Justin Martyr
Liturgical Principles
Should We Worship and Rest on Saturday or Sunday?
Singing in the Corporate Worship of the Church
A Few Notes on Musical Instruments in Worship
Psalm 96:9 - Worship the LORD in the Splendour of Holiness...
The Work of the Word in Worship
How does the Bible shape the worship of the Lord? This article considers how God's Word informs and reforms our worship.
Worship Is Not a Reflection of How You Feel
Many people tend to mistakenly think that worship is an expression we activate whenever we want to express our feelings. But, as this article explains, biblical worship is not about how we feel. Rather it is about what we know to be true about God and what he has promised in his Word.
Should We Worship and Pray to the Holy Spirit?
Is it proper to worship and pray to the Holy Spirit? The article provides a biblical answer to the question.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Lifting of Hands in Worship
Is it appropriate to lift your hands during worship? This article offers ten considerations on the matter, advocating for the lifting of hands in worship.
How Can I Worship When I Feel Nothing?
Is it possible to still glorify God in worship when you find little appeal in it? This article responds by saying that it is possible, and urges the struggling worshipper to continue to worship, with the wish and prayer that God would rekindle a thirst for worship.
Stop Worshipping Worship
Because God seeks to be worshipped on his own terms, worship should have God as the only audience, it cannot be a form of entertainment and it must have an eternal impact.
A Matter of the Heart
Reforming Church Music
Sing for Joy in The Lord
What is Reformed Worship? It is Historical
What is Reformed Worship? It is Biblical
Do You Draw Near?
How do you draw near to God in a way that you can discover his wonders? This article addresses this question, explaining that true worship is drawing near to God in a mind renewed by the truth of God. It offers some pointers on how to prepare for worship.
Prepare to Meet Thy God
The Power of Preaching God's Word
The Call to Confident and Steadfast Worship
The Covenant of Grace and Public Worship
The Submergent Church
Praise the Lord: Psalm 150
Calvin and the Worship of God
How should Christians worship? One of the foci of John Calvin was worship. This article looks at Calvin's view on the importance of worship, the practice of worship, liturgy, principles of worship, and music for worship. Today's church can learn a lot from this.
Songs of Hospitality, Stewardship of Creation, Ascension, and Pentecost
This article introduces songs to be used in worship that focuses on hospitality, stewardship of creation, Ascension Day, and Pentecost.
Piety within Proper Bounds: John Calvin on Christian Worship
What's the Point of Liturgy?
How to...Speak Words of Transition: Ways to Move Smoothly through Worship
Great care needs to be taken that the congregation be led in a way that helps them do what they have come to do in worship, that is, encounter the living God. This article reflects on practical aspects in this regard.
Book: The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church
This article introduces and reviews the book, "The Reading and Preaching of the Scriptures in the Worship of the Christian Church," by Hughes Oliphant Old.
Guess Who's Coming to Worship? Moving toward the Great Day of Surprise and Delight
When we worship with believers who come increasingly from every tribe and language and people and nation, we should expect that worship to reflect the gifts that come from those diverse cultures, places, and people. This article reflects on the reality of our worship as coming from all nations and peoples, how it will be united in heaven, and how we even today have a foretaste of that unity.
Why You Need to Be in Church This Sunday
This article explains why your church attendance is important. Worship is the intrusion of God's heavenly kingdom upon us.
Three Ways the Psalms Should Shape Modern Worship
Church music and singing are essential to the worship of the church. This article explains three ways in which the Psalms should shape the worship songs of the church.
The Second Commandment The Ten Commandments Series: Part 2
Genuine Sorrow...Wholehearted Joy: The Why, When, and How of Confession
Conviction of sin is hardly possible in today's Western culture. We believe not in sin and forgiveness but in illness and recovery. Increasingly, the people who gather in churches for worship come expecting to have their self-esteem enhanced.
Book: "Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship"
This article reviews the book Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship, by David Peterson.
The Old Becomes New: Experiencing Repetition without Getting Bored
Ritual is one of the most important practices in worship. This article reflects on the importance and function of rituals and repetition in worship.
You're Halfway Home: Response from a Neighbouring Pastor
Real worship is costly. It will cost personal and corporate worship preparation. It will cost churches tendencies toward a people-pleasing style of leadership. This article (a letter) reflects such a struggle and search for real worship.
How God’s Special Revelation Should Impact Worship
Bring Them In: Three Models for Evangelism through Worship
Real, authentic biblical worship is at its core a celebration of the living, dying, and rising of Christ. This article reflects upon models for evangelism through worship.
Out of Africa: What North Americans Can Learn about Celebration in Worship
This article focuses on celebration in worship and in particular what can be learned from Africans in this respect.
Clothing Matters: What We Wear to Church Why What We put on May be More Important than We Think
Worship: Communing with Our God
What's Reformed?
Signs and Wonders God Gives us Signs, the Wonder is, we Ignore them
Participating in Worship: History, Theory, and Practice
This article reviews the book Participating in Worship: History, Theory, and Practice by Craig Erickson, which argues that worship needs to become more participatory through the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Mac Worship: Do You Want Fries with That?
Worship Is..
This article reflects on the church's worship as an echo of the praise of the heavenly chorus and celebration of Christ's completed and continuing work for us.
The Power of Praise History Everywhere Proves the Evangelistic Power of Congregational Worship
Divine Connection
Worship by the Book
Assembled in Zion The Church Exists Chiefly to Worship
What's Wrong with Applauding in Church?
