Christ the Revelation or Revealer? Brunner and Reformed Orthodoxy on the Doctrine of the Word of God
Muller discusses the views of Emil Brunner on the doctrine of Scripture and revelation in relation to the views of Reformed Orthodoxy. Does Brunner identify the Word of God with Scripture?
A Holy Book is Not Enough
What Do We Believe about the Bible?
This article explains four things that Christians believe about the Bible: its inspiration, authority, canonicity, and trustworthiness.
The Inerrancy of Scripture
The doctrine of biblical inerrancy is rooted in the nature of God and in the Bible's teaching about itself. This article looks at the doctrine of inerrancy and infallibility in relationship to the original text of Scripture and its copies and the impact it has for Bible interpretation.
Why Should We Believe the Bible?
God’s Truth Abideth Still
Christianity and the Bible
Can You Trust the Gospel?
The Old Testament Is Embarrassing
The events and figures of the Old Testament can lead one one to conclude that they are defective, and should not have been included. The article, however, argues that it is those embarrasing events and person that confirm the reliability of the Old Testament.
The Characteristics of Scripture
Why Teach the Bible's Storyline?
A storyline lies at the heart of building a Christian worldview, understanding the gospel, focusing on Christ, and rejecting false worldview. Without this biblical storyline, it becomes difficult to achieve the four things mentioned. This article explains the importance of teaching the Bible's storyline.
Four Weighty Attributes of Scripture
This article explains four attributes of Scripture: the indispensability of Scripture, clarity of Scripture, sufficiency of Scripture and authority of Scripture.
The Word for the World
What is the character of the speech of God? This article explains that it is God's personal speech to us, yet what is particularly unique about his voice is that it comes through other voices. The author says that his voice sounds like Jesus.
Why Trust the Bible?
This article addresses questions such as: Are our Bible translations accurate? Were the original sources accurately copied? Were these originals truly the best sources? Were the original authors mistaken? The conclusion is certain: we have every reason to believe the Bible is reliable.
The Study of the Word
Why are the Scriptures difficult to study? The author offers an explanation from Scripture itself. He goes on to point out two motivational factors that must drive the believer to love the study of the Word.
The Speaking Voice
The article considers the revelation of God in his revealed word. It observes that God's voice is the voice of wisdom commonly heard in the Old Testament. The author objects to the tendency to make this word only a doctrinal manual rather than a real, compassionate voice from the living God.
Word and Bible: The God of Word III
This article addresses the question, "What is the 'Word of God'?"
God Didn't Write a Book
Is technology a threat to the future of the Bible? If you think that the Bible is a book, then technology may be a threat. But the Bible is not just a book. What is it? This article explains.
How Do I Know the Bible Is True?
How do I know the Bible is true? There are three things that point to the truthfulness of Scripture: the testimony of Scripture itself, its unity, and the fulfillment of prophecy. Let the article explain these.
The Book of Books: The Doctrine of Scripture and the Ministry of the Word
The doctrine of Scripture is essential to the ministry of the Word. To argue this, the article defines the inspiration of Scripture, its authority, its inerrancy, and its sufficiency. Then the article demonstrates how these relate to the preaching of the Word, and how the ministry of the Word must shape the life of the congregation.
Collected Writings on Scripture – Approaching the Bible
Chapter 1 articulates a short doctrine of Scripture. The author believes that it is doubtful whether a coherent understanding of the nature of Scripture can be sustained where there is not at the same time a grasp of the message of the Bible. It is important to know the God who stands behind the Bible. In the second part of the essay Carson explores the changing face of hermeneutics, and how to interpret the Bible.
Why Do I Believe the Bible Is the Word of God?
Did God Speak All These Words?
The Authority and Special Character of the Bible
How Do You Know?
Christian knowledge centers around the trustworthiness of scripture as it testifies about Christ as a historical event.
Sola Scriptura: A Necessity Today
Looking at the doctrine of sola scriptura, this article shows that the strength and the success of the Reformation was rooted in the conviction of the sufficiency and authority of scripture. Forgetting this truth weakens the church.
The Uses and Abuses of Sola Scriptura
Holy Scripture
Sola Scriptura
A Light Upon My Path
Doctrine of Scripture in the Reformed Creeds
This article looks at the doctrine of Scripture within the Belgic Confession and the Westminster Confession.
Did God Really Say – Because It Is the Word of God
This volume emerges in a context where the church’s belief in the truthfulness and trustworthiness of Scripture as God’s written Word is being assaulted. Chapter 1 tries to relate the doctrine of Scripture and the first chapter of the Westminster Confession of Faith. Oliphint first reflects on why the confession starts with the doctrine of Scripture. He next set out a few highlights from the Confession.
The Doctrine of Scripture Today
This article explains what the church has confessed about the the origin, purpose, characteristics, and preservation of Scripture. It then shows how biblical criticism has affected the belief in the inspiration of scripture.
A Modern Exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith - Of the Holy Scriptures
This book is an exposition of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. Here the Confession's first chapter, Of the Holy Scriptures, is discussed.
What is the Bible?
