Chapter and Verse Divisions in the Bible

When Scripture was originally written, there were no chapter and verse divisions. These man-made additions to our Bibles came much later. It was Stephen Langton, an Archbishop of Canterbury in England, who added chapter divisions into the Latin Vulgate around A.D. 1227. A Jewish rabbi by the name of Nathan divided the Hebrew Bible (what we as Christians call the Old Testament) into verses in 1448. Then, Robert Estienne (also known as Stephanus) divided the chapters into verses in his Greek New Testament in 1551.

Collected Writings on Scripture – Approaching the Bible

Chapter 1 articulates a short doctrine of Scripture. The author believes that it is doubtful whether a coherent understanding of the nature of Scripture can be sustained where there is not at the same time a grasp of the message of the Bible. It is important to know the God who stands behind the Bible. In the second part of the essay Carson explores the changing face of hermeneutics, and how to interpret the Bible.

Did God Really Say – Because It Is the Word of God

This volume emerges in a context where the church’s belief in the truthfulness and trustworthiness of Scripture as God’s written Word is being assaulted. Chapter 1 tries to relate the doctrine of Scripture and the first chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith. Oliphint first reflects on why the confession starts with the doctrine of Scripture. He next set out a few highlights from the Confession.

The Doctrine of the Word of God – The Personal-Word Model

In Chapter 1 the author introduces the main contention of this volume on the doctrine of the Word of God, that the speech of God to man is real speech. God’s speech can be understood and man can be held accountable to respond appropriately. Frame’s thesis is that God’s Word is a personal communication from him to us.

Thy Word Is Still Truth – Sola Scriptura: The Reformers' Rediscovery of the Written Word of God

This volume is an anthology of writings representing a high view of Scripture and reflecting the historic Reformed theological and confessional tradition. It offers a selection of texts on the doctrine of Scripture.