Faith is a Means
Islam on Jesus
The Anointed Jesus Christ as the Anointed of God
Pictures of Christ
The Wonder of Christ’s Death
The Wonder of Christ’s Humanity
The Wonder of Christ’s Suffering
Five Non-Negotiables from the Church Fathers on the Incarnation
What should one believe about the incarnation of Jesus Christ? Here are five things from the church fathers that cannot be negotiated on the matter.
Taking God’s Name What’s in a Name? Christ’s Divinity, Laid Bare
Jesus and the Repentance of E. P. Sanders
This essay describes the view of E. P. Sanders with respect to Jesus Christ and repentance, and that description leads to the identification of a problem within Sander's view. Sanders argues that Jesus offered the kingdom of heaven to the wicked without repentance. The article analyzes how this problematic view arose.
"Certainly This Man Was Righteous": Highlighting a Messianic Reading of the Centurion's Confession in Luke 23:47
This paper offers an exegesis of Luke 23:47. The main focus is on the identification of Jesus Christ as "righteous" or "innocent."
Some Reflections on Justin Martyr and the Nativity Narratives
This article gives some reflections on the interpretations of Justin Martyr and Tertullian on the role of the wise men in the birth narratives of Jesus Christ.
The Uniqueness of Christ: The New Testament Witness
Is there a way to live in reconciliation with God without Jesus Christ? There has always been the question whether Jesus can in one way or the other be co-ordinated with other figures. This article shows the New Testament's testimony to Jesus as the unique Son of God and only mediator between man and God.
The Incarnation and "Limited Atonement"
Does John Calvin differ from his successors on the matter of the extent of the atonement?
The Church and the Holy Trinity: God the Son
Hebrews 5:11-6:20 – Christology and the Concept of Faith
In recent years some scholars have argued that faith in the letter to the Hebrews does not have an orientation on Jesus Christ. Responding to such new exegesis of Hebrews, this paper wants to bring forth the Christological orientation of faith in Hebrews.
Alteration of Old Testament Imagery in the Book of Revelation: Its Hermeneutical and Theological Significance
It is a striking characteristic of the book of Revelation that it makes use of Old Testament imagery in its proclamation of Jesus Christ. This article explores how these Old Testament images are altered in Revelation.
Arius Revisited: The Firstborn over All Creation
What is the significance of Paul's reference to Jesus Christ in Colossians 1:15-20 as firstborn over all creation? The interpretation of this text played a major role in the Arian controversy in the fourth century AD.
The Language and Nature of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament
The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands at the centre of the Christian gospel. What exactly happened on Easter morning? This paper considers the language and nature of Jesus' resurrection.
The Holy Spirit and Reformed Spirituality – The Spirit and the Word Incarnate: John Owen's Trinitarian Christology
How should we understand biblical texts that speak of development and struggle in the life of Jesus Christ? Luke 2:40, 52, for example, speak of Jesus growing and maturing, and increasing in favour with both God and man. Hebrews makes it clear that the dynamism of Christ’s life is essential to his role as the believer’s heavenly high priest (Hebrews 2:18, Hebrews 5:14-16).
Spiritual Warfare – Be Strong in the Lord
Christians are at war, and this war is of the most serious nature. Spiritual warfare is not with flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. Chapter 1 indicates where Christians find their strength in this battle. The author uses Ephesians 6:10-20 to indicate that all strength is to be found in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Tempted and Tried – Wrestling with Demons: Why Temptation Matters
The force of temptations ought to remind us of the reality of Satan and demons. There is also just one, Jesus Christ, who has ever wrestled the demons and prevailed. This chapter explores the reality of Satan, temptation, and demons. It also indicates where victory in this battle is to be found.
"Son of Man" Imagery – Some Implications for Theology and Discipleship
Longenecker focuses in this article on the designation in the Gospels of Jesus Christ as Son of Man. The author argues that a good understanding of this designation has important implications for Christian discipleship.
The Hellenistic "Divine Man" and the Figure of Jesus in the Gospels
In Greek culture in the New Testament period, there were men who claimed to work miracles—wise men who were known as "divine men." There are scholars who in trying to prove a Hellenistic origin of the gospel compare Jesus Christ to these men. The title of Son of God is seen as from a Greek background. This paper compares Jesus with these Greek men
Jesus Christ's Two Amazing Natures
The Eschatology of Ignatius of Antioch – Christocentric and Historical
What is the eschatological significance of Jesus Christ? This paper reflects upon the views of Ignatius of Antioch on this question and the cosmic significance of Christ.
Christian Humanism
The author sees Christian humanism as an appreciation of the dignity of man as created by God. Restoration of that dignity is only through redemption in Jesus Christ. This essay focuses on the essentials of a Christian humanism.
An Apologetic Problem: No Hope Where the Gospel Has Not Been Heard?
Is there any hope for those who never heard the gospel? In this essay Baker affirms that the Scriptures teach that salvation is by faith in God, and mediated through Jesus Christ. The author wants to look at safeguards against the dangers of unwarranted inferences from this. He wants his readers to be wary of speaking carelessly about the hope we have.
Assured by God – Our Sure Foundation
This book and essay are about assurance of salvation and perseverance in the faith. This assurance of God’s gracious fatherly love to us in Christ is vital to Christian life and witness. Many Christians lack this assurance. Chapter 1 reflects on the one sure foundation of Christians’ assurance—Jesus Christ—and the purpose of salvation.
