Three Keys to a Christian Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic
How can a Christian respond to the COVID–19 pandemic? Many people have reacted to the with fear, despair, or apathy. The article provides three keys to a Christian response to the current pandemic: faith, hope, and love.
Yes. God Cares about What You Say
What to Do with Your Wavering Faith
What do you do when you experience wavering or failing faith? Many people go through this challenge, and it can lead to despair. This article descibes three important facts to remember when you feel your faith is wavering: your faith is a gift of God, the object of faith is Christ, and the guarantee of our faith is the gospel.
Six Things You Should Know about Faith and Mental Illness
What is the relationship between faith and mental illness? Many in the past did not believe mental disorders were real. This article raises six points for consideration concerning faith and mental illness.
Canons of Dort Chapter 3/4 – The Corruption of Man, His Conversion to God, and the Manner in Which It Occurs
Justified by "Thirst" Alone!
When the Bible explains our need for Christ it uses the analogy of thirst and desire. This article explains that thirsting for Christ and desiring Christ are what lie at the heart of faith.
Not All Faith Is Saving Faith
As a further consideration of James 2:14-26, this article draws a helpful analogy to explain that not all faith is a saving faith.
I "Believe" One Church
Improving the Life of Faith
Private Faith?
The Life of Faith
The Christian's Great Interest
Only when we place ourselves in God’s hands can we bring glory to him and growth to ourselves.
Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.
The Holy Spirit's Work in Salvation
The Belgic Confession of Faith: Article 22
Faith and the Providence of God
Christ-Centered Faith
Faith and the Promises of God
What Is a Biblical Conversion?
Why Faith in God Is Not Stupid
How do we know that God exists? This article considers three categories of responses: empiricism, rationalism, and faith.
Faith That Moves Mountains: What Jesus Didn't Mean
What does the Lord Jesus mean in Matthew 17:20/Luke 17:6 when he speaks of faith moving mountains and plucking up mulberry trees? This article explains that it is not the quantity of our faith but the object of our faith that the Lord Jesus is referring to.
Faith and Promise Tried
Spiritual Schizophrenia
Does your faith shape your daily life, or is your Christian life separated from your daily life? This article points to five signs that reveal whether or not your faith is shaping your daily life.
Why Are Stories in the Bible?
The purpose of stories in the Bible is to point us to Christ, in whom our faith needs to reside. After giving a definition of faith, this article gives from Acts 17 three elements of the faith that acknowledges the existence of God.
Justified Only by an Assured Faith?
Reasonable Limits Reason, a Great Gift, Nevertheless is Imperfect
Authentic Faith
James – Introduction to James
This chapter presents an introduction to the letter of James. Included is an excursus on faith, works, and justification in James and Paul.
The Christian: A Believer Second in Series: What Is a Christian?
The Life of Faith
How do we live by faith? Faith sustains us and creates godliness and a desire to produce good fruit.
The Nature of Faith
What is faith? How do we receive faith? What does faith mean for us? This article addresses questions like these.
John 14:16-17a – The Holy Spirit Given as the Other Counsellor
Saving Faith – A Certain Knowledge
There are two elements of saving faith: certain knowledge and a sure confidence. This article discusses the knowledge of saving faith. It points out the nature of it, the need of it, and fruits of it.
A Picture of Saving Faith
What characterizes saving faith? True, saving faith is intellectual, relational, and trusting.
Weak and Strong Faith
Strong faith is characterized by humility and meekness, repentance, obedience out of love for God, and love for God’s people. This faith acts like this because it is a gift from God.
Authority and Faith
This article demonstrates how faith includes not only believing but also submitting to authority.
Certain Faith: What Kind of Certainty?
Is there a dichotomy between fact and faith? A frequent cause of mutual alienation among Christians is the charge of too much certainty on the one hand and too little certainty on the other. Is it possible to find a kind of certainty that is confident and yet humble and teachable? We live after the Enlightenment, which looked for the ideal of knowledge in an "objectivity" that pretended to eliminate all the subjective factors in human knowledge and to provide undisputed certainty.
Isn't Science More Rational Than Faith?
Is faith irrational and is science the only explanation of reality? To answer this question one must understand the limits of science, which this article explains.
The Assuring Spirit
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article proves this claim by looking at the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to the assurance of faith. It shows that assurance of salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit.
Faith Is Assurance: Q. 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article proves this truth by looking at the meaning of faith a sure confidence, as explained in Lord's Day 7, question 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism, and the teaching on assurance of faith from the Westminster Standards.
Faith Is Assurance: The Reformation Gospel
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article compares Martin Luther’s and John Calvin’s teaching on assurance of faith, showing that they maintained the biblical teaching. It then evaluates the teaching of the Puritans on assurance compared to that of the Reformers.
Faith Is Assurance: Scripture
Assurance is the certainty that belongs to faith. This article gives the biblical basis for the assurance of faith.
