City? Studies in Nehemiah
Nehemiah 8 – The Word of God Begins to Function Again
Nehemiah 8 – Reformation Days (Part 2)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 8.
Nehemiah 9-10 – The Lord Brings Renewed Covenant Commitment
Nehemiah 9 – A Sincere Confession of Sin Is a True Profession of Faith
Nehemiah 9 – Reformation Days (Part 3)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 9.
Nehemiah 10 - Biblical Covenanters Studies in Nehemiah
Nehemiah 10 – Reformation Days (Part 4)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 10.
Nehemiah 11:1-12:26 – The Work of Consolidation (Part 1)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 11:1-Nehemiah 12:26.
Nehemiah 12 – The Dedication of the Wall of Jerusalem
Nehemiah 12:27-13:3 – The Work of Consolidation (Part 2)
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 12:27-Nehemiah 13:3.
Nehemiah 13 – Esteem Our Office Bearers as Gifts of God's Grace
Nehemiah 13:4-31 - Is Reformation an Event or a Process?
This is a Bible study on Nehemiah 13:4-31.