Evangelism and the Church
Seven Concerns for Young Churches and Their Leaders
What are the challenges for young churches and young leaders? This article explains seven challenges.
Culture Shock: Redefining the Relationship between Church and Mission Now That We've Lost the Home-Field Advantage
This article draws attention to the fundamental shift taking place within most Western cultures: North America and Europe are now viewed as a mission field, This shift is requiring churches to make substantial adjustments in both their self-understanding and their ministries. The implications of this shift for the church—from having a church-shaped mission to being a mission-shaped church—is explored.
The God-Appointed Agent of Evangelism
God uses the church, both its leadership and its members, as his agent of evangelism.
Reaching Out
The Spiritual Condition of the Evangelizing Church
This article is about the church's task to evangelize, and looks at Acts 2:42-47 and other texts in Acts. It also talks about church growth, and the importance of God's blessing in our work of evangelism.
Missionaries and the Local Church Partners in the Gospel
A Humble effort to Promote Local Evangelism - What Changes are Needed?
This article is about the local church and missions. This article looks at the missionary, but also at the witness of the normal Christian.
The Bible and Church Planting Proposition: We Should Provide Regular Supervision and Support for the Young Churches we have Started
Calling the Nations to Praise
A Missionary Congregation
"Do the Work of an Evangelist"
The Task of Missions
A Call to Evangelism
A Plea for Fishing
What is the essence of missions and evangelism? This article is about inactivity in missions and evangelism.
Nine Evangelistic Questions Pastors Ought to Ask of Themselves
Are you leading your church in evangelism? Here are nine questions you need to ask yourself as a pastor to determine your evangelistic focus.
How to Engage the Culture without Losing the Gospel
Through questions and answers, this article discusses the challenging question of how the church can engage the culture without losing the gospel.
Six Ways to Strengthen Evangelism in Your Church
How can your church can engage better in evangelism? Here are six ways you can use to strengthen evangelism in your church.
Ten Welcome Center Problems
Many ways of welcoming church visitors do not work. This article discusses ten problems with welcome centres.
Twelve Ways Churches "Welcome Guests"
Welcoming church guests can make a great difference. What are ways you can welcome church visitors? This article offers twelve ways.
Twelve Marks of Bad Church Websites
A church website plays a role in making the church known. This article outlines twelve marks of bad church websites.
Leading a Church to Be Evangelistic
The church is called to engage in discipleship. How can you make your church evangelistic? This article explains five steps you need to take to get your church engaged in evangelism.
Four Steps to Leading Your Church to Be Evangelistic
Did you know you can help your church engage in evangelism? Here are four strategies for evangelism you can use to help your church be evangelistically driven.
Do Visitors to Your Church Really Feel Welcome?
What does welcoming visitors in your church look like? This article provides five guidelines to consider in striving to make church visitors feel welcome.
Building a Church Planting Culture in Your Church
How do you encourage your church to be involved in church planting? This article shares four ideas you can use to build a church planting culture in your church.
Do New Members Have to Adjust Themselves to Our Reformed Ways, or Do We Have to Adjust Our Church Life to Them?
All We Have to Do Is "Sow the Seed"; It Is None of Our Business Whether It Bears Fruit; Harvest Time Comes Later
Should Not, in This Time of Apostasy, the True Church Rather "Repel" Others Instead of "Attracting" Them?
Should We Not First Have a Good, Reformed, Theory on Evangelism before We Practice It?
What Should We Aim At: "Saving Souls" or "Building the Church"?
What Should Have Priority: Either Home Mission or Foreign Mission?
Is Home Mission the Task, Either of the Special Offices or the General Membership?
Organized for Action in Evangelism
"Instructors" and "Frontsoldiers" in Evangelism
Your Church And Mission: What, How, Why
The Challenges and Blessings of Church Plants
Ready to Give Answers
The Primacy of Preaching in Church Planting
The Case for Church Planting
Reflections of a Church Planter
Are you thinking about being a church planter? These are three things that can help you in your consideration of church planting: God's Word, evangelism, and shepherding.
The Missionary Church in Antioch
The Culture We Need
Spiritual Leadership in Church Planting
A Model Minister Like Paul, we should Honour a Prayerful Church Planter and Pastor
The Church Needs More Tattoos
What do tattoos have to do with the church? Maybe the question should be, what does evangelism have to do with a sinner? The article considers these questions.
Mission Preaching in the Established Church: The Gospel Service
Mission preaching is bringing the message God wants an unconverted person to hear. This article explains the need for and role of a special service in the established church, for the purpose of preaching to those who are outside the kingdom.
An Evangelistic Dream
This article discusses church planting. It presents three models of church planting, namely, that of the mother-daughter church, the home fellowship/Bible study group, and the "apostolic" church planter. It also presents the profile of a church planter.
The Congregation’s Role in Evangelism
Evangelism should be the work of the whole congregation. To carry out this responsibility the church must be enabled by the Holy Spirit and equipped by the office bearers.
Hindrances to Evangelism in Reformed Congregations
Understanding the Times
The Local Church and Evangelism
Christ entrusted evangelism to the local church. To argue this point the article looks at evangelism as defined in the New Testament, the theological foundation of evangelism, the church as the agent of evangelism, preaching as the chief instrument of the church’s evangelism. and the local church's communication of the gospel.
Being a Missionary Church God, the Church, and the World
Harvesters Needed
Paul's Method of Evangelism
Organized Evangelism: A Controversial Matter
How to Reach Out?
Local Church Evangelism
Evangelism: The Church’s Missionary Presence in the World
This article is about three aspects of evangelism and the evangelistic effort: Church, committees and the Christian.
The Necessity of Evangelism
This article is about the place of the church in evangelism, and the necessity for the church to see this calling.
The Case for Rural Ministry and Church-Planting
The Centrifugal Church
This article provides some encouragements for church leaders and members to help cultivate an evangelistic culture in the local church, with a view to compelling believers to engage with the unbelieving world.
Moving Forward on Mission Together
Where should you start as a church when reaching out to the community and discipling others with the gospel? This article presents five sets of questions to help you asseess your community, and then discusses what you are to do with your answers to the questions.
The Local Church and Evangelism
The author defines biblical evangelism as the task of the local church, and is something built upon a dynamic theology, a dynamic local church, and the dynamic preaching of the Scriptures.
Missional Church
A church that is adapting and reformulating everything it did in worship, discipleship, community, and service in order to be engaged with the society around it is a missional church.
Outreach - Where Church and Community Intersect
Looking at the gifts, interests and passions of each church member can be the key to identifying opportunities for witnessing. One must understand the community in which the church is situated as well as the gifts of church members in order to practice effective evangelism.
Mission Outreach by Every Congregation
Mission work is undertaken by the church as a response of faith to God and with the expectation of blessings from God. Therefore, those doing mission work should give priority to the preaching of God's word, and leave the outcome in God's hands.
A Passion for Missions in the Men Who Stay
Churches need to be much more aware of their missionary calling. What is the task of those believers who are not on the mission field? This article is an exhortation for believers to find ways to be involved in this work.
Authentic, Strategic, and Confessional Church Planting
How do you plant a church? Reformed church planting must be authentic, strategic and confessional.
Bring Them In: Three Models for Evangelism through Worship
Real, authentic biblical worship is at its core a celebration of the living, dying, and rising of Christ. This article reflects upon models for evangelism through worship.
Imitation of Paul and the Church's Missionary Role in 1 Corinthians
What did it mean for the church in Corinth whom Paul founded to imitate Paul? Was the apostle encouraging the local church in 1 Corinthians to get involved in active missionary work? Did the imitation include a call to his readers to imitate him in evangelism?