Pistis Christou in Galatians: The Connection to Habakkuk 2:4
What is the function of the phrases that refer to faith in Paul's argument in Galatians 2-Galatians 3? This essay considers how the way that Habakkuk 2:4 refers to faith can inform our understanding of Galatians and the "pistis Christou" debate.
Faith-Ful Exegesis
This article is a word study on the word faith in Scripture. It shows how someone can be saved by faith, can explain the faith, and yet be of little faith. The article then makes some applications regarding faith-ful exegesis.
Pop Culture’s View of Faith
In Christianity, faith is a confident and certain knowledge of God and trust in the person and work of Jesus Christ on our behalf and in our place. This understanding of faith is different from that of pop culture. This article explains the difference.
Weak and Strong Faith
Faith is God’s gift; it is not something one can produce in himself. This article shows that though this is true, a Christian has the responsibility to actively exercise his faith. This article looks at what characterizes weak faith and strong faith.
Weak and Strong Faith
Faith is God’s gift; it is not something one can produce in himself. This article shows that though this is true, a Christian has the responsibility to actively live as a child of God. The author shows that weak faith is something Christians must be ashamed of.
The Quest for the Historical Calvin
Did the Calvinists really understand well the teaching of John Calvin, or did they distort it? This article compares Calvin with his successors, especially the Reformed Orthodox of the seventeenth century, on the area of soteriology.
The Order of Application
What is the order of the application of redemption? The article deals with this question and establishes the order of salvation: calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
The Gospel and Justification
For the doctrine of justification by faith alone to be understood, it must be seen within the wider context of the gospel. This article therefore first answers the question, "What is the gospel?" and then tries to explain what both justification and faith are.
Not Faith, But Christ
The author here takes time to explain the difference between faith and the righteousness that results from having faith in Jesus Christ. This is done chiefly by defining what faith is and what it is not. For example, faith is not righteousness, it is not Christ, nor satisfaction to God. Further, Christ himself as the atonement sacrifice is the one who is presented as the ground of our justification.
Romans 1:17 – From Faith to Faith
Justification by Faith Alone: The Nature of Justifying Faith
This article considers the Protestant saying, "justification by faith alone," especially the nature of justifying faith. The author explains that faith is an act but not a work, yet is never without work. The author also reflects in the sense in which justification can be said to be of works. Finally, the issue of the works of faith that merit reward as indicated in Scripture is also discussed.
Sola Fide
The article featured here centres on the doctrine of justification by faith and its place in the life of the church. The article traces the emergence of its prominence in the church of the Reformation. Further, the article considers the need for justification, the meaning of justification (including imputation of righteousness), and faith as the means of justification.
An Era of Apologetical Hermeneutics – Detecting a Neo-Kantian Paradigm of Biblical Interpretation
This article identifies some of the most influential ways in which biblical interpretation was formed in the context of modern academic sciences. The author argues that most of the exegetical programmes of interpretation were apologetic. This apologetic goal was achieved by using neo-Kantian ideas to separate historical exegesis from theological interpretation.
Faith and Repentance: Which Comes First?
When the gospel is preached, which response comes first, faith or repentance? This article weighs in, revealing that each implies the other.
Does Regeneration Precede Faith? The Use of 1 John 5:1 as a Proof Text
What does 1 John 5:1 teach about regeneration? Does this text prove that regeneration precedes faith, and does it teach an order of salvation? This article argues from linguistic insights against such an interpretation, noting that it is questionable whether the tenses in 1 John 5:1 suggest any chronological or causal relationship between faith and regeneration. The distinctive and crucial role of faith in 1 John's theology is duly noted.
Justification by Faith Alone
Why is justification ours by faith alone? The imputed righteousness of Christ we receive can only be received by faith. This article explains the nature of this faith to point out why it is by faith alone that we are justified.
The Near Word of Christ and the Distant Vision of N. T. Wright
Seifrid wants to regard Romans 10 as providing an interpretive key to the gospel Paul proclaimed. He further wants to make use of this chapter in Romans to assess the vision of N. T. Wright on justification. He offers exegetical remarks on Romans 10:1-21, which he then uses to make critical remarks about what he understands Wright is teaching about justification.
Perfect Faith
What is perfect faith, how do we arrive there, and what is its result? This article offers biblical reflection on this question.
The Gospel in the Gospels: Answering the Question “What Must I Do to Be Saved?” from the Synoptics
The Synoptic Gospels regularly describe the way one enters the kingdom of God. The Synoptics rarely in these contexts explicitly mention faith. The Gospels do not imply that people merit eternal life and the kingdom; nevertheless, active obedience provides the gateway to life. The article draws attention to the way the Gospels framed the doctrine of salvation (soteriology).
Taking God Seriously – Taking Faith Seriously
What did the biblical writers mean when they spoke of faith? In Chapter 1 the author reflects on what the character and nature of this faith in the prophets, apostles, and other writers refers to. He also includes some questions for study and discussion.
