Seven Steps to Walking the Spiritual Walk
This article gleans insights from Romans 8 on how believers can grow in the Holy Spirit.
The Breath of God
This article is about the Holy Spirit as the breath of God. The author discusses the Holy Spirit in creation and new creation, John 20:22, Pentecost, and the Holy Spirit and the inspiration of Scripture.
The Wind Blows Where It Wills
This article is an overview on the work of the Holy Spirit. It discusses the work of the Spirit in creation, in the virgin birth of Christ, and in the believer.
Go Where the Spirit Works
Compassion in a Broken World: The Powerful Support of God’s Spirit in Weakness
The Holy Spirit as Spirit of Judgment
Word and Spirit
The Work of the Spirit That Anticipates the Future
Why was it for the disciples' advantage that Jesus go away and send the Holy Spirit as helper (John 16:7)? This article explains that the Spirit would come to work in the church through the Word, to bind the church to the Christ of the past and the future.
How Is the Holy Spirit Different from the Father and the Son?
Of the three persons of the Trinity, God the Holy Spirit is often viewed as mysterious, hard to understand. This people looks to show from Scripture the relationship of the Spirit to the Father and the Son, as well as the Spirit's role in the works of God.
The Spirit Is Present Too!
The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit
The Sealing and Witnessing Work of the Holy Spirit
Ascension / Pentecost
Acts 2:33 – The Outpouring of the Spirit
The Assurance of Faith
How can we know that we are saved? This article is about the assurance of faith, that it comes through the word of the gospel.
Acts 2:41-42 – Growth Through the Holy Spirit
Acts 2:17-18 – The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
The Covenant and Regeneration
The Holy Spirit: His Person and Work
The Holy Spirit and the Local Congregation
The work of the Holy Spirit in relation to the local church is that he creates the local church, animates it, brings order within it, and causes growth. These are principle taught from 1 Corinthians 12-1 Corinthians 14 on the work of the Holy Spirit in the local church. This is what the article explains.
The Holy Spirit in the Church
Why So Difficult?
Realistic Faith – Habakkuk
By His Word and Spirit: How Christ Exercises His Saving Rule
The Leading of the Spirit (Part 3)
This is the third article of a three part series discussing how Christian believers are led by the Holy Spirit. In this article the author looks at the path of sanctification and that He leads us in hope and confidence.
The Leading of the Spirit (Part 2)
This is the second article of a three part series discussing how Christian believers are led by the Holy Spirit. This article looks at the complete control of the Spirit in leading the believer.
The Leading of the Spirit (Part 1)
This is the first article of a three part series discussing how Christian believers are led by the Holy Spirit. This article looks at who is led by the Spirit, what is the goal of the leading of the Spirit, and when does the Spirit lead the believer.
The Holy Spirit - His Work in the Economy of Salvation
This article is about the Holy Spirit who gives life and new life (regeneration), who works in creation and new creation. This is also the Spirit who enlightens us and leads us in all truth. He is called the Preserver and Realizer of God's work.
Toronto Blessing or Temples of the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit and Pentecost
I Believe in the Holy Spirit
Walking by the Spirit
The Holy Spirit, His Ministry, and the Preacher of God (Part 2)
The Holy Spirit, His Ministry, and the Preacher of God (Part 1)
God in Motion
Ten Things You Should Know about the Work of the Holy Spirit
What should we believe about the work of the Holy Spirit? Here are ten things you need to know.
The Church as the Dwelling Place of the Spirit
The Holy Spirit Before and After Pentecost
The Sealing of the Holy Spirit
How Do I Know I Am a Child of God?
The Witness of the Spirit in Relation to Scripture
A Temple of the Holy Spirit
Word and Spirit
The Holy Spirit's Work in Salvation
The Sealing of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit's Work of Regeneration
Desiring the Word of God
Christ Glorified
What Does the Spirit Do Today?
What is the work of the Holy Spirit today? This article answers questions related to the Holy Spirit and Christian experience, the voice of God today, the location of the work of God today, and where we can see signs and wonders.
Awake Indeed Revival Renews not only the Church but the World
True Revival Is a Work of the Spirit
The Praying and Crying Spirit
Genesis 1:2b - The Spirit and Creation
Genesis 1:2 – The Holy Spirit and Creation
Since the Human Heart Is Deceitful, How Can We Be Sure We Are Saved?
The Spirit’s Life-Giving Work: Not Merely a Moral Advising
The work of the Holy Spirit in salvation is both efficacious and irresistible. The Spirit does not just offer life as the Arminians claims; the Spirit gives life.
The Spirit Led Me To...
This article reflects on the saying that starts off with, "The Spirit led me to..." The author shows that this is typically used as a seal of authority, and thus ultimately goes astray, since our authority today is the Word of God.
The Spirit in Counselling
John 14:16-17 explains the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit in counselling. This article explains how this is so by referring to the Holy Spirit as the One who dwells in us, as the Comforter and as the truth teacher.
The Spirit's Illumination
This article explains the illumination of the Holy Spirit when the Scriptures are read or heard. They cannot be properly understood without him.
I Can't Repent
This article demonstrates through the narration of an incident in the life of a preacher that a sinner cannot come to repentance and conversion except by the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit Within
This article considers what it means to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. The Spirit works to build up the church, and provide his people with gifts for serving each other. The article ends with a summary of the Bible's teaching on how we are to live as temples of the Spirit.
