I Want to Walk Free, but I Still Hear the Chains Rattling
This article is about different forms of legalism and our christian freedom. The author also discusses salvation and our good works, the relation of law and gospel, and the perseverance of the believer.
Playing Fast and Loose with the "L" Word
This article shows that legalism is not the same as obedience, with a view to explaining that law-keeping is not grounds for the accusation of legalism.
Why Your Morality Will Never Be Enough for God
Why is it that your good works and obedience to the law cannot make you righteous before God? The law requires love. Thankfully, the law leads the sinner to Christ, who alone can save, and change hearts to love God.
Why Legalism Destroys Churches and Kills Christians
This article describes legalism and how it is alive and well in churches still today. It explains the value of the law, but also its limitations.
Salvation Is All of Grace yet I Must...
Shooing Away the Legalism Boogeyman
Ever been called a legalist, or called someone that? This article considers five all-too-common legalism charges that are unfounded.
The Surprising Truth about Legalism
At its root, legalism is the failure to see the generosity of God and his wise and loving plans for us. Legalism is rooted in a distorted view of God as the giver of his law. This is what the article helpfully explains, by using the first sin in Paradise as proof.
Legalism vs. Liberty
Legalism is a Real Problem
This article shows that legalism is a problem that confronts both justification and sanctification, and needs to be addressed in a balanced way.
What Would Paul Say About... "Avis Theology"?
This article looks at the prevelance of the teaching of moralism in the evangelical church. Using the example of the Avis Car Rental company's slogan "We try harder", the author discusses the dangers of preaching moralism. This teaching undermines the sufficiency of Christ, changing the biblical meanings of justification and sanctification.
Legalism: The Perennial Hearsay
Ethnocentric Legalism and the Justification of the Individual: Rethinking Some New Perspective Assumptions
According to this article, a shift has occurred in how justification is viewed. The rise of the so-called New Perspective on Paul led to justification being viewed more in corporate terms. What is the place of the individual in Paul's view of justification? Hassler believes that the case that Paul was not really interested in “inner tensions of individual souls and consciences” has been overstated.