A Personal Relationship with God?
A Personal Relationship with Jesus
Piety – A Foot Too High?
Heart Religion: A Missing Dimension
Piety as Biblical Reality
Communing with the Holy Spirit
This article outlines what communion with the Holy Spirit looks like, as well as its result.
The Believer and His Bible
This article shows that the most challenge facing believers today is not understanding the Bible, but believing it.
Communion Everybody is doing it ... But what exactly is it that we’re doing?
Jesus, My Friend
Jesus is described as a friend to believers. This relationship of friendship involves fellowship, communication, obedience, and holiness.
Personal Time With Father
Pleasing our Father
Communion with God
The Missing Ingredient
Personal Relationship Covenantally
Is There Only One Motivation for Obedience?
What should drive our sanctification? Is it our justification alone that should? This article suggests there are various kinds of motivations for obedience, including the rewards prepared and the joy available.
Spiritual Growth
A Call for Return to God's Attributes
When You've Failed, Lean on Jesus
Failure is a painful thing, and dealing with failure is even harder. This article explains in four ways that the best way to deal with failure is to lean on Jesus.
The Piety of John Calvin
John Calvin succinctly defined Christian piety as "that reverence joined with love of God which the knowledge of his benefits induces." Included in his many discussions on piety are terms such as faith, fear, reverence, love, and knowledge. The central themes of Calvin's piety were the honouring of God and being thankful to him. This article surveys Calvin's writings on piety and seeks to understand his view on the topic.
Practice Your Devotion
It is your private devotion that fuels your public reputation of godliness. This article explains that devotion is rooted in a relationship with the Lord. It then discusses ways of practicing your devotion.
How We Live for God's Glory
The Piety of John Calvin
To John Calvin, piety consisted of reverence for God motivated by love and rooted in a true knowledge of God. This article shows how Calvin developed this understanding of piety for the Christian life. Then it shows the implications for the church today.
Subjective Revelation
A Tale of Two Pieties Reformational Holiness
Puritan Writers Enrich the Modern Church
A Living Relation with God
Why God Tells Us He Delights in His Children
Loving God for Who He Is
God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in who He is.
Piety – Examples from History
A Breathing After God
The article offers a devotional study of a godly man's heart as it is supposed to pursue God and the goodness of God..
How Can We Know God?
From John 8:19-24 Jesus shows that the revelation of God is in him. This article argues this by pointing to the biblical evidence that the key to knowing God is knowing Jesus Christ.
Andrew Bonar and Fellowship with Christ
Christ – The Lover of Our Souls
In Need of Help
Why is it hard to admit that we need help? As this article explains, we tend to buy into two great lies, that we are autonomous and self-sufficient. The author explains what makes these lies so wrong, and how to pray for the Lord's help.