Gods View of Time
Redeeming Practice
We all have 24 hours a day. How can you use your time wisely? Follow these suggested three practices for redeeming the time.
How to be a Good Steward of Your Time
God Is Self-Existent, Self-Sufficient, Eternal School of Theology Series: Lecture 9
Timeless Truth It is Always Timely for Christians to Contemplate Eternity
Of Burner Phones and Busy Lives: Making the Best Use of Time
How can you make the best use of your time? Based on Ephesians 5:15-16 this article explains that you can redeem the time by purchasing, protecting, positioning, and profiting from time.
Time ... And What to Do with It
5 Things You Can Give to God Every Day
The heart of productivity is glorifying God by serving others. It is giving back to him what he has entrusted to each of us. This article explains that there are five things you can give to God: gifts, talents, time, energy, and enthusiasm.
Redeem Your Time (8 Rules for Growing in Godliness)
Do you desire to grow in godliness? This article explains that growing in godliness is linked with the use of time. Practice the stewardship of time.
Redeem Your Time
Time is a gift from God. Therefore, our use of time matters to him. This article explains how Christians can redeem the time and avoid wasting it.
Its About Time Worldview and the Clock
How We Spend Leisure Time
The Wise Woman Builds Her House… Time Management as a Homemaker
Redeeming the Time
Don't Get Blogged Down!
Time and Eternity
Managing Our Time
How do you spend your time? Working from Ephesians 5:15-17, this article shows that Christians have an obligation to manage their time wisely. The author provides practical time management tips.
The Dawn of Otherness
This article discusses the concept of time in relation to the eternity of God and creation.
Training Our Children to be Best Stewards of Christ
How can parents best train their children to be stewards of Christ? Parents should first confess that all we have is from God. They should also acknowledge that personal sin and the materialism of this world hinder Christian stewardship. Working from this, parents should train their children to be stewards of their money, time, abilities and opportunities.
Royal Children: Redeeming the Time
This article is about being stewards of our time. The author shares some methods of time management and how to make the most of your work, family, and recreational time.