The gospel does not abrogate God’s Law but it makes men love it with all their hearts.
Christianity is not a way of life as distinguished from a doctrine, nor a way of life expressing itself in a doctrine, but a way of life founded upon a doctrine.
The covenant is an expression of God’s will, not man’s, and man must listen to its terms, trust God that they are holy and just and good, and order his life accordingly.
Christianity and Culture These Apparent Opposites Can and Must be Reconciled in Faith
Creeds and Doctrinal Advance
Creeds and doctrines of the church have been developing since the start of the church, and there is no reason they should not continue to be developed. However, the article contends that those who intend to come with such developments must understand that the creeds and doctrines we already have are a result of centuries of reflection. Whatever creed must be made, should reflect the truth of Scripture. The article also includes some critical analysis of modern forms of creeds and confessions.
The Good Fight of Faith
This article contains a sermon on Philippians 4:7 and 1 Timothy 6:12, as an encouragement especially to pastors in their vocation.
The Fear of God
The Doctrine of the Atonement: The Active Obedience of Christ
Written to defend the substitutionary view of the atonement, this article shows that viewing the cross of Christ as an example of personal sacrifice for Christians to follow is contrary to the teaching of scripture. God's justice necessitated the substitutionary work of Christ on our behalf.
Men who are dead in trespasses and sins are utterly unable to have saving faith, just as completely unable as a dead man lying in the tomb is unable to contribute the slightest bit to his resurrection