Two Testaments, One Bible Hebrews links Old and New, Protecting Us from a False Two-tier Approach
The Everlasting Covenant
This short paper considers the relationship between the concepts of the "everlasting" and the "new covenants" of Scripture. It concludes that it is the relationship between God and man that is the permanent feature in the covenants.
The New Covenant
The New Covenant Established
The Promise of a New Covenant
The Spirit in the Present Age: Preliminary Fulfillment of the Predicted New Covenant according to Paul
This article is helpful in appreciating recent formulations of dispensational theology that have abandoned the dilemmas held by traditional dispensationalism concerning a both/and view of the fulfillment of the biblical covenants.
Legitimate Discontinuities between the Testaments
In what way is there continuity between the Mosaic covenant and the new covenant? Covenant theology is known for its emphasis on the unity and continuity between the testaments. Karlberg surveys the development of federal theology. He tries to understand the strong and sometimes even aggressive debate surrounding these issues.
Irony in Jeremiah's Prophecy of a New Covenant
In Jeremiah 31 we find a prophecy of a new covenant. This paper considers the possibility of the prophet making use of irony in this chapter.
The Old Promise and the New Covenant: Jeremiah 31:31-34
How should we understand the promise of the new covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-34? What are the continuities and discontinuities between the covenants? Kaiser reflects on the issues at stake—the content of the new covenant, the contrast with the Mosaic covenant, and Jeremiah 30 to Jeremiah 33 as a "book of comfort."
What does Hebrews 8:10 mean?
How Serious Is a Second Baptism?
Our Reformed Heritage (4): A Renewed Promise and Hope
This article is a biography on Geerhardus Vos. Special attention is given to his writings on biblical theology and the new covenant.
Covenant Baptism as Practised in the Reformed Churches
Is there biblical ground for infant baptism? Infant baptism is rooted in God's covenant with Abraham and the promises He gave to him. The author looks at the unity of the old and the new covenant.
A Delightful Inheritance
Christians have a wonderful inheritance in Christ. This inheritance was symbolized in the Old Testament through the promise of Canaan. In the new covenant the inheritance is made real through the work of Christ, who is our assurance.
Christ the Mediator
Hebrews 12:24 describes Christ as the Mediator of the new covenant. In Christ all the promises of the Old Testament covenant are fulfilled.
Hebrews 10:19-22 - Entering the Holiest
Hebrews 10:19-22 describes the blessings believers receive through the new covenant. These blessings include boldness through the blood of Christ to approach the throne of grace, access to the Father, and representation in heaven through the priesthood of Christ.
Hebrews 8 - Christ's New Covenant (Part 1)
This is the first article in a trilogy on the topic of the new covenant. The book of Hebrews makes the point that Christ is the High Priest who serves as the One who brings us to God in the order of Melchizedek. He represents all of God's people before God. This is part of the main point of the new covenant.
Hebrews 8 - Christ's New Covenant (Part 3)
This is the third article in a trilogy on the topic of the new covenant. Hebrews 8:10-12 shows that the core of the new covenant is that Christ writes His law in our hearts. This leads to obedience that comes from the heart. All of this is the fruit of Christ's work of redemption.
Before the Throne of God
The Epistle to the Hebrews was written to encourage Jewish believers who had professed faith in Christ not to backslide from Him in order to return to the still impressive Temple rituals of pre–A.D. 70 Judaism.
The New Covenant
Does the fact that the old covenant is the old covenant mean that the new covenant was “plan b”? The answer is no. God did not make a mistake with the old covenant. This article looks at the relation of the old covenant to the new covenant (the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament).
The Supremacy of Christ
This article looks at the supremacy of Christ, especially in the book of Hebrews. The author also looks at the new covenant as being better than the old covenant (relation Old Testament and New Testament): it is more inclusive (it includes Gentiles); it has a better Mediator; a better High Priest; a better King; and a better revelation of God.
The True Tabernacle
This article is about Jesus Christ as the true tabernacle (temple) of God. The article also looks at the indwelling of God, Jesus Christ and the new covenant, and Jesus Christ as Mediator and High Priest.
Hebrews 9:16-18 - The Glory of Christ Crucified and Resurrected
Infant Baptism
Reconstructing a Biblical Model for Giving
In a previous article all relevant references to tithing in Scripture were discussed and it was concluded that the continuation of a tithing requirement can not be adequately supported by the exegesis of individual texts. In the present essay the authors assess the applicability of tithing in light of pertinent systematic issues.
Jesus the Mediator of a "Better Covenant"
The Epistle to the Hebrews reflects the use of comparatives more frequently than any other writing in the New Testament. Twenty-eight uses of comparative adjectives combine with seventeen uses of comparative adverbs for a total of forty-five occurrences of comparatives. This is a reflection of the writer‘s purpose in comparing the old covenant with the new covenant and the glory of Christ.
Galatians 6:16 - The identity of the "Israel of God"
Who is the “Israel of God” in Galatians 6:16? The understanding of this passage has an important bearing on the question of the relationship between Israel and the church. Rather than viewing the verse through a pre-existing systematic-theological grid, Paul’s reference to the “Israel of God” ought to be studied first and foremost in the context of the entire epistle. Special attention need to be given to his anti-Judaizing polemic.
Baptist Objections to Infant Baptism and the Reformed Response
In this article on infant baptism, the author discusses the objections against infant baptism by the advocates of believers baptism.
The Biblical Case for Infant Baptism 1
This article looks at the arguments for infant baptism in the Bible. The author discusses circumcision as covenant sign, circumcision and the new covenant, circumcision and the judgment from God, circumcision and Jesus Christ, the baptism of John the Baptist, baptism and the judgment from God, baptism as a water ordeal.