Finding A Church: A Brief Guide for the Discriminating Worshiper
Believing Without Belonging To a Church?
Do You Take Care of the Body?
Why did God use the metaphor of the body to describe the church? This article looks at 1 Corinthians 12:12 to show how understanding this metaphor helps in finding your gifts.
Does Christ Teach You to Church Shop?
The Meaning of Membership and Church Accountability
Part of our calling as the family of Christ is to hold membership in a local church. This membership involves commitment to worship the Lord corporately, edifying brothers and sisters through mutual exhortation and service, cooperation in mission, and holding each other accountable to walk in a manner pleasing to the Lord.
Do We Need Church Membership in an Individualistic Society?
A Living Member
Belong: God Enjoins You
Is Church Membership Optional?
Is church membership optional? This article discusses reasons for joining a church, and the blessings that result from church membership. It makes clear that membership is not optional, but a necessity.
Why Join a Church?
This article provides some reasons why Christians need to be members of a church.
Why Church?
Why should Christians go to church? This article explains.
Jesus Loves His Church, So You Should Too
Who needs the local church when I can access sermons online? This article gets to the heart of the problem of thinking one does not need membership in the church. The church is the bride of Christ, and its very foundation is built upon the triune God. The Lord Jesus calls us to unity, which requires self-sacrifice.
The Church: Who Needs It?
"I Don't Want to Join the Church!"
This article is about the importance for Christians to become a member of the church through profession of faith.
Leaving a Church
This article speaks about people leaving a church and the reasons why they leave. It discusses the history of Martin Luther leaving the Roman Catholic Church, Dr. J. Gresham Machen leaving the Presbyterian Church, and Pastor Bill Hill leaving the Southern Presbyterian Church. In light of this history, the author comes to a conclusion about when it is appropriate and necessary to leave the church.
Do You Have To Go To Church To Be a Christian?
Do We Need Church Membership in an Individualistic Society?
Uncertainty – An Excuse for Inertia?
"Have it your way" syndrome
Where Will I Go to Church?
Living Members
Local Church Membership
Church Membership: Option or Command?
This article is about church membership. The author discusses the relation of church membership and baptism, the church as the body of Christ, and the oversight and discipline of the elders in the church.
The Fourth Membership Vow
This article is about church membership and the membership vows we take in the covenant community. Church discipline is also discussed.
Membership in the Local Church: A Biblical Perspective
Why the Church?
Membership: Serving God and One Another
How to Be a Profitable and Encouraging Church Member
How can you be a profitable church member? You can be so by praying for your church, serving others, and gathering with God's people in worship.
How to Choose a Good Church
What should you look for when looking for a church? This article identifies four things to look for.
Seven Reasons Young Men Raised in Church Still Struggle with Church
Why is it that some young men who are raised in the church struggle with their church membership? Here are seven reasons contributing to the struggle.
What to Do When It's Hard to Be Thankful for Your Church
Is it possible to give thanks for the church even when it does not seem to be possible? Yes. This article offers nine suggestions to try when you struggle to be thankful for your church.
Four Ways Paul Encourages Us to Love the Church (Even When It’s Hard)
Loving the church is not always easy. How can you continue to love the church? Here are four ways.
Can Christians Go to Church Online?
Is the watching of a worship service online considered attending church? This article explains the need for Christians to be members of the body of Christ and to physically attend church instead of going to church online.
Ten Reasons Why Church Members Just Sit
This article lists ten reasons why uninvolved members exist in churches.
Twelve Things to Watch and Listen for at Church This Weekend
How can you make your church attendance to be more than just a habit? Here are twelve things to consider for fruitful church attendance.
Ten Findings about Church Membership Classes
What are the important things to bear in mind when starting a church membership class? This article points to ten things you need to know.
Why Do People Object to the Concept of Membership in a Local Church?
Is church membership a must? This article addresses fourteen objections to church membership.
Ten Things You Should Know about Church Membership
Why is church membership important? Here are ten things you should know about church membership.
Ten Qualities to Look for When Choosing a Church
Are you searching for a church? What are the qualities of a church you must look for? This article presents ten qualities for your consideration.
Three Reasons Wandering from the Faith Begins with Wandering from the Church
Wandering from the faith begins by wandering from the church. A lack of church attendance, this article explains, is what cuts off reminders from God, develops self-reliance, and creates a gap.
A Conversation about Church Attendance
The Pastor's Second Most Important Book
Do you have your church membership directory book? Do you really need it? Here are five reasons your church membership directory is the second book you need, next to the Bible.
Rest in The Lord How to Combat Discouragement When Members Criticize and Leave the Church
Why Can’t I Find Real Community in the Church?
As a church member, do you experience an obstacle from enjoying true fellowship with others in your congregation? Real community church life can be experienced when we learn to crucify our dreams and commit ourselves. These are the basics of church membership.
Church Membership: Loving What Jesus Loves
Is church membership a must? This article explains that those who love Jesus love what he loves, namely, his church. Thus, church membership is expected of you.
The Members of the Church
A churchless Christian is a contradiction in terms. When you are a Christian, you have to be a member of the church. What does church membership look like? This article offers three points on the matter.
TV Church
Should Christians be members of the electronic church? This article explains that Christians are called to keep their church membership in a local church. TV church can only be a supplement for the Christian, for the Word of God and the nature of worship require this.
