Fighting Error in the Church
Ten Misconceptions about the NT Canon: #7: "Christians Had No Basis to Distinguish Heresy from Orthodoxy until the Fourth Century"
Is it really true that Christians prior to the fourth century had no standard by which they could distinguish heresy from orthodoxy? This article offers reasons to doubt this claim. Christians would have had at least three solid guides as they navigated the doctrinal complexities of their faith: the Old Testament, core New Testament books, and the rule of faith.
The Making of a Heretic
This article discusses the matter of what exactly is a heresy, and how the Scriptures are the final authority on what is and is not heresy.
When Does Error Become Heresy?
This article seeks to show when theological error becomes heresy. It explains what are the fundamental doctrines of Christianity, and the distinctions therein between error and heresy.
Why You Shouldn’t Call That False Teaching a Heresy
When can you declare a teaching to be heresy or a person to be a heretic? This depends on understanding the difference between heresy, orthodoxy, and heterodoxy, which the article fleshes out.
A Diagnosis
The author discusses the evils of error, heresy, ignorance, and dissension that can be found in the church. As far as error is concerned, the author is convinced that no one hardly lives without error of some kind.
The Battle against Heresy
The church is called to stand against heretical teachings. What is heresy? This article gives a definition and shows that at the root of heresy is the work of Satan.
Development and Diversity in Early Christianity
Recent studies have recast our understanding of Roman religion and led us to appreciate both its diversity and unity.
Christian Communities in Western Asia Minor into the Early Second Century: Ignatius and Others as Witnesses against Bauer
This article is a critical confrontation with Walter Bauer’s book Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity. The author focuses in particular on what Bauer says about Christianity in Western Asia Minor.
The New Testament Definition of Heresy (or When Do Jesus and the Apostles Really Get Mad?)
What were the boundaries of the Christian faith? How is heresy discerned? Blomberg surveys the New Testament to ascertain what was deemed orthodox.
The Authority of Scripture and Apostolic Doctrine in Ignatius of Antioch
How did Ignatius of Antioch make use of Scripture, church tradition, and apostolic tradition to promote church unity and refute heresy?
Are We Taking Error Seriously?
The Value of the Creed Today for the Church Today
Just Bible Terms
Should we only use biblical terms in order to stop heresy and promote sound doctrine? This article maintains that since words are a means of communicating ideas, and ministers are called to explain and preach the word of God, ministers should be free to use terminology that will help in understanding biblical doctrine.
Listening to the Gaps
This article shows that another way of practicing Christian discernment is by listening to the gaps. Christians should take note of what is not said or affirmed in order to identify false teaching or heresy.
Orthodoxy Is A Response to Heresy: The Worth of Chalcedon
Looking at the Council of Chalcedon, this article shows how this council was able to clarify the Apollinarianism, Nestorianism, and the Eutychianism in the controversy on the human and divine nature of Christ. Though these heresies dated before Chalcedon, the author shows that heresy is necessary as it helps to advance orthodoxy.