God Has Spoken – Christianity and Judaism
Christianity and Judaism are different religions. Why is that? After all, Jesus and the apostles were all Jews. What was the nature of the Judaism that prevailed in the 1st century AD? What was the view of God? How was Jesus Christ related to the Jewish God? How should biblical monotheism be interpreted in the light of Jesus’ claim to be the Son of God send from heaven?
He Became Humble
The Spirit and the Saviour
The Impeccability of Christ
Is it true that Christ was without sin? This article looks at the birth and life of Jesus Christ to show that He was sinless. This was necessary for salvation to be possible.
Jesus Christ Reveals the Name of God (2)
Looking at John 17:6-11, this article shows that when Jesus reveals the name of God, He reveals God as the fulfiller of promises and the Redeemer of His people. Both of these center around Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Reveals the Name of God (1)
Looking at John 17:6-11, this article shows that when Jesus reveals the name of God, He reveals God as the fulfiller of promises and the Redeemer of His people. Both of these center around Jesus Christ.
Luke 9:51 - The Saviour's Resolve
The Glories of Christ (Part 1)
This article on the glories of Christ looks at the deity of Jesus Christ, pointing to His eternal being. The author discusses how the Old Testament attests to Jesus's deity, and how Jesus' deity was displayed in His life from birth to the cross.
The Glories of Christ (Part 2)
This article on the glories of Christ looks at the sinless state of Jesus Christ from birth and throughout His earthly life until death.
Colossians 1:18 - Christ Supreme
Looking at Colossians 1:18, this article shows that Jesus Christ must remain central and supreme in all things. This begins with Christ reigning in your life.
That God Should Come as One of Us!
The uniqueness of the Christian message rests with a true view of Jesus Christ. This article is about the incarnation of Jesus Christ, who came to earth to work out our salvation. Jesus had both the capacity and the authority to save believers through His death on the cross.
Bavinck on Special Revelation
Answered prayers
The Saving Work of the Holy Spirit in Calvin
Worthy of Full Acceptance
No Third Way
He Ascended into Heaven
Christ and the Family
Creation and Redemption
The Son of David Reigns!
Psalm 118:19-24 - The Rejected Stone Exalted
Psalm 72:12-20 - The Manner of Messiah's Rule
Psalm 72:1-11 - The Glorious Reign of King Messiah
Philippians 2:1-11 - The amazing Example of Christ
This is a Bible Study on Philippians 2:1-11. It is about humility and service, focusing on Jesus Christ as Servant and King.
The Holy Trinity of Persons in One Divine Essence Article 8: Belgic Confession
And the Word Became Flesh
Christ, the First-Born
The Holy Spirit: Spotlight on the Exalted Christ
Toronto Blessing or Temples of the Holy Spirit?
John Murray and Prayer to the Trinity
The Majesty of God
In this article about the majesty of God, the author looks at the majesty of God in nature, in Jesus Christ and in worship.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:1
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 8:1 is about Jesus Christ the Mediator.
Hebrews 9:24-28 - The Christ of Three Appearings
This article on Hebrews 9:24-28 is about Jesus Christ as Mediator.
The True Tabernacle
This article is about Jesus Christ as the true tabernacle (temple) of God. The article also looks at the indwelling of God, Jesus Christ and the new covenant, and Jesus Christ as Mediator and High Priest.
Revelation 5:1-7 - “The Lion of the Tribe of Judah”
This article on Revelation 5:1-7 is about Jesus Christ as the Lion and Lamb.
Our Lord
Isaiah 9:6 - The Prince of Peace
The Steps of Exaltation
The Steps of Humiliation
The States of Christ
Christ – Our Only High Priest
Christ - Our Chief Prophet
Our Unique Mediator
The Names of Our Mediator
Born of the Virgin Mary
Christ’s Conception
The Spirit and the Saviour
The Perfect Manhood of Our Saviour
The Christ of Joy
The Sorrowful Christ
The Anger of Jesus
The Christ of Compassion
What Earth's Princes Never Knew
Evangelistic Preaching
Luke 2:49 - The Boy Jesus
My God is Always Greater
Intercession by the Saints?
Substitution – or What?
Prophecy Today?
What is Truth?
De Brès vs. Simons: A Sixteenth Century Debate that Still Matters
This article is about Guido de Bres and his struggle against Menno Simons and his view on the origin and character of the human nature of Jesus Christ.
Re-examining the Eternal Sonship of Christ
This article is about the eternal sonship of Jesus Christ, and Jesus as the only begotten son of the Father. The author also discusses Hebrews 1:5, the eternal generation of Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ of the same essence as his Father.
Do you Need to be Born Again?
In this article on regeneration the author discusses John 3:3 and the work of Jesus Christ and our regeneration. Speaking in tongues and being born again are other topics discussed.
Was Adam an Historical Person?
This article is about Genesis 1-3 and if we have to view Adam and paradise as a historical person and event. The article looks at salvation and historical facts, and the fall in sin and redemption. It also looks at the origin of sin from the viewpoint of evolution. The relation between Adam and Jesus Christ is also discussed.
The Coming of Christ
This article looks at the speedily return of Jesus Christ and the continuous coming of Christ. The author also looks at the work and power of Jesus Christ between his first and second coming. Matthew 26:64 is an important passage in this article.
Sabbath Rest
Jesus Christ is superior because it gives the rest that neither Moses nor Joshua could provide (Hebrews 4). This article looks at this Sabbath rest, the purpose of the Lord's Day, and the history of redemption.