Man's Rage, God's Praise
This article is an exposition of Psalm 76. As such, it has some remarks on the wrath of God.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 76. As such, it has some remarks on the wrath of God.
Are you afraid of dying? This is the question this article asks, with the purpose of bringing a scriptural view of dying without fear of death. Reference is made to 1 John 5:13, John 3:14-18, and Psalm 23:4.
This article is a consideration of Psalm 1.
This article shows how Christ appears in the Psalms. It speaks of typical Messianic psalms, directly predictive psalms, mystically Messianic psalms, psalms of trust in Christ, and creation/new creation Messianic psalms.
This article considers the first words of Psalm 1, which hold out great blessing and lasting happiness. It considers who really is this blessed man, and the answer can only be: Jesus Christ. And yet the article holds out how we can be blessed.
This essay considers the intent of redaction criticism in the book of Psalms, and in particular the first three books of the Psalter. How important is the agenda of the editor of the Psalter and what are the principles that govern the arrangement of the Psalms within the book as a whole? Walton evaluates the contribution of Gerald Wilson.
Very often the book of Psalms is seen as a random collection of individual poems on a variety of topics. This framework assures very little to no awareness exists of a comprehension of the book’s total message, specific emphases, or any flow of the book’s structure and theology. Taking into account the structure of the book of Psalms as a whole makes significant contributions to the interpretive process. In the Introduction these points are expanded upon by Robertson.
This essay considers the textual criticism principles applied in the New International Version translation of the book of Psalms, and provides a critical assessment.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 3.
This article weighs in on the matter of self-injury through cutting, and suggests adding Psalm 23 to one's resources in dealing with self-injurers.
With Psalm 23 as its framework, this article reflects on the work of the pastor.
Depression and thoughts of suicide are realities in which Christians can find themselves. Looking at Psalm 88, this article shows how Christ understands the reality of depression and how his grace can reach those battling with it.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 4.
Goldingay argues that apparent ambiguities at the beginning of Psalm 4 can be resolved and become clear by reading the latter part of the psalm. He compares the reading of this psalm with the understanding of a sentence, which cannot be done until we have reached the end of it.
What does it really mean when Psalm 20:4-5 says that God will grant the desires of his people's hearts? What does this have to do with the so-called problem of unanswered prayer? This article explains.
The author argues that Paul makes use of Psalm 68:18 in Ephesians 4:8. He notes the problems that are raised by Paul's use of the Psalm, the meaning of Psalm 68:18, and the exegetical principles Paul used when he referred to the psalm.
Psalm 72 celebrates the coming of the righteous and perfect king. This article gives notes and exegetical points for reading and understanding this psalm.
Why do we need to read the Bible? This article uses Psalm 119:105 for the justification for Bible reading.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 5.
This paper wants to trace the broad outline of the history of the book of Psalms in the canonical process in ancient Israel. The author argues that at least three stages in the canonical process can be identified.
What is a wisdom motif? This essay demonstrates how wisdom motifs from Psalm 1 are taken up and repeated in Psalm 112.
This article reflects on the New Testament's use of the Old. Kaiser argues that the Antiochene school can help in giving answers to current pressing problems in hermeneutics. He wants to demonstrate how the Antiocheme School would interpret Psalm 72.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 6.
How can poetry like the Psalms best be analyzed? One method is formal analysis as practiced by the Chicago Critics. This paper wants to give examples of such an analysis—(Psalm 1 and Psalm 51)—and try to determine what it can add to other existing methods of analysis.
Chiasm is a Hebrew literary device. This paper give illustrations of chiasims in the book of Psalms.
How does Semitic poetry function? The argument of the article is that many of the Psalms were written in a chiastic pattern.
Whole psalms can be in chiastic arrangement. This paper wants to illustrate from Psalms 1-50 that many psalms were consciously or unconsciously arranged in a chiastic pattern.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 7.
Young wants to account for the origin of Psalm 139.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 8.
In this chapter Wenham first gives a brief overview of the history of the use of the Psalms in congregational worship. He also discusses the specific impact of setting the words of the Psalms to music. Wenham further notes a secondary use of the Psalms, as a resource for private meditation and devotion. He suggests that the book of Psalms is a deliberately organized anthology designed for memorization.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 9.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 10.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 11.
How should psalms be interpreted? This article demonstrates the significance of both the form and the original cultic context or setting for the interpretation process, making use of Psalm 11 as an example. Bellinger believes it is best to read Psalm 11 as a lament demonstrating trust and expressing thanksgiving. in the context of a crisis.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 12.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 13.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 14.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 15.
This article considers Psalm 15 and shows how none but Christ himself meets the holy standards required to dwell in God's presence. Yet those in union with Christ can therefore abide with God as well.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 16.
This article exposits Psalm 17.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 18.
This article discusses Psalm 19 and the three books mentioned, that of the heavens, the law, and the conscience.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 20.
This article offers some expository notes on Psalm 21.
This article is an exposition of Psalm 21.
Jesus closes the parable of the wicked tenants (Matthew 21:33-46; Mark 12:1-12; Luke 20:9-19) by quoting Psalm 118:22. This article wants to give a fresh defense of the authenticity of the quotation. It gives a detailed exegetical analysis to support its defense.
Christians see Psalm 22 as concerned with the death of Jesus. Various aspects of Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross find parallels in this psalm. This article surveys these with a special focus on Psalm 22:16.
Approaching Scripture as literature is indispensable for exegesis. Exegesis is incomplete without proper attention being paid to the literary features of the biblical text. Adequate attention needs to be paid to matters of genre and form as well as of theology and history. This article is a study of Psalm 22, which takes all these aspects into consideration.