The Romance of Christian Faith
The Church and the New Spirituality
Lewis reflects upon what he calls the new spirituality found in many Western societies and churches. It is a spirituality build on vision and experience rather than a specific doctrine or belief system. He explores its roots, meaning, and impact before comparing and contrasting it with Christian spirituality.
True Spirituality: The Transforming Power of the Gospel
True spirituality cannot be found in intellectualism, emotionalism, and moralism. From Mark 1:14-15 this article shows that true spirituality can only be found in understanding the gospel message and its transforming power.
Spiritually Reformed
Faith and Our Feelings: The Extent of Our Response
Experience Comes with Faith
Does a Christian Experience His Faith?
How long, o Lord?
This article is about the lament and the complaint of the Christian. The author also looks at our sorrow, our faith experience, and Jesus Christ as the man of sorrow.
Calvin and Faith Experience
Ten Things We Learn from the Ten Commandments
Many clam to be spiritual but follow their own course rather than God’s regulated way. This article considers what it is to be spiritual, that one heeds the Ten Commandments the Lord has given.
Spiritual Growth
Contemporary Revivalism
The Wonder of Knowing the Holy Spirit
Christian Experience
What Is True Religion?
Spiritual Schizophrenia
Does your faith shape your daily life, or is your Christian life separated from your daily life? This article points to five signs that reveal whether or not your faith is shaping your daily life.
Practice True Spirituality
This article defines what true spirituality is: the pursuit of God and the things of God, through Christ, by the Spirit, in accordance with the Word. It takes its cue from Colossians 2 and 3.
Seven Marks of True Revival
The Acid Test of Our Profession
Is there any one test that's better than the rest in determining whether someone is a true Christian? Martyn Lloyd-Jones believed there was, and suggested that it is the hope of glory in the face of death.
Evangelical Spirituality: A Biblical Scholar's Perspective
What is Christian spirituality? Waltke notes different aspects of spirituality and godliness: a God-centred life, a kingdom-centred life, and the dynamics of a godly life,
Knowing, Feeling and Doing
The church is paralyzed when it fails to see the relationship between knowing, feeling, and doing. This article shows the relationship between doctrine, piety, and reform. It shows that to lose one is to lose all, which impoverishes the Christian life.
Ten Things You Should Know about Pride and Humility from Jonathan Edwards
What is pride? What is humility? How do you know if you are proud or humble? Here are ten things that Jonathan Edwards had to say about pride and humility.