This Is the Word of the Lord: The Bible and Worship
This article argues that the public reading of Scripture has become impoverished in churches. The author calls for renewed attention to Scripture as the spoken word for the gathered people of God, in preaching, in public reading, and in songs.
Reading Scripture
Ministry of the Word
Reading the Bible with the Church
This article shows that Bible reading is not mainly an individual endeavour; it is community issue. The author shows that from the time of the apostles the value of the public reading of Scripture was emphasized.
The Reading and Preaching of Scripture in the Worship Service
O Come Let Us Worship (4): Hear Ye Him! The Reading and Preaching of Scripture in Worship
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at the significance of public reading of scripture and preaching during the worship service. The focus of the article is the impact God's word must have on the life of the believer and the attitude a Christian must exhibit when listening to God's word.
O Come Let Us Worship (3): Hear Ye Him! The Reading and Preaching of Scripture in Worship
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at the significance of public reading of scripture and preaching during the worship service and the place they have in the liturgy of the church.
Getting the Story off the Page – Advice on Putting Life into Scripture Reading
This article offers advice on how to execute the Scripture reading in public worship with great care.
The Public Reading of Scripture
The public reading of Scripture can be a frightening experience. This article give some advice on how to go about Bible reading in public worship.
Singing Scripture: Suggestions for Singing the Readings for Advent and Christmas
This article suggests that there are several reasons commending reinvigorating the practice of singing Scripture today. A number of genres are proposed, like Metrical Settings, Responsorial Settings.
The Public Reading of Scripture in Early Judaism
The use of Jewish liturgical practices to reconstruct early Christian worship is not without difficulties. This essay offers a survey of the ancient evidence for the public reading of Scripture in early Judaism.