The Meaning of Work A Christian Perspective
Calling and Expectation
Three Things to Remember if You Want to Work as Unto the Lord
How do you work in such a way that your work is done unto the Lord? This article calls you to remember the purpose of work, your true authority, and where your satisfaction lies.
From Week-End to Weekend
Work as if Christ comes back tomorrow, plan as if he comes back in 100 years.
Work and Leisure
The Roman Catholic Philosophy of Labor, Industry and Society
The Degradation of Work in Modern Society
Daily Work, a Divine Calling
Two Ways to Turn Your Work into Worship
This article explains that you can turn work into worship, through honouring the Lord with love and submission in your work.
Just a Job?
Working Model God Works and So Must We — Striving to Be His Image
Work It Out Work Is Part of God’s Plan, So Make the Most of It
Work It Out Even in Heaven, we’ll do more than Luxuriate by the Pool
The Christian at Work
How Faith Affects Our Work
Redeeming Our Offices
The Gospel in the Daily Grind
How do you find purpose in working when your daily work is filled with seemingly mundane tasks? This article explains six ways in which you can learn to relate Christ and the gospel to your work.
Work and Purpose
Work is neither a curse nor a punishment. In fact, this article explains how work is a blessing, an opportunity to imitate God.
The Centrality of Everyday Work
Being a Christian in Today’s Work Environment
How Can I Know What Job God Has for Me to Do in This World?
Hope and Help in God’s Provision
What can we expect from God in regard to provision and our daily work? We can expect his guidance, provision, and blessing on our work.
Equipping Churches Connect Daily Work to Worship
How Does Human Work Connect to God’s Work?
How does human work connect to God's work? The article answers this question by looking at the cultural mandate, the great commission, and the great commandment.
Discerning God’s Guidance to a Particular Kind of Work
Does God guide people to particular types of work? He does, by way of Bible study, prayer, Christian community and individual reflection. How do you discern the guidance of God toward a particular kind of work? This article offers three major considerations for discerning God’s vocational guidance: the needs of the world, your own skills and gifts, and your truest desires.
Ten Key Points about Work in the Bible That Every Christian Should Know
Your work matters to God. If this is the case, how should you approach your work? This article offers ten key points about work in the Bible. These must shape your view of work.
How Many Hours Should Pastors Work?
The Curse of Work in Qoheleth: An Exposé of Genesis 3:17-19 in Ecclesiastes
Did Genesis 3:17-19 form the background to Ecclesiastes' evaluation of work? This article offers a literary-critical analysis of Genesis 3 and its relationship with Ecclesiastes, and explores the theological implications of Genesis 3:17-19 in Ecclesiastes.
Why Work?
Do you ever ask why you work? What is your attitude to your daily task? This article offers five reasons from the New Testament why the Christian works.
Work: The Big Picture Unfolds
This article looks at the subject of work. It considers what the coming of Jesus Christ means for our daily work. What is the nature of Christ's dominion, and how do we share in it?
Work: The Big Picture
This article looks at the subject of work. It begins by looking at what work meant for Adam before and after the fall. Then it jumps ahead to the time of Solomon, and looks at his insights in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
British Evangelicals and the Problem of Work
How is work to be viewed? How do we evaluate the work done by either believers or unbelievers? This article argues that there is an uncomfortable relationship between British evangelicals and ordinary work, and wants to understand the reasons for this state of affairs. It also wants to point a way forward for a better development of a theology of work. This article focuses on the work done by unbelievers in the context of common grace.
Ephesians 6:5-9 – Working Well
What should be the Christian attitude towards work? Ephesians 6:5-9 informs Christians that they make a statement about the gospel by what they do and how they behave in their workplace.
Wait for Payday!
Christians are not only required to work, but they are also to work with goodwill, as we read from Ephesians 6:6-7. What does it mean? It means that if you are working for a business, you should want that business to succeed and do everything you can to make that happen. The article explains.
