Whatever Happened to God?
The article deals with the deficiency that the author sees as appearing in most church worship and in the lives of believers today. These deficiencies include lack of proper doctrinal teaching such as on the doctrine of God, and substitution of useful teaching with increased attention to information that comes through television.
The Christian and the TV
Promoting Sexual Purity: Is the Television a Friend or Foe?
Old Opium Meets the New
Looking at television and its impact on culture, this article shows that culture is never value-neutral. Television has produced a celebrity culture, and this in turn has impacted Christians. This article warns the church from taking the path of culture syncretism, as did the Roman Catholic Church.
Television and the Christian
Taming Television Can it be Done?
Televangelism and Media Literacy
TV at Fifty: Cause for Celebration or Concern?
"No Base Thing"
Covenant Responsibilities For the Mother of Young Children
Cafeteria Christianity
TV or not TV? That is the Question!
Christians can Watch very Little Television
Television and the Internet in the 21st Century
The Word is Worth a Thousand Pictures Living the Word in the Age of Television
Television: The Children Speak
This article is about the influence of television.