Testing our Confession of the Holy Spirit

The doctrine of the Holy Spirit has been a bone of contention in history. We see this today as well. Theb whole evangelical movement says that it puts more emphasis on the Spirit than the traditional churches and has said to them: "you have done too little with the confession concerning the Holy Spirit." The charismatic movement, even more strongly than the evangelical movement, accuses the Western churches of a defi­ciency in the confession and the experience of the Holy Spirit.

Compassion in a Broken World: The Powerful Support of God’s Spirit in Weakness

This article starts by focusing on God's help in our weaknesses, and specifically the support of the Holy Spirit in our weakness. Through the work of the Spirit we may have rest in the midst of unrest. The author then asks the question if we will always receive healing and if suffering will always be taken away from us.

The Sealing and Witnessing Work of the Holy Spirit

A true answer to the challenge posed by charismatic movement and Pentecostalism can only be found by looking a biblical teaching on the work of the Holy Spirit. Looking at Romans 8:16, 2 Corinthians 1:21, Ephesians 1:13 and Ephesians 4:30 this article looks at the sealing and witnessing work of the Holy Spirit with the implications it has for the Christian life. 

The Church as the Dwelling Place of the Spirit

This article considers what Paul means in Ephesians 2:22 when he speaks of the church as the dwelling place of the Spirit. The author considers the progression in Scripture as to how God lived with his people, climaxing in the Spirit's coming to dwell within his people in the New Testament. The article also presents and critiques the study of W.J. Ouweneel on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit.

The Witness of the Spirit in Relation to Scripture

The witness of the Spirit is mentioned in the section about Scripture as the means of revelation. This article concerns accepting and believing in Scripture. The decisive role is given hereby to the Spirit, because He witnesses to the fact that the books of Scripture come from God. In addition, it is pointed out that the church also has a role in helping us accept Scripture as God's Word. And further it is added that Scripture itself offers proof of its origin.

The Holy Spirit's Work of Regeneration

I am born again, has become a common heard phrase. What does it mean to be born again? What happens when you are born again? In this article on the work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration the author directs minds, emotions, and hearts to be captivated by the biblical answers to these questions, making one to marvel at the blessed gift God gave His church in the Person of the Holy Spirit.