Personal Actions of the Holy Spirit
This article describes the identity and activity of the Holy Spirit. It provides a number of Scripture texts that outline the activities of the Spirit.
"Without the Holy Spirit We May As Well Burn Our Bibles"
This article stresses the need for the Spirit to accompany the Word.
The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
The Christian and the Holy Spirit
The Role of the Spirit in Interpretation
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the interpretation of Holy Scripture? This is a topic that is related to the contextualization of the gospel in new situations and cultures. According to Pinnock the work of the Spirit in illuminating the Scriptures is underemphasized in theological literature. He sees it as part of a proper hermeneutical theory. He offers a number of ideas to further the consideration of the topic.
The Work of the Holy Spirit in the Salvation: A Brief Overview of the Spirit's Role in the Doctrine of Grace
What is the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation? This question is answered in this article by looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in total depravity, election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of saints.
The Illuminating Work of the Holy Spirit in Daily Bible Reading and Discipleship
How can Scripture be understood? To understand the Bible we need the Holy Spirit. From John 16:13 this article distinguishes the work of the Holy Spirit in inspiration and illumination, to show how He guides us in Bible reading.
Illumination: The Holy Spirit Gives Spiritual Understanding
Having spiritual understanding is the work of the Holy Spirit. It is this work of illumination that this article explains.
Inward Witness: Scripture Is Authenticated by the Holy Spirit
To believe that the Bible is God's Word is through the illumination of the Holy Spirit. How does the Holy Spirit do this? This article explains.
The Lord’s at Work! Understanding Pentecost Properly
The Shy Member of the Trinity The Work of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit and the Congregation
God’s Jealousy and the Outpouring of His Spirit Joel 2:18-32
The Holy Spirit in the Ministry of the Word
Without God's revelation of His truth, we would not know Him. In addition, man in his fallen nature cannot know God and he opposes God's truth. To know God as He is revealed in the word requires the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the preaching of the word is dependant upon the work of the Holy Spirit.
The Indwelling Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit indwells the believer. What does this indwelling of the Spirit mean? This article shows that the work of the Holy Spirit in the believer is essential for the maintenance of the spiritual life, spiritual understanding, obedience to God, assurance of salvation and love for God. The Holy Spirit was working this in believers even in the Old Testament.
Pentecost: Testing Our Confession of the Spirit
Indispensable Signs of the Spirit
Is the Holy Spirit working in this church? This article gives fourteen signs of the Holy Spirit from Acts 2 which should characterize the church of God.
The Helper
This article looks at the work of the Holy Spirit in the context of John 14 to John 16. The Holy Spirit is our Helper, He leads us to Christ, and through Him the Son and the Father dwell in us.
Should We Pray for the Indwelling of the Spirit?
The Three Parts of the Order of Salvation
Knowing God from His Word and through the Holy Spirit
Pentecost: Filled with the Holy Ghost
The Spirit's Anointing, Practically Stated
This article considers what is the anointing, or unction, of the Holy Spirit.
Luke and Paul: A Theology of One Spirit from Two Perspectives
This article wants to consider the basic understanding of the Holy Spirit and its unity underlying the testimony of Luke and the apostle Paul.
The Holy Spirit: The Infinite, Personal God
Chapter 1 is a study about the person and work of the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.
What Is a True Revival
Revival is God's work in his timing, based on the truth of his Word. This is what the article explains.
Revival and Reformation
This article looks at the relationship between revival and reformation. It argues that the two are interwoven and are dependent on God. It argues this point by looking at revival and reformation within the Bible and church history.
Experiencing the Trinity – God the Holy Spirit
In the two short chapters of Part 3, Thorn deals with the work of the Holy Spirit in indwelling and regenerating believers.
The Holy Spirit
This article is a biblical survey of the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
The Fading Vision? The Spirit and Freedom in the Pastoral Epistles
The work of the Spirit as explained in the Pastoral Epistles is examined in this article. The author takes a look at a number of texts that call our attention to the work of the Spirit in prophecy, ministry, and renewal; e.g. 1 Timothy 1:18, 1 Timothy 4:1, 1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:14, Titus 3:5.
Word and Spirit: The God of Word II
How is an emphasis on the Word of God to take into account the activity of the Spirit? What is the relationship between the Word and Spirit? To these and other questions the article turns.
Holy Spirit: The Only Effectual Reformer
This article considers the work of the Holy Spirit in bringing about change in peoples' hearts. It examines this work through the lens of John 16:8-11.
The Holy Spirit
Glorying in Jesus’ Ascension and the Outpouring of His Spirit
The Saving Work of the Holy Spirit in Calvin
The Authority of the Holy Spirit
The author begins by lamenting the lack of understanding the authority of the Holy Spirit in the church today. He mentions such things as formalism, dignified worship, respectability, and education as hindrances. Further, he surveys how the authority of the Spirit is seen to be part of the ministry of the Lord Jesus and involved in the life of a believer.
The Work of the Holy Spirit in Our Salvation
What role does the Holy Spirit play in the regeneration of a sinner? Further, how is this Spirit the gift of God to us in and through Jesus Christ? This article considers these questions.