The Table of Showbread
Introduction to the Tabernacle: The Gospel in the Old Testament
The Tabernacle of the Wilderness
The Sanctuary and It's Furniture
The Golden Altar of Incense
The Ark
Contributing To Build God's Temple
The Ripped Veil Exodus 26:31-33
The Covenant Ark Exodus 25:10-22
The Incense Altar
The Golden Lamp Read Exodus 25:31-39, 27:20, and Leviticus 24:1-4
The Bread of God Read: Exodus 25:23-30 and Leviticus 24:5-9
The Bath Made with Mirrors Read: Exodus 30:17-21
We Have an Altar Exodus 27:1-8; 38:1-8; Matthew 23:17; Hebrews 13:10-12
God’s Tent
The World’s Largest “Visual Aid”
The Message of the Tabernacle
Lessons of Holy Furniture How the Tabernacle Illuminates Jesus’ Life and Purpose
The Shadow of Christ
The Central Sanctuary: Where and When?
What is the significance and intention of the call in Deuteronomy 12:5? How should readers understand this command and its application in the historical books of the Old Testament? This article argues that the Old Testament record is sufficiently clear and consistent, and that the traditional view adopted by Thompson, Craigie, Kitchen, and others has support from the ancient Near East.
Names of the Sanctuary
This article discusses the biblical terms and phrases used for the tabernacle in order to provide some insights into its nature and function.
Christmas: The Word Tabernacles among Men
This article offers an explanation of John 1:14 and its mention of the Word dwelling among us. The article considers the Old Testament background, namely, the tabernacle as it's introduced in Exodus.
The Nearness of God – Incarnation as Presence
In Chapter 1 Burns discusses the subject of the presence of God in John 1:1-18. The focus of the chapter is verse 14.
Garden Temple
Beale notes the cultic affinities drawn between the garden of Eden and the temple of Israel. The word pair usually translated as "cultivate" ('abad) and "keep" (shamar) occur together in the Old Testament elsewhere referring only either to Israelites "serving" God and "guarding" (keeping) God's Word, or to priests who "keep" the "service" (or "charge") of the tabernacle.
They Speak to Me
From John 1:1,14 this article shows how the tabernacle pointed to Christ.
Christ and the Desert Tabernacle - Building Materials
This book maintains that the Old Testament tabernacle is a shadowy picture of Christ and the church. In this chapter, the author discusses how the materials used to build the tabernacle (as recorded in Exodus 25:1-9) are significant for the church today.
A Doorkeeper in the House of My God
The Congregation’s Support of the Ministry of the Gospel (2)
These two articles build off of the series entitled The Congregation's Support of Her Diaconate. Is it the obligation of each church member to financially support the ministry of the Gospel? This article looks at the Old Testament in order to answer this question. The author discusses tithing, free will offerings, and assessed fees, showing that these were given to support the tabernacle and temple ministry.
The Bronze Altar
Exodus 25:8, 22 - The Curtains of the Tabernacle
The Tabernacle of God is with men
The Bible uses various pictures to describe heaven. This article looks at the significance of the Old Testament tabernacle. In the New Testament the tabernacle points to heaven, since Christians are promised God's presence and glory in heaven.
The Ark of the Covenant
The Veil of the Tabernacle
God with Us: The Gospel of the Holy of Holies
The Bronze Laver
The Table of Showbread
The Golden Altar of Incense
The Golden Candlestick
The True Tabernacle
This article is about Jesus Christ as the true tabernacle (temple) of God. The article also looks at the indwelling of God, Jesus Christ and the new covenant, and Jesus Christ as Mediator and High Priest.