Idle Worship
Repentance and Lament
Covenant Worship Honour God from the Heart, and Reap the Rewards
Personal Preparation for Worship
How does a worship leader prepare to lead the congregation in worship on Sundays? This article focuses on the personal preparation of the worship leader.
Service Planning for the Season after Pentecost
Planned Praise
This article is a short reflection on worship as an activity of the people of God that must be approached with utmost seriousness and care.
Children's Bulletins – An Aid to Worship
Many congregations make use of children's bulletins to help bridge the generation gap in worship. Making use of pictures and quizzes, such bulletins involve the children in the service and answer some of the questions children ask about worship and general church life. This article gives some suggestions on how to use such a bulletin to enhance the participation of children in the worship service.
Making a Joyful Noise with Handbells
This article discusses the use of handbells as musical instrument in worship.
Reformation Day Liturgy
Gratitude for a church's heritage and reflection on its significance can add depth to its worship. This article wants to be a help in preparation of a Reformation Day liturgy.
Prayers: Carefully Written or Spontaneous
A frequently debated question on public worship is, Which are more appropriate in the worship service—free prayers or set prayers? This article reflects on the place of spontaneous and formal prayers in worship.
Covenant of Grace: Chapter 5 – The Covenant of Grace and Public Worship
Preaching as an Act of Worship
Do you preach doxologically? This article shows how preaching itself needs to be an act of worship.
Public Worship Marks of a Healthy Church 5
Worship in His Fear: The Blessing
Worship in His Fear: The Salutation
The order of worship is something whose meaning and significance can be lost on worshippers. By focusing on the meaning of the salutation at the beginning of a worship service, the author shows that understanding the meaning of this can keep worshipers humble and grateful for God’s grace.
Worship and Ethics in Romans 12
Is there a link between worship and ethics in Romans 12? Too often the main inspiration for Paul's thinking behind this text is ignored. The biblical-theological background to Paul's argument and the wider context of Romans must be taken into consideration. Peterson argues that the first two verses of Romans 12 proclaim a reversal of the downward spiral depicted in Romans 1.
Psalmody Throughout the Ages
Similarities in Synagogue Worship and Reformed Worship
What Is the Regulative Principle of Worship?
John Knox on Liturgy and Worship
Expository Preaching – The Antidote to Anemic Worship
What is central to Christian worship? This article answers this question by pointing out that the heart of Christian worship is the authentic preaching of the Word of God.
Preaching and the Real Battle for Worship
More Than a Sermon (Means of Grace #2)
Public worship is a means of grace. How can you benefit from public worship? This article lists three things.
Drawing Ethical Principles from the Process of the Jerusalem Council: A New Approach to Acts 15:4-29
This is a study of the main ethical points found in the decision of the Jerusalem council in Acts 15:4-29. It proposes that the council members attitudes of mutual trust, honoring God and his Word, and responding with some concession toward the others form important parts of the ethical teaching. The situation of the council is described in terms of the historical background and the flow of the narrative.
Improving Our Call to Worship
How do you deal with distractions of the mind during worship? This article looks at three such types and how you can remedy them.
Psalm 100 – Joyful Noise: Praise with the Volume Pumped Up
The Role of Music in Worship
What is the role of congregational praise in worship? This article is a short survey of some of the biblical evidence.
Let the Earth Keep Silence!
Worship that aims at God’s glory will be characterized by solemnity, simplicity, and orderliness. This article explains what this all means.
Reformed Worship Vs. Liturgical Renewal
The call for liturgical renewal, that worship be more user-friendly, exuberant, and ritualistic is a man-centred call. This article shows why this call is not biblical, defending the Reformed character of worship.
Worship Acceptable in God’s Sight
To worship God is to enter God’s presence in order to have fellowship with him. This article explains the character of this worship and its nature.
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 4)
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 3)
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 2)
This article reflects on music in worship, and says that it must be structurally sound. The text and the tune need to be well-matched. The article provides a host of useful questions to ask in evaluating the merits of a song for worship, and they revolve around three standards: the insight, perfection, and inexhaustibility of the song.
Finding Our Voice in Worship (Part 1)
The Participating Pew
Reformed worship has been accused of being a one-man show. This article shows that such an accusation cannot stand. From the beginning the Reformers understood that all members participate in public worship.
The Force of the Second Commandment in Worship
The second commandment is related to how God’s people must worship him. This article looks at the reasons why God forbids the use of images. It looks at the explanation of this commandment from Lord’s Day 35, showing that it points to a regulative principle of worship.
The Songs of Zion: What Shall the Church Sing?
Psalm singing and the regulative principle of worship cannot be separated. This article calls for singing psalms in worship, giving both the historical and biblical grounds for such a call.
Reformed Worship: Fellowship with the Holy One
The act and content of worship are important to God. Knowing this should shape the way congregational worship is conducted. From Psalm 96:9 this article shows that worship must be covenantal, holy, and fearful.
This article looks at the place of preaching, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper in public worship.
Shall We Dance, Rock, and Play? Or: How Shall We Judge Contemporary Worship
Reformed worship cannot be judged by whether is it traditional or contemporary. In its nature it is covenantal. The nature of covenant worship is found in its union between God and his people, centred on God’s Word. In this article the focus is on preaching in worship.
The Essential: Worship
What is worship? It is essentially the glorifying of God by responding to his revelation of himself.
Sensual Worship: A Sign of Impending Apostasy
This article considers what happens when worship appeals to the senses of man: a return the Old Testament forms of worship.