The Log of Retreatism

Together we've been looking at what I believe to be some of the more glaring weaknesses of conservative Reformed and Presbyterian circles. Perhaps we might look at these as our seven deadly sins. A quick dictionary glance defines it as "the attitude of being resigned to abandonment of an original goal or the means of attaining it." Another puts it this way: "A word describing the cowardly compulsion to flee."

Can Anything Good Come From WWW-Land?

There are often two perspectives among Christians regarding the use of the internet: some shun it, while others embrace it. This article shows that the internet has bad and good qualities, and picking one of these extreme stances is not the right approach. Users must simply be discerning when using the internet. In this way it can be used for God's glory and the building of His church.

More Time for Service to the King

How can senior or retired members of the church continue to serve in God's kingdom? What is their task? This article offers advice for elders and deacons on how to use the skills, experience, and abilities of such members for the benefit of the church. It also includes a word to the retired themselves, to encourage and motivate them to carry on with service to the Lord.