How Churches Can "Support" Abusers
This article may be useful in helping to equip those offering pastoral care to abusers, by making them aware of the manipulation and deceit employed by abusers, and helping them to avoid becoming unwitting colluders in abuse. This article comes from a Christian organization, but is not explicitly biblical.
How Abusers Can Change
This article teaches that abusers can change, contrary to common opinion. The article identifies both motivations and obstacles to change, and lays out the conditions for change. It also provides a kind of checklist that will help spouses and counselors recognize whether genuine change has taken place. The article comes from a Christian organization, but is not explicitly biblical.
The Heart of Domestic Violence
This article is a worksheet intended to help discuss domestic violence, and the pride that so often lies at the heart of it.
Abusers in the Christian Church: The Five Stages of Biblical Repentance
How can the church tell if an abuser has truly repented? This article argues that there are five characteristics of biblical repentance. These five must guide the church in dealing with the repentance of an abuser.