Shedding Light on the Prayer for Illumination
This article considers the function and meaning of the prayer for illumination during a worship service.
The Prayers of a Worship Leader
Leading in congregational prayer is an important yet challenging task for the pastor. This article suggests five priorities for the pastor as he prepares for public prayer.
Priestly Prayers – Intercessions for the Church and World
What should be included in the prayer of intercession in the worship service? This article reflects on the appropriateness of a prayer for the world during worship.
Prayers: Carefully Written or Spontaneous
A frequently debated question on public worship is, Which are more appropriate in the worship service—free prayers or set prayers? This article reflects on the place of spontaneous and formal prayers in worship.
Directions on Prayer
A Guide to Reformed Worship – Congregational Prayer
Pulpit Prayer: An Area of Concern
Praying in Public Worship
The Praying Elder and the Worship Service
The Ministry of Intercession
Come, Let Us Bow Down: Reflections on Kneeling
Why do Christians in most Reformed and Presbyterian churches not kneel during prayer? In this article Abraham Kuyper explains that kneeling was still customary as late as 1618, at the Synod of Dort.
A Room for Prayer
This article considers how a room for prayer can be used to encourage a congregation to pray before and after worship services.
A Praying Congregation: The Ministry of Prayer
Congregational Prayer
Congregational prayer is part of the worship of God’s people, so it must receive proper attention. This article looks at the role of the minister and congregation in congregational prayer.
Thirteen Tips for Leading the Congregation in Prayer
Congregational prayer is part of the church's worship. How can you prepare for public prayer? This article gives thirteen tips for leading a congregation in prayer.
A Sacrifice of Love
Corporate prayer is essential to the life of the church and believer. It expresses oneness, love, and sacrifice; it is a way of remembrance. Through corporate prayer we follow in the footsteps of those who went before us.
The Congregational Prayer in the Worship Service
Preaching and Public Prayer
Why Pray "The Lord’s Prayer"?
John Knox and Public Prayer
If prayer is speaking to God in His own words, then this should shape the way public prayer is done. This was the concern of John Knox as he sought the reformation of worship. This article shows Knox's contribution to the structuring of public prayer and prayer during and after the Lord's Supper.
O Come Let Us Worship (8b): The People of God Humbled and Healed - The Element of Prayer
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at the importance of prayer in corporate worship. This prayer is guided by an understanding of God as the covenant God. Within the covenant God reveals Himself as a personal God, a promise-keeping God, and a holy and merciful God. This character of God shapes the response of God's people in prayer. The author of this article discusses what the character, content, and goal of such prayer should be.
O Come Let Us Worship (8a) - The People of God Humbled and Healed
This series of articles is about the elements of the worship service. Here the author looks at the importance of prayer in corporate worship. This prayer is guided by an understanding of God as the covenant God. Within the covenant God reveals Himself as a personal God, a promise-keeping God, and a holy and merciful God. This character of God shapes the response of God's people in prayer. The author of this article discusses what the character, content, and goal of such prayer should be.
Congregational Prayer
This article on congregational prayer is about public prayer in the church. This article looks at the minister in public prayer in the public worship service. The Scripture passage 1 Timothy 2:1 is also discussed.
Is Prayer in the Worship Service the Work of the Pastor?
Name(s) above All Names: Enriching Our Ways of Addressing God
How can our prayers reflect the awe, wonder, privilege, honour, and delight we have in meeting our Lord in prayer? This article provides a number of the different names of God found in Scripture, with a view to us enriching our ways of addressing God in prayer.
Prayer in Worship
Bathed in Prayer: The Only Way to Prepare and Praise
This article reflects on how public prayer and the praise of the congregation go hand in hand.
Public Prayer: Leading & Following
World Communion Sunday – A Service of Confession
This article reflects on the function of the prayer of confession in the worship service.
Leading in Public Prayer
This article touches on the purpose of prayer in the worship service.