Jeremiah, Judgment, and Creation
Lalleman argues that the idea of creation can already be found in Jeremiah. Jeremiah 4-Jeremiah 5 has parallels in Genesis 1-2 as well as in Jeremiah 33. She believes that there is insufficient ground to assume that Jeremiah 33 represents a post-Jeremiah development. Jeremiah uses also creation as a framework for his proclamation of judgment and doom.
The Prophecy of Jeremiah
This article is part of a series of studies on the author of the book of Jeremiah. The author notes the message and character of Jeremiah the prophet.
Lessons from the Swallow and the Ox
Jeremiah 2:5 - Life Without God
Looking at Jeremiah 2:5, this article shows how life is without God. Without God life is empty, and men worship powerless gods instead of the living God.
Jeremiah 2:9-13 - God is the Spring of Living Water
The Danger of Callousness
Plot, Prophecy, and Jeremiah
How should the lack of chronology and the many genres in Jeremiah be understood in an effort to find a unifying plot in the book? This article uses literary-critical principles to analyze Jeremiah. The author wants to exegete the book in its received order. He makes use of plot analysis to discover unifying elements. He explains what a plot is and how it functions, whether plots function in Hebrew prophecy, and then gives an overview of his understanding of Jeremiah's plot.
Benefits Slighted in the Past
The Church at the Crossroads
Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter
Praying As Foreigners in Babylon An exegesis of Jeremiah 29:4-7
The Historical and Political Background of Jeremiah's World
Jeremiah the Man
An Overview of the Book of Jeremiah
Jeremiah 3:8 - Lessons for Unfaithful Judah
The Arrangement of Jeremiah's Prophecies
The order of the arrangement of the content of the book of Jeremiah can be perplexing. This study attempts to articulate certain basic assumptions that distinguish evangelicalism's approach to the organization of the prophecy, and to analyze the evidence by which its chapters may be dated. Payne proceeds to formulate a chronological picture of the sequence of the different parts and proposes an explanation for the present arrangement of the book.
Jeremiah 5:24 - Remembering the Lord of the Harvest
Irony in Jeremiah's Prophecy of a New Covenant
In Jeremiah 31 we find a prophecy of a new covenant. This paper considers the possibility of the prophet making use of irony in this chapter.
The Old Promise and the New Covenant: Jeremiah 31:31-34
How should we understand the promise of the new covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-34? What are the continuities and discontinuities between the covenants? Kaiser reflects on the issues at stake—the content of the new covenant, the contrast with the Mosaic covenant, and Jeremiah 30 to Jeremiah 33 as a "book of comfort."
Jeremiah 7:22
This article considers the interpretation of Jeremiah 7:22.
Jeremiah 17:12 - Our Sanctuary
Christians face many challenges and struggles - struggles with sin within, the devil's assault, and the world's temptations. How can the Christian find rest in such a world? This article shows that God’s throne and sanctuary is a place of finding such a rest. God’s throne is a place of purity, peace and protection.
Narrative Parallelism and the “Jehoiakim Frame”: A Reading Strategy for Jeremiah 26-45
This essay examines the literary structure and message of one section of the book of Jeremiah. The focus is on the largely narrative section in Jeremiah 26-Jeremiah 45. It suggests a strategy for a holistic reading of this section. The author hopes that this will contribute to a better understanding of the literary and theological unity of the book of Jeremiah as a whole.
Jeremiah 28 - A Duel Between Two Prophets
This article on Jeremiah 28 shows how false prophecy (represented by Hananiah the false prophet) and true prophecy (represented by Jeremiah the true prophet) can be recognized. God's people can only be pastored by God's word - nothing more and nothing less.
Does Jeremiah 29:11 Apply to New Testament Believers?
Jeremiah 29:11 is often interpreted in less than biblical ways. This article considers the meaning of the passage, and what kind of connection it has to believers today.
Good Citizens The City's Peace and Prosperity is Our Business
Does Jeremiah 29:11 Apply to You?
Jeremiah 29:11 is often interpreted in an individualistic way. This article shows how the passage ought to be interpreted, in light of its context.
Jeremiah 29:11 - A Future and a Hope
Looking at Jeremiah 29:11, this article shows that true peace and hope for the future can only be found in God.
Jeremiah 30:21 – The Priestly Prince
Jeremiah 31:33b - Pentecost
Is Jeremiah 33:14-26 a "Centre" to the Bible? A Test Case in Inter-Canonical Hermeneutics
Can Jeremiah 33:14-26 be seen as a centre of the Bible? The article draws attention to six intercanonical themes that cluster in this passage as God promises here to restore his people. These themes are messianic hope, land, kingship, priesthood, covenant, and election.
Jeremiah 39-41 – The Prophecies of Jeremiah
This article continues Ellison's study of the book of Jeremiah. Here he gives exegetical remarks on Jeremiah 39-Jeremiah 41.
Jeremiah 43-44 – The Prophecies of Jeremiah
Ellison continues his study with exegetical remarks on the book of Jeremiah. He focuses on Jeremiah 43 and Jeremiah 44.
The Prophecy of Jeremiah: The Oracles against Nations
The article gives exegetical remarks on the relatively unknown oracles against the nations of Jeremiah 46 (Damascus, Egypt, etc.) to Jeremiah 51.
The Prophecy of Jeremiah
In this article the author continues his exegetical study of Jeremiah's oracles against nations, and in this case against Edom in Jeremiah 49:7-22.
The Oracles against Babylon in Jeremiah 50-51: Structures and Perspectives
What is the literary structure of the composition of the oracles against Babylon in Jeremiah 50 and Jeremiah 51? This study hopes to demonstrate that the composition of the oracles is not disordered but rather a well-ordered complex of structurally related elements. The thesis is that the composition is comprised of six movements set within a common framework.
How Jeremiah Leans on Deuteronomy
This article shows the relationship between the book of Jeremiah and Deuteronomy, describing how the book of Deuteronomy influenced Jeremiah's preaching of repentance.