The Heart of Holy Communion
What is the "Great Prayer of Thanksgiving"? What is the significance of this "Eucharistic prayer" for Reformed worship? This article reflects on this central prayer in the celebration of Holy Communion.
What is the "Great Prayer of Thanksgiving"? What is the significance of this "Eucharistic prayer" for Reformed worship? This article reflects on this central prayer in the celebration of Holy Communion.
This article reflects on different practices in celebration of the Lord's Supper as part of public worship.
In most Reformed and Presbyterian churches, the Lord's Supper is celebrated infrequently—usually four to six times a year. This article reflects on this practice and considers the benefit of a more frequent celebration.
Is home communion an acceptable practice? This article considers the practice of home communion for the sick and shut-ins.
Do you know where the baptismal font is in your church? The article reflects on the importance of baptism as sacrament that reminds believers of their bond with God.
The practice of intinction is the dipping of the bread into the wine and then consuming both together at the Lord's Supper. This article makes the case why this practice should not be followed, in light of the instruction of the Lord Jesus.
This is the second part of an article that offers service plans for celebrating the Lord's Supper throughout the church year.
This article offers resources for the preparation of the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
The liturgical form for the celebration of the Lord's Supper includes the call to "discern the body" (1 Corinthians 11). This article reflects on the significance of this biblical call for the way a church celebrates the Lord's Supper.
This article offers support for worship planning by providing six service plans for celebrating the Lord's Supper throughout the church year.
How often should communion be celebrated in communal worship? This article reflects on one church's experiment with weekly communion.
Each congregation ought to reflect on how it celebrates communion. The way the elements are distributed should not be out of custom or superstition, but for sound theological and pastoral reasons. This article surveys some of the practices in the time of the Reformation.
This article considers six important themes that reflect the significance of the celebration of the Lord's Supper: remembrance, proclamation, fellowship, self-examination, thanksgiving, expectation.
Baptism should be a momentous experience for the family, for the person (when an adult or older child is baptized), and for the congregation, who are not just witnesses but participants in this sacrament. This article considers baptism as a celebration to be remembered.
The Church Order of Dort (1618) calls for Christmas Communion. This article reflects on the old tradition of celebrating communion during the Christmas season.
This article traces the history of Easter baptism in the church and urges Western Christians to reexamine and perhaps reform their own baptismal customs.
This article reflects on how the prayer at the communion table when celebrating the Lord's Supper cradles the church's central, basic affirmations concerning the knowledge of God, the person and work of Christ, and the life and ministry of the church in the power of the Spirit.
This article wants to give encouragement to learn to cherish both preaching and the sacraments.