God’s Not Really That Holy, I’m Not Really That Bad
When you are taken in by the amazing grace of God, you know that you have come to believe the gospel that unmasks illusions like the one in the title. This article expands on the matter.
When you are taken in by the amazing grace of God, you know that you have come to believe the gospel that unmasks illusions like the one in the title. This article expands on the matter.
Why is it that our good works are never enough? The answer is God's standard of holiness. The article explains.
Our salvation is through grace alone. This article discusses the order of salvation, focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit.
What is your understanding of the grace of God? Many people have a flawed view of grace, suggesting that grace saves them but the rest of their path depends on their efforts. The article describes three things that reveal you may be holding an unbiblical view of grace.
Irresistible grace concerns the process by which God brings the elect to saving faith in Jesus. What does it mean that the grace of God is irresistible? This article explains ten things you need to know about irresistible grace.
What is God's saving grace? Starting from the definition of the grace of God, this article offers ten points about this grace.
Do good people go to heaven? This article evaluates this idea, showing that "good" people do not go, given what it means to be good and the fact that your righteousness deserves hell.
What are words that explain the grace of God? This article mentions and considers six types of grace: forgiveness, acceptance, presence, enablement, freedom, and completion.
The Christian life is a life dependent on the grace of God. Based on Luke 18:10-14, this article shows why we need God's grace.
Why is Christianity all of grace? Because the gospel of the grace of God is not just for the beginning of the Christian life, but for the whole of it.
This article looks at the five points of Calvinism (TULIP) and salvation through grace alone.
This chapter wants to demonstrate from Ephesians 2:1-11 how the grace of God perseveres with his children.