The Rich and Poor in James: Implications for Institutionalized Partiality
Public policy and faith are often difficult to relate. This essay wants to help construct a biblically informed perspective on matters of public policy as it relates to labour, poverty, and wealth. It offers an analysis of the book of James with attention to passages that deal with the rich and the poor and examines the implications of these Christian public ethics.
Hebrews 5:11-6:20 – Christology and the Concept of Faith
In recent years some scholars have argued that faith in the letter to the Hebrews does not have an orientation on Jesus Christ. Responding to such new exegesis of Hebrews, this paper wants to bring forth the Christological orientation of faith in Hebrews.
Faith Is a Gift of God
This article discusses faith as a gift of God.
Second Response to "Faith according to the Apostle James" by John F. MacArthur Jr.
How does the epistle of James portray faith? What is the relation between faith and works in the believer's justification and sanctification? This short response wants to answer these questions as it represents a response to what became known as the "lordship salvation" question and in particular, the way it is expressed by John F. MacArthur.
Run to Win the Prize – Exhortations to Persevere
Repentance and Faith
Knowing and Trusting God
Reasons for Faith – Reasons of Faith
What is the relation between faith and reason? Through giving an answer to this and other questions, Oliphint wants to provide a biblical foundation for apologetics. A discussion of John Calvin’s understanding of the twofold knowledge of God (Lat. duplex cognitio Dei) and awareness of divinity (Lat.
A Reply to Gerhard Maier: A Review Article
This is a review article of Gerhard Maier's book The End of the Historical-Critical Method. Piper focuses on the role of faith in our approach to Scripture as the main area of divergence between himself and Maier.
Faith in Christ
Three Levels of Meaning in God-Language
This essay focuses on the philosophical aspects of the problem of theological language. This is a reference to the language of faith about God. The paper wants to give insight into the contribution of the philosophy of language to theological understanding.
How We Are and Remain United with Christ by Faith Alone
How to Live by Faith in Our Glorious Christ
The Puritans on Coming to Christ
Benjamin B. Warfield's View of Faith and History - A Critique in the Light of the New Testament
How should faith and history be related? The author believes that the views of B.B. Warfield on this relationship are very helpful. However, he also proposes a corrective to Warfield.
The Nature of Faith
The concern of this paper is with the Christian faith in its theological formulation. All attention is focused on the analysis of faith made by Soren Kierkegaard. The author considers also the nature of faith in the theology of Protestant orthodoxy and gives an orthodox critique of Kierkegaard.
The Place of Faith in the Calvinistic System
What is the relationship between faith and science? In answering this question this article looks at how modernists define faith and its relation to science. It then looks at how Calvinists define faith and shows how this shapes the method for doing science. It shows that in reality faith is not in opposition to science, because at the end faith precedes intelligence.
Aspects of the Soteriology of Karl Barth
This paper discusses the doctrine of salvation in the theology of Karl Barth. The main focus is on his understanding of justification and sanctification and their relation to each other. The role of faith and love receives specific attention also.
How Faith Is a Gift of God
The truth that faith is a gift of God is a clear biblical teaching. How does God give this faith? This article answers this question.
Is It the Case That Christ Is the Same Object of Faith in the Old Testament? (Genesis 15:1-6)
What or who was the object of faith in the Old Testament? Kaiser reflects on whether the content of faith changes for each dispensation or group of people. He confronts views of dispensationalists like Charles Ryrie. Kaiser argues that covenant theology makes the content of faith in both Testaments the same: it is faith in the Messiah, rather than a general trust or belief in God.
Seventeenth-Century Teaching on the Christian Life (2)
The Roman and Reformed tradition produced two different traditions on the Christian life. This article looks at these two tradition through the eyes of Francis de Sales, Richard Baxter, and John Owen. Here focus is on their view of faith and love.
What Does It Mean to Put Your Faith in Jesus Christ?
Don't Waste Your Cancer
What is the godly way of receiving your cancer? The authors, each of which has personally experienced cancer, explore the discipline of regarding your illness as a gift of God for the purpose of nurturing your faith in Christ and relationship with him and others.
Why So Difficult?
Hebrews 11:13: Aliens and Strangers
Faith and Assurance
God’s Secrets – The Believer’s Comforts
Walking by Faith
Hebrews 11:1-2 - Faith in Things Not Seen
A Living Relation with God
Decline in the Life of Faith
Knowing the God of Election - The Intensity of the Resonance
Faith and Our Feelings: The Extent of Our Response
The "Appropriation of Salvation" in the Creeds An Overview
The Other Justification by Faith
What is justification? What is justification by faith? What is the 'other' justification by faith? In the real justification by faith, you have faith in what Christ has done for you. In the false version, you have faith in what you do for yourself. In whom do you put your faith?