The Roman Catholic Philosophy of Labor, Industry and Society

For the most part, the understanding of the relationship between nature and grace is what shapes the Roman Catholic view of labour, industry and society. This article explains the basic principles of Roman Catholic social philosophy, the role of Aquinas and his influence based on his understanding of nature and grace in relation to work, and the Roman Catholic program for social action.

The Degradation of Work in Modern Society

Is work a necessary evil? This article examines three periods in history, the eotechnic medieval age, industrial revolution, and the age of automation characterized by mass production and capitalism. It shows how each period defined work in relation to God, the worker and his fellowman, and the nature of work as service. The modern approach to work of being separated from God has rendered work meaningless. How? Let the article explain…

Just a Job?

How do you view your daily job? As simply a necessary evil, a means to an end, or as a fulfillment of our cultural mandate? This article explains that a Christian ought to view his work as an opportunity to be a co-worker with God, for the glory of God and the service of the neighbour. The author points out three considerations that impact our choice of a career: our inclination, our aptitude, and the circumstances wherein we exist.