Apostolic Confession - I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins
Apostolic Confession - I Believe in the Communion of Saints
Apostolic Confession - I Believe He Will Come Again to Judge the Quick and the Dead
Apostolic Confession - I Believe He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate
Apostolic Confession - I Believe He Descended into Hell
Apostolic Confession - Amen
Apostolic Confession - God’s Son, Our Lord
Apostolic Confession - Christ: Conceived, Born
John Owen (1616-1683)
Knowing God's Will Through Scripture
How to Read the Bible School of Theology Series: Lecture 6
Oh How I Love Thy Law! Do Not Handle, Taste, or Touch
Expelling the World Only a New Love is Adequate to Expel the Old One
Perfect Timing Christians should Synchronise their Watching with God’s
Precious Promises God’s Promises Promote Holiness in the Believer
Reading Backwards Only Afterwards Can We See God’s Providence
Where God Looks Our Hidden Life of Devotion is the Index of Our Spirituality
The Christian: A Servant Fifth in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Christian: A Saint Third in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Christian: A Friend Sixth in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Christian: A Disciple Fourth in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Christian First in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Christian: A Believer Second in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Church on Its Knees The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Ten
The Church as God’s Family The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Six
The Church and Its Leadership The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Eleven
The Church: This People, This Place, This Time The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Twelve
The Church’s Worship The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Three
The Church’s Builder The Life of the Church Series: Sermon One
The Church’s Birthmarks The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Two
The Church as the Light of the World The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Seven
The Church as Christ’s Body The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Four
The Church as Christ’s Army The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Five
The Church Around the Table The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Eight
The Church and the Preaching of the Word The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Nine
The Assurance of Salvation
What is assurance of salvation? This article deals with this cardinal teaching, which can also be related to the perseverance of the saints. The author discusses such aspects as the foundation of assurance, hindrances to assurance, and the experience of assurance.
The Surprising Truth about Legalism
At its root, legalism is the failure to see the generosity of God and his wise and loving plans for us. Legalism is rooted in a distorted view of God as the giver of his law. This is what the article helpfully explains, by using the first sin in Paradise as proof.
Faith and Repentance: Which Comes First?
When the gospel is preached, which response comes first, faith or repentance? This article weighs in, revealing that each implies the other.
The Fourth Commandment
This article considers how the fourth commandment relates to our sanctification.
The Use of the Law in Evangelism
This article considers how to incorporate the law into evangelism.
Ephesians 5:22-24 – Wives and Their Husbands
This article is an exposition of Ephesians 5:22-24.
Medieval Mistakes
This article assesses evangelicalism and finds much practices in common with the medieval church. The author pleads for a reprioritization of Martin Luther's first of his Ninety-Five Theses, that the entire life of believers should be one of repentance.
The Puritans: Can They Teach Us Anything Today?
Columba: Missionary to Scotland
Columba was a missionary to Scotland in the early Middle Ages. The account about his exploits may be tainted with exaggerations but the author of this article identifies three principles to take from Columba's work in Scotland.
Church History 101 – First Century: Apostolic Foundations
Chapter 1 divides the first century of church history into roughly three periods.
The Whole Christ – How a Marrow Grew
The Marrow Controversy was a debate within the Church of Scotland in the early eighteenth century. The dispute was centred on the difficulty of properly relating works and grace, and law and gospel. This controversy influenced not merely systematic theology but also preaching and pastoral ministry.
A Testimony of Faithfulness
This article looks at the life of Timothy, a church leader who was also a helper in Paul's ministry. The author discusses leadership and discipleship by looking at Timothy's example. Looking specifically at Hebrews 13, the author discusses how we can be biblical leaders and followers.
Privileges Bring Responsibilities
This article provides guidelines for believers' attitude and manner of life in view of the present and future aspects of the promises of God (Hebrews 12:25-29).
1 Corinthians 15:58 - Not in Vain
Discovering God's Will
The determining factor of my existence is no longer my past. It is Christ's past.
It is the good tree that produces good fruit, not the other way round. We are not saved by works; we are saved for works.
God, his glory and his presence form the destiny of the Christian
The Life of Faith
In this article the author looks at the relation of faith and trust, faith and obedience, faith and hope, and faith and the promises of God. Hebrews 11 is also discussed.
Hebrews - Time to (Re)discover Hebrews
This article is about the main themes in the book Hebrews.
Apostasy and How it Happens
This article is about apostasy and backsliding. The author also looks at Hebrews 6:4-6 and Hebrews 6:8-12.
What's in Your Mind, Believer?
What is the role of the Christian law in the Christian's life? This article tries to answer this question and also looks at the Mosaic law and Jesus Christ, the relation of the old covenant and new covenant, and Hebrews 8:13.
How long will it last?
In this article on the perseverance of the saints (remaining a Christian) the author also discusses the testing of our faith, and Jesus Christ and our perseverance.
Hebrews 9:24-28 - The Christ of Three Appearings
This article on Hebrews 9:24-28 is about Jesus Christ as Mediator.
Reformed Theology: Reformed Life-Style
Little Innocents?
This article is about the sinfulness of our children. The author discusses total depravity, Adam and original sin, and the parenting of sinful children
John Owen on the Spirit in the life of Christ
This article looks at John Owen's view of the work of the Holy Spirit, specifically about the relation of the Holy Spirit to Jesus Christ. The author discusses the ministry of the Spirit in the incarnation of Christ, the ministry of Christ, the atonement of Christ and in the exaltation of Christ.
"The greatest of all Protestant heresies?"
Cardinal Robert Bellarmine (1542–1621), Pope Clement VIII’s personal theologian and one of the most able figures in the Counter-Reformation movement within sixteenth-century Roman Catholicism, once wrote: “The greatest of all Protestant heresies is _______ .” What do you think he said? This article is about assurance of faith (assurance of salvation).
Sabbath Rest
Jesus Christ is superior because it gives the rest that neither Moses nor Joshua could provide (Hebrews 4). This article looks at this Sabbath rest, the purpose of the Lord's Day, and the history of redemption.