The Log of Retreatism
What Does the Bible Say About Suicide?
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The Bully and the Beloved
Manners Maketh Man ... especially when they begin at Home
Christian Stewardship
Ideas Have Consequences: Political Correctness (2)
How is the concept of political correctness being promoted? What are its consequences, and why should we be concerned?
Training Our Children to be Best Stewards of Christ
How can parents best train their children to be stewards of Christ? Parents should first confess that all we have is from God. They should also acknowledge that personal sin and the materialism of this world hinder Christian stewardship. Working from this, parents should train their children to be stewards of their money, time, abilities and opportunities.
The Church and the Internet
When Not to Build
This article discusses three situations in which a church building should not build: wrong motivation for building, alternatives that are better than building or increased risk for financial struggles after building. The author makes recommendations for what to consider prior to starting building.
Resurrection Song
Church Signs
Good Manners
The Bible (Poem)
Making the Case: Prostitution
This article gives reasons why prostitution should not be legalized.
From The Versace Vacuum to the Brand of Brothers
This article looks at the application of the intellectual property laws and copyright laws to literature. The author focusses on the concepts of authorship and the use of ghost writers.
The Other Shoe: Copyright and the Reasonable Use of Technology
Showing that copyright is not a moral law but a utility law, this article argues for the softening of copyright laws or the abolishing of them. The author applies this argument to the copying of songs for church use, and raises some alternatives to current copyright law.
Can Every Member Be a Leader?
The Pitfall of 'Perfectionist' Biographies
Smoking: A Pastoral Blind Spot
Engineering and the Wisdom of God
Guard at the Grave
The Oldest Christian Hymm
The Guiding Star
Is cremation permissible for the Christian?
Zion: God's New Jerusalem Promised
Biblical Stewardship
Does it Matter What Others Think?
Should we care what other people think of us?
Road Rage
Wow Vows
Power and Responsibility in Dealing with Matters of Life
Searching for a Perfect World
Ten Ways to Be a Great Team Member
Are you part of a team? Here are ten ways you can function in your role as a team member.
Morality Minus Religion Equals Decadence
Oaths and Vows
Leadership Core: Talents
This article discusses the topic of talent, which is part of the core strength of leadership. The article discusses how to make the most of one's talent.
Twelve Principles for Disagreeing with Other Christians
How should Christians handle disagreements between themselves? From Romans 14:1-Romans 15:7 this article provides twelve principles for handling disagreements between Christians, giving due consideration to the matter of conscience.
How Fiction Can Enrich Your Spiritual Imagination
This article discusses the value of the Christian's reading fiction. It suggests that fiction ignites our God-given imagination, offers insight to the human condition, and fosters empathy for others.
Dreams Have Direction
Mobile Phones
5 Problems with Unconditional Forgiveness
Does God require you to exercise unconditional forgiveness? No. Why not? The article unpacks five problems with unconditional forgiveness.
Living Well in a Digital World
Christians are affected by the digital world. To meet the challenges of the digital world Christians must learn to reject distraction and embrace focus, reject isolation and embrace visibility, and reject indulgence and embrace self control.
5 Questions to Ask of a Book before You Read It
Are You Content to Carry the Pins?
Envy and contentment are enemies. How can you be content with the work you do and not be envious of others? This article looks at the work of the sons of Kohath, sons of Merari, and sons of Gershon. We can learn from them to be content with what we do.
The Rise of Digital Technologies and the Decline of Reading
Did technology destroy the culture of reading? What do you think? Let the article share some insights on this.
The Duty of Moderation
In an age of consumerism, Christians need to exercise moderation. This article explains the virtue and duty of moderation.
How Can I Best Learn from the Internet?
The Church in a Technological Culture
Can Anything Good Come From WWW-Land?
The Value of Spiritual Biography
Biography: A 'How To' Guide
The View from Your Room
Christianity and Copyright in New Zealand
The Cross of Christ
Can the symbol of the cross be worn or used in church? This article gives seven reasons against the use of the symbol of the cross and the wearing of the cross.
Poor Prose is Poor Theology
The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age: Wrath
This article looks at the seven deadly sins in the context of our digital age. The use of social media frequently provides an outlet for the sin of wrath and anger.
The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age: An Introduction
This article is the introduction to a series of articles on the seven deadly sins in the context of our digital age. The author looks at various challenges that arise from the use of technology.
The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age: Gluttony
This article looks at the seven deadly sins in the context of our digital age. The author of this article describes digital gluttony that occurs with the overuse of social media.
What Every Parent Should Know About the Internet - Google Knows Everything
Are Images of Christ Sinful?
Can one make an image of Christ? In this article the author looks at the second commandment and the implication it has on making an image of Christ. While agreeing that it would be wrong to worship an image of God or Christ, the author does not agree that the Bible forbids making images of Christ or portraying the character of Christ in a movie.
Looking for God in William Paul Young's The Shack – A Book Review
More Time for Service to the King
Risk Management
This article on risk management, looks at danger and the providence of God, and our calling in risk situations.
Embracing the Pain of Shame
Real Heroes
As We Age
You May Say I'm a Dreamer
When Someone You Admire Does Something Disgusting
How should you react when someone you admire has committe a public sin? This article offers some advice.
What Should We Do with Books by Fallen Leaders?
When Christian leaders fall, the church can take measures to discipline them and remove them from their position of service. However, what should happen to books of fallen leaders? Can you promote or buy books of fallen Christian leaders? These are the questions this article grapples with.
Evangelicals and the Ethics of Information Technology
How important is information technology, and what should a good Christian ethic of information look like? Access to and use of information has become central to modern societies. Computers are pervasive. The gain and use of information have become a major life skill. What should a Christian life look like in the midst of an information-processing society? This article weighs in.
Don't Get Blogged Down!
Yoga Exercises for Christians?
Why We Should Read the Pilgrim’s Progress
Literature and the Christian
Harry Potter and the Quest for Virtue
The Harry Potter books of J K Rowling have caused controversy among Christians. Andrew Goddard argues that the books offer a fascinating and helpful series of ethical insights, for example with regards to the use of power, rules and moral formation.
The Harry Potter Debate
Margaret Masson offers a brief comment on the wider debate the Harry Potter books of J K Rowling have aroused among evangelical Christians. She argues that much of the negative reaction to the stories is misplaced, and that the moral universe they contain is fundamentally sympathetic to a Christian understanding.
Prophetic Individuality
The idea of the individual has long been central in most societies. This article looks at the role and place of the individual and individualism in the Bible. In the Old Testament, the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah emphasize the importance of the individual, highlighting that each individual is accountable for his own sin. This article discusses prophetic individuality as a recurring theme in Scripture, which finds its fulfillment in Christ as the One that died for the whole people.