Profession of Faith and the Church
Church Attendance: Is It Important?
Do I Have to Go to Church to Be a Christian?
Can you be a faithful Christian without going to church? No. This article explains why church membership and church attendance are important.
Why You Still Need the Church Even if You Have Been Hurt by It
How should you respond when hurt by the church? Some have not only withdrawn their church membership they have given up on their Christianity. This article gives you three reasons why you need the church even if you were hurt by the church.
Three Reasons Why Every Christian Needs the Church
Every Christian must belong to a church. Why is church membership important? This article provides three reasons.
Do I Have to Join a Church to Be a Christian?
This article shows how to be a Christian is to be a church member. It shows that there are four elements cast aside when one does not belong to a local church.
When Should Pastors Let Members Leave?
This article discusses legitimate and illegitimate reasons for people leaving their church for another one. As it happens, there are far more illegitimate than legitimate reasons.
Membership Matters
How to Not Leave the Church
God’s Judgment
Ten Ways to Kill Community
Every church member is called to build the church of Christ. In order to be a living member of the church and participate in church building, you not only need to know how to build the church, you must also know how not to kill her. There are ten ways you can kill the church.
Prioritizing Church Attendance
Is church attendance important? This article explains that attending church is important because the gospel requires it.
The Theology of a Church Directory
Seven Reasons Why Faithful Church Attendance Matters
Does your church attendance have anything to say about your walk with Christ? This article gives seven reasons why attending the church every week matters.
Four Ways to Become a Role Player in Your Church
As a church member, you have a role to play in your church. This article shows how you can play your role among the church membership: through prayer, discipleship, evangelism, and celebrating each another.
Four Ways Every Member Can Strengthen Their Local Church
As a church member you have a role to play in strengthening the church. This article suggests four ways you can take on responsibility for your church.
When Your Spouse Won't Join a Solid Church
What is a believer to do when their spouse refuses church attendance? What is a godly wife to do when her husband refuses to join a solid church? What is a godly woman do when her husband forbids her from joining a solid church? This article offers a few thoughts for those who are in these difficult situations: we need to obey God rather than man, we are to respect our spouse, we are to be willing to be reproached for what is right, and we are to pray for the spiritual well-being of our spouse.
Joys of the Local Church
How many reasons for joy can you list for being part of a local church? This article offers a total of twenty-five!
Forty Reasons to Be Part of a Local Church
This article shows how often from the New Testament the command appears to live in some sense with other believers. These are all reasons for a Christian to have membership in a local church.
Five Benefits of a Well-Structured Small Group Ministry
Well-structured small groups Bible studies can be of great benefit to the church. They can be places to train and develop leaders. This article discusses five benefits of a well-structured small group ministry.
This article discusses the concept of church tramping, a description of people who move from one church to another for wrong reasons. It considers what should be done when such people seek after church membership in your local church.
Duties and Privileges of Church Members
This article is an address on the ins and outs of church membership.
Church Membership
Church membership is an obligation for those who profess Christ. This article shows that the Bible makes it clear that faith in Christ and membership in his church cannot be separated. Therefore, the question is not whether you must be a member, but to which church do you belong,
3 Quick Questions Before Quitting Your Church
Have you been praying for the people of your church, serving the people of your church, and been with the people of this church? These are the three questions before you consider withdrawing your church membership. Let the article explain them.
The Worst Consequence of Skipping Church
Are you planning to skip church this Sunday? Do you know the consequence of doing that? Looking at Hebrews 10:24-25, the article explains the consequence of not attending church.
Prioritize Your Church
You are not only required to maintain church membership; you must also prioritize your church. This will be possible if you can understand the purpose of the church. The article points to three ways you can prioritize your church.
How to Stop Going to Church - How to Start Going to Church
"The Communion of Saints"
A Tale of Two Pieties Reformational Holiness
Why Should I Join a Church?
Why should you join a church? From Matthew 16:18-19, this article shows that Christ's words about building His church causes church membership to be a requirement.
Join or Die? Addressing the Question of Church Membership
Church Membership in an Evil Age - Part 2
Church Membership in an Evil Age - Part 3
Church Membership in an Evil Age
These three articles looks at the importance and the responsibilities of church membership. The author also discusses the invisible church, membership of a denomination, the important place of truth in the church, and separation and apostasy from a church.
The Necessity of the Concept of the Church
Why Not Fitting in at Your Church Might Be a Good Thing
We tend to look for a church that has people like us. This article considers why not fitting in at your local church may be good for you.
Consumer Christianity Don’t Wait to be Served, Consider Yourself a Partner
Why Impostors Love the Church
Impostors in the church or wolves in the church: what attracts them? This article gives three possible reasons.
Ephesians 4:11-13 – Every Christian a Minister
This article explains how the task of ministry involves all members of the local church. It takes its cue from Ephesians 4:11-13.
Dead Wood
Christ's Unshepherded Sheep
Why Church Isn't Comfortable (And Shouldn't Be)
Why is church uncomfortable? This article explains that in church we are called to die to selfishness and live to serve others.
Belonging to the Church
Cafeteria Christianity
Marks of a Faithful Church Member
With due consideration to Ephesians 4:10-16, this article describes the various marks of a faithful church member.