Let It Not Be Named Once
The author gives a vivid picture of the grim decline in sexual morals, especially in the United States, focusing mainly on the practice and tolerance of homosexuality.
The author gives a vivid picture of the grim decline in sexual morals, especially in the United States, focusing mainly on the practice and tolerance of homosexuality.
This article answers the question more often raised in the homosexual debate: were David and Jonathan lovers? What is the most faithful way to understand their close relationship described in 1 Samuel?
This article works through the charge against Christians that we pick and choose what Old Testament laws apply still today. Such a charge is often raised in the discussion over homosexuality. The author defends the view that the Old Testament is not a uniform landscape, but has a shape whose emphases and priorities are outlined and filled and fulfilled by Christ.
This article offers due consideration of several passages in Scripture that mention homosexuality: Genesis 19, Leviticus 18, Leviticus 20, Romans 1:18-32, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:8-10. Along the way the author often draws out the implications of the texts for our understanding of the issue. His conclusion is that Scripture forbids homosexual practices.
Various reasons are given to compel the church to accept homosexuality as normal, such as, "You must not judge, you must love others, you must forgive." This article evaluates these reasons, and shows that homosexuality is a sin.
This article lists ample reasons why any proposal for legalizing homosexual marriage should be opposed.
What should be the position of the church in relation to homosexuality or lesbianism?
This article is on the topic of homosexuality. The author states that homosexual behavior is sinful rebellion against the seventh commandment and, like living in other sins, results in exclusion from the kingdom of God. However, true repentance from a homosexual lifestyle results in forgiveness and justification. This article also discusses the biblical role and attitude of the church in relation to homosexuality.
Arguing from natural law is not sufficient for standing against homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The key reason gay marriage is wrong is wrong because God has declared it so.
This article discusses the relationship between genes and innate behaviour, using the issue of homosexuality as a key example. The author maintains that our genetic makeup does not mean that we are not responsible for our choices and our sin. The author also discusses living with our limitations, specifically in terms of disability.
This article about homosexuality first looks at the question: what does the Bible say about homosexuality? It then discusses how the church should deal with the place of homosexuals within its fellowship. Lastly it looks at homosexuality in society.
This is a statement drawn up by the Baptist General Conference concerning homosexuality and ministering to homosexual persons.
This letter about how to relate to a relative who is homosexual was written to a real person based on a real situation.
Homosexuality is not just a topic outside the church. Even in the church, there are those struggling with same-sex attraction. The question is, how does the church deal with those facing this struggle? This article offers five things the church can do.
Same-sex marriage and homosexuality have brought challenges to the church in thinking about marriage. This article answers ten challenges raised by the issue of same-sex marriage.
Is someone born a homosexual? This article discusses one of the arguments used to justify homosexuality—the idea of being born gay. It shows that homosexuality comes from distorted desires and a disorientation from God.
This article engages with the notion that the Lord Jesus never addressed homosexuality in his ministry. It shows among other things how this is an argument from silence, it rests upon special pleading, and all of Scripture is the Word of Christ.
This article explores the commentary of the Lord Jesus on homosexuality. Was he concerned about it or not?
This article carefully unravels several arguments made by the homosexual community regarding Scripture's commentary on homosexuality.
Homosexuality has gained popularity because it tells a story. Knowing the power of story is crucial to countering the spread of homosexuality. This article explains that Christians have a better story about sexuality, humanity, and marriage.
How should Christians relate to homosexuals? This article considers two fundamental things that must structure the way Christians relate to them: the reality of sin, and the victory in Christ.
This article explains that homosexuality is wrong because the Lord condemns and hates homosexual activity.
This article describes why the church must stand strong against the acceptance of homosexuality and maintain the biblical view that it is sin, while upholding the sanctity of marriage between a woman and a man.
This article refutes the arguments that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality and that homosexuality is not unnatural. The Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. The author also shows how the biological and medical studies in support of homosexuality fail to prove their case. Pointing to Christ as the true healer, this article calls for repentance.
This article is a beautiful story of the liberation of one person from homosexual desires through God's grace.
How should the church respond to the legalizing of same-sex marriage and homosexuality? The church must always proclaim the gospel and stand by its demands.
How should you respond to the news that your child is gay? Having a homosexual child should not lead to alienation, nor letting the child's orientation define the relationship. The article explains that this situation calls for you to encourage the same holiness in your child that you have been trying to do all along as a parent.
Why do some believe that homosexuality is not condemned in the Bible? This article evaluates three approaches that claim the Bible supports homosexuality, and shows how the church should respond.
Arguments for or against homosexuality often are based on the translation of specific passages in the Old Testament.
What is the meaning of "nature" in Romans 1:26-27? Does it refer to "what is natural to me"? This article wants to make a grammatical, historical, and contextual study of the word "nature" in this context and reflect on its significance for a homosexual lifestyle.
Looking at the early writings of Christians and non-Christians, this article shows how they can shed light on dealing with the issues of abortion and homosexuality.
This article responds to the notion that Christianity and homosexuality are not mutually exclusive. Some say that the word translated "homosexuals" does not refer to committed same-sex relationships but to abusive male-male relationships. This article provides a cogent refutation by Robert Gagnon.
This paper seeks to challenge the conviction that the Bible is obsolete when Christians seek for divine guidance in the matter of homosexuality. It re-examines some of the main texts and arguments commonly followed when the texts are applied. Texts considered include Genesis 19, Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9, and 1Timothy 1:10.
This article considers some of the fallacies about same-sex marriage. Some argue that marriage is only about individual rights, that marriage laws should not be discriminatory, and that same-sex marriage would benefit same-sex couples without adversely affecting society. These are evaluated, and therefore the truth of the problem is discussed.
Is the church really well-prepared and ready to face the challenge of a proper response to ethical issues like homosexuality? Relevant aspects of the role of social science, sexuality in general, and etiological studies are considered, focusing on family studies, physiological causes, and psychological causes.
This article is written against the background of a controversy within the Anglican Church in Australia. It makes use of two categories of theologies of homosexuality, the essentialist and constructionist. The constructionist category interprets sexuality within the relative framework and context of culture.
This article reviews six recent books on the topic of homosexuality: The Loyal Opposition - Struggling with the Church on Homosexuality, Homosexuality and Christian Faith: Questions of Conscience for the Churches, Homosexuality, Science, and the “Plain Sense” of Scripture,
This article discusses how the biblical teaching on homosexuality, from Leviticus 20:13, needs to be read in its historical and covenantal context in order to see that it does not permit violence against homosexuals. The article shows how this intersects with what the Quran teaches on the subject. It also discusses how capital punishment in the church has developed into excommunication.