Westminster and Contemporary Reformed Hermeneutics
This article looks at the Westminster Confession on the topics of the divine originality of scripture, the historical reliability of scripture and the harmony of scripture. The author contrasts this with the claim of modern scholarship of the human origin of scripture, and the denial of the historical reliability and harmony of scripture. The author applies this to doing hermeneutics, and calls for use of the Westminster Confession as a guide in dealing with these issues.
The Written Word
The Reformed View of the Scriptures
This article is an exposition of the Westminster Confession of Faith on the doctrine of Scripture. It surveys different aspects or attributes of Scripture, i.e., its sufficiency, necessity, authority, perspiquity.
The Authority of Scripture for the Anglican Reformers
This article discusses the degree of importance the Anglican Reformers attached to the knowledge of the Scriptures. It argues that they believed that it is only through the Holy Scriptures that man can know the revealed will of God.
A Brief History of Divine Revelation
This article contains some reflection on divine revelation, especially with respect to the New Testament. Among other issues, it seeks to know whether we can be certain that the New Testament is the Word of God. It explains the role of the three persons of the Trinity in revelation.
This article explains the authority, profitability, necessity, and blessing in the Word of God. The article further deals with issues of understanding and revering this precious Word.
A Reply to Gerhard Maier: A Review Article
This is a review article of Gerhard Maier's book The End of the Historical-Critical Method. Piper focuses on the role of faith in our approach to Scripture as the main area of divergence between himself and Maier.
Why Trust the Bible – Don't Believe Everything You Read
This chapter is a short apologetic for the truthfulness of Scripture.
The Doctrine of the Word of God – The Personal-Word Model
In Chapter 1 the author introduces the main contention of this volume on the doctrine of the Word of God, that the speech of God to man is real speech. God’s speech can be understood and man can be held accountable to respond appropriately. Frame’s thesis is that God’s Word is a personal communication from him to us.
Perspective On The Word Of God: Introduction And The Nature Of The Word Of God
This article shows that the Word of God cannot be equated with the Bible. God's Word includes His powerful speech (stating what will happen), authoritative speech (stating what ought to happen), and His personal presence. This is the self expression of God, or His Word. This article is about the nature of Scripture.
The Relevancy of Scripture
This article investigates the relevancy of Scripture. It addresses the question regarding what kind of knowledge the Bible provides. The author suggests three of these kinds of knowledge: first, conceptual knowledge of God and the principles that control the relationship between him and his creation; second, directional knowledge in matters of experience and conduct; and third, knowledge of the basis for devotional meditation. The article also handles the matter of the clarity of Scripture.
Scripture as Talisman, Specimen, and Dragoman
Yamauchi reflects on three contrasting attitudes toward and interpretations of Scripture. The first sees Scripture as a talisman, where Scripture is used almost as a magical tool. The reference to Scripture as a specimen points to the critical analysis of the texts, as objects of academic study. A third view sees Scripture as a dragoman.
The Hermeneutics of the Puritans
After trying to define what a Puritan and Puritanism are, Lea explores the general approach of the Puritans to Scripture and their interpretation of Scripture.
Aims of OT Textual Criticism
At its beginning stages textual criticism aimed at establishing the text as the author wished to have it presented to the public. Modern textual criticism has taken a different turn. This article looks at five aims in the study of textual criticism within OT studies.
Can Two Walk Together Unless They Be Agreed? Evangelical Theology and Biblical Scholarship
This article is a critical reading and response to James Barr's book Fundamentalism. The main focus of the article is on evangelical scholarship's doctrine of Scripture and the way it gives shape to its interpretation of Scripture. Silva reflects further on the misrepresentations Barr makes of evangelical understandings of the nature of Scripture.
Thomas Forsyth Torrance's Critique of Evangelical (Protestant) Orthodoxy
This article evaluates the work of T. F. Torrance as a critic of evangelical orthodoxy. One of the main criticisms of Torrance is the alleged separation between the Word of God as Scripture and the revelation of God in his work of redemption. The article acknowledges much of Torrance's concern, yet also attempts to show a problematic disjunction in his thought at this very point and to show a way to salvage and enhance Torrance's own Christocentric-Trinitarian theological purpose.
Thy Word Is Still Truth – Sola Scriptura: The Reformers' Rediscovery of the Written Word of God
This volume is an anthology of writings representing a high view of Scripture and reflecting the historic Reformed theological and confessional tradition. It offers a selection of texts on the doctrine of Scripture.
Concise Reformed Dogmatics – Holy Scripture
This first section of chapter 3 introduces Holy Scripture as the Word of God. There are two main foci: the relationship between revelation and the Scriptures, and the unity between the Old and New Testaments.
Calvin and the Bible
What Is the Word of God?
This article is a detailed discussion on the nature of the word of God. It involves a survey of different views in the history of theology about this subject. The author includes the views of Thomas Aquinas, Anselm, and Augustine, and moves to the views of the Reformation and afterward.
The Transmission of the Scriptures
This article considers the preservation of the Scriptures in relation to the inspiration of the original manuscripts. The author looks at the history of the Old Testament text, the Masoretic text and its witnesses, including discoveries from the Dead Sea Scrolls. The New Testament is also discussed with equal weight on its purity as far as the autographs are concerned.