Thank God for Your Job (Doesn't Matter What Your Job Is!)
Are you thankful for the job you have? There are five reasons that should make you thankful for your work.
Pursue Your Vocation
Work Matters – Created to Work
The author wants to portray work and employment as a God-given calling. Work is not a punishment, but rather a gift from God to exercise a meaningful contribution in God’s creation. Man is called to work with a stewardship posture.
How We Work as Christians
Creativity and the Value of Work
What defines a man? This article looks at the relationship between identity, creativity, and work to answer this question.
How Then Should We Work? Rediscovering the Biblical Doctrine of Work
To the Reformers all labour was accepted as a calling and performed as unto the Lord. This article maps the path that led the church to embrace the dualistic view of life and forget the implications of the priesthood of all believers. It shows that embracing the call to follow Christ is foundational to understand the theology of work. This is how the church can recover the biblical truth of vocation.
Calling in the Theology of Work
Three Exemplary Jesus Practices about Money and Work
Examining Jesus’ Inclusion of Work Roles in his Parables
Christians are called to full-time Christian service. This article argues for this by looking at the role of work in the life and teaching of Jesus.
Off to Work? Don’t Forget Your Doctrine
Sow Your Seed
"Work with Your Hands"
Work as a Sacred Job
What is the Reformed Christian Worldview Concerning Work and Education?
Enjoying Our Work
Little Upon the Earth, But Exceeding Wise
God's glory shines through His creation. This article draws lessons from God's small creations. Ants and bees teach the church the need to work, and to work for the benefit of the church. The best lessons on building church life can be learned from the ants of Proverbs 6.
Ecclesiastes 2 - Discerning the Good in the Activity of Life (2)
This is an article on Ecclesiastes 2. God created man in such a way that man can find joy and fulfillment in his labor as it relates to God. Since the Fall, man’s work has become empty, because man has made his labor an end in itself. Here the author discusses the true way of finding joy in one’s labor.
Ecclesiastes 2 - Discerning the Good in the Activity of Life (1)
This is an article on Ecclesiastes 2. God created man in such a way that man can find joy and fulfillment in his labor as it relates to God. Since the Fall, man’s work has become empty, because man has made his labor an end in itself. Here the author discusses the true way of finding joy in one’s labor.
Boys, Young Men, and Men
The Congregation’s Support of Her Diaconate (4): The Implications for Our Daily Life
The church of Jesus Christ must supply her deacons with that which they need to do their work. This call has implications for the daily life of the believer. First of all, the believer must work as a means to generate a living so that support from deacons is not needed. The beliver is also called to share from this income with the poor. Secondly, this call affects one’s stewardship.
Sharpening the Blade
1 Corinthians 15:58 - Abounding in the Work of the Lord
Numbers 11:29 - All the LORD'S People Receive His Spirit
Forgive Me Lord, I am a Martha
God's Stewards - at Work and at Play
Isaiah 28:26 – Farmers, City Dwellers and Others: Pupils of God
1 Chronicles 2:16 - David and the Sons of Zeruiah
Work: Curse or Calling?
The Christian and work - Part 1
In these articles about the Christian and work, the author focuses on labour, laziness, idleness and rest. The relation of work and sustenance and charity is also mentioned. The author also discusses our career from a Christian viewpoint, as a divine vocation. What is the purpose of work?
Christians and Sports
God's Will and the Duration of Our Work
God's Stewards – At Work and at Play
Play vs Sport, Work
Genesis 2:3 - Our World: A Home or Prison?
Seeing the Good in Your Work
To Choose a Career - How Does One do It?
Work and Leisure
Hebrews 2:14-15 - Liberated from the Fear of Death
The Need for the Right Focus
John 14:12-13 - Greater Works than Jesus'
The Economists of the Reformation
Lord-Focused Living at Work
All our work should be done as work for Christ (Ephesians 6:8). We don't do it to please men. The result is that our first thought in all our work will be: How can I honor God in what I am doing?