Western Ideas: Secular Humanism
For Christians to understand the times they live in, it is important to understand the history of ideas that shapes their culture. Here focus is given to humanism. The author explains the nature of its worldview, the intolerance it displays, and how Christians should respond to it.
Humanism Vs. Protestant Reformed Teachers: No R & R (Part 3)
The biggest threat facing Christian education is the influence of humanism. Why is it a threat? It is because at the core of humanism is the belief that man is the measure of all things. This article shows that to face this enemy, the Christian teacher has been given faith, Scripture and the covenant as tools.
Humanism Vs. Protestant Reformed Teachers: No R & R (Part 2)
This article explains that a big challenge facing Christian school teachers is the influence of humanism on students, parents, and teachers themselves.
Humanism Vs. Protestant Reformed Teachers: No R & R (Part 1)
The biggest threat facing Christian education is the influence of humanism. Why is it a threat? At the core of humanism is the belief that man is the measure of all things. Looking at the Humanist Manifesto, this article gives five characteristic of humanism.
Christian Humanism
The author sees Christian humanism as an appreciation of the dignity of man as created by God. Restoration of that dignity is only through redemption in Jesus Christ. This essay focuses on the essentials of a Christian humanism.
The Bible and the Authority of Reason
Humanism appeals to reason as its authority while Christianity appeals to Scripture as its authority. Can Christians appeals to reason? This article answers this question by looking at the authority of reason in religion, in Protestant theology, and in the Scriptures.
Speaking God’s Truth without Compromise
A Rising Tide of Persecution
Secular Humanism Is a Religion
This article defines humanism as a religion, with secular education as its tool.
Standing in the Shadow of Dawkins
Humanism and atheism pose a great challenge to Christians in our age. One of the biggest instruments of these movements is education. This article is geared to helping Christians understand what is happening within the world of education - especially tertiary education. It also gives ways in which to stand against prophets of atheism such as Richard Dawkins.