Ears to Hear: The Need for Preaching
Preaching the Gospel to Sinners
Reformed Evangelism: "Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel"
On the Reading of Two Books
Hard Questions: Predestination and the Gospel
Does predestination hinder the evangelism to all men? This article answers this question by highlighting that the gospel is to be preached to all, and through this preaching God calls those He elected to eternal life.
Is there a Gospel Offer ?
Calvin and the Free Offer
Preaching the Gospel with TULIP's Tricky "L" in Mind
Can one believe in limited atonement and maintain that the preaching of the gospel is for all to hear? Yes, answers the article. Limited atonement does not hinder the offer of the gospel.
Preaching and the Doctrine of Election
What is the relationship between preaching and the doctrine of election? This article explores the matter, and reveals how election in fact helps preaching.
Unconditional Election
As the author carefully explains what is entailed in the doctrine of unconditional election, he also attempts to answer the following question: how can believers say that the gospel must be preached in all the world, that men must be born again of the Spirit through the preaching of the gospel, and at the same time hold on to the doctrine of the election?