What in the World Is a Worldview?: Part 1
What exactly is a worldview? This introductory article explains that it is your most basic beliefs and assumptions about the universe. Read the article for its insights.
What exactly is a worldview? This introductory article explains that it is your most basic beliefs and assumptions about the universe. Read the article for its insights.
This article explains four reasons why it is helpful for Christians to think of worldviews.
This article explains five reasons why it is important to be worldview-aware. This will help you engage with non-Christian religions.
This article explains that the Christian faith and practice arise out of the unfolding drama of Scripture, the big story of what God is doing in history. If there is a story there is a story teller, purpose, a plot, and our place in the story.
Every action of humans is directed towards happiness and flourishing. Looking at key biblical words, this article shows that true flourishing and well-being can be found only in relationship with God and through alignment with his kingdom. The concepts of peace, blessedness, and completeness point to this conclusion.
This article explains that every worldview has to reckon with a key issue, that of the origins of good and evil. The author considers dualism and nihilism in this regard, before turning to Christian theism, which has argued that God originally made the world good, and evil is a subsequent corruption of a good thing.
We all live with some type of worldview. How do we expose false worldviews and show people their need for Jesus Christ? The church has the gospel, discipleship, missions, and apologetics to do this.
For Christians to understand the times they live in, it is important to understand the history of ideas that shapes their culture. Here focus is given to humanism. The author explains the nature of its worldview, the intolerance it displays, and how Christians should respond to it.
This article considers five different ways to detect someone's worldview.
This article goes into some detail about what a worldview is and what it takes to make it. Regarding the latter, the author breaks down a worldview into five areas: theology, anthropology, knowledge, ethics, and salvation. Under each heading he provides some key questions that we can ask of a worldview.
A Christian is not only caught between two worldviews—God-centred and man-centred worldviews. He is also caught between two words—general revelation and special revelation. How should he think about the relationship between all these, and how can he keep the balance? This is what the article answers.
A Christian worldview is maintained through the fear of God, love for Jesus Christ, prayer, and Bible reading.
This series of articles looks at the concept of a reformed worldview. Colossians 3:1-2 gives the foundation of a reformed worldview; namely, the Christian finds his identity in the risen Christ, and Christ claims His lordship over the entire new life of the Christian.
This series of articles looks at the concept of a Reformed worldview. Colossians 3:1-2 gives the foundation of such a worldview, namely, that the Christian finds his identity in the risen Christ, and Christ claims lordship over the entire life of the Christian.
What has led to the embrace of secularism and sexual revolution in our culture? This article appeals to individualism and the authority of instrumental reason as contributors.
What is a Christian worldview? Everyone comes to perceive the world and God in a way formed and influenced by their culture and sub-culture. From a Christian perspective, it is imperative to replace such an old worldview with the one communicated in the gospel. This essay considers what it means to replace a natural third-world worldview with a Christian worldview.
We all have fundamental assumptions about the nature of the universe. This Introduction draws attention to the importance of recognizing one’s own worldview.
In talking about religious pluralism one must learn to distinguish between pluralism as a fact of life and as ideology. This article considers how Christians should view the claims of pluralism?
What challenges has postmodernism brought to the church and the ministry? Understanding the features that characterize postmodernism can help the church realize its impact. This article looks at six characteristics of postmodernism and its challenge to Christian ministry.
Chapter 4 considers the challenge of modern science to the understanding of Scripture. Science, it is said, demonstrates that the Bible is just one among many collections of human religious ideas. The author explains that challenges arise both with respect to natural sciences and social sciences.
Chapter 3 considers the challenge of modern materialism to the understanding of Scripture. Materialism function with the conviction that the world consists of matter and motion and energy; God is irrelevant. Poythress reflects on how Christians can approach this challenge.
The goal of this volume is to present the worldview characteristic of different periods of Western thought. In Chapter 1 Frame explores the ancient Greek worldview and evaluates it in the light of the gospel.
Are all religions at heart the same? Can there be only one true religion? The author reflects upon these questions in Chapter 1. Part of this reflection explains the relevance of people’s assumptions about truth. People’s basic assumptions about the nature of the world fit together to form a worldview.
This volume is about worldview. This is a concept that emerged in the European philosophical tradition. As a concept it wants to enable believers to understand more faithfully the gospel and to live more fully in that story. In Chapter 1 the authors indicate how a Christian worldview starts with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The gospel is an announcement of the story about where God is moving the history of the whole creation.
This chapter explores the significance of a Christian worldview. The view that Scripture presents of the world is at odds with the typical thinking of a secular worldview. Poythress reviews some basic elements belonging to a biblical view of the world.
In Chapter 1 the author first offers his readers a sketch of some important recent work in religious epistemology (theory of knowledge). Next he relates that recent work to some relevant issues in critical biblical scholarship. In the third place the author engages with the work of some representative proponents of critical biblical scholarship.