Why the Cross?
Ecology and Eschatology: A Neglected Dimension
Can the themes of redemption and eschatology contribute significantly to the discussions about ecology? This article sketches some of the connections between ecology and eschatology.
Creation and redemption - a study of kingdom interplay
The themes of creation and redemption have always been of great importance in Christian theology. This essay wants to discuss the relationship and contrast between the old and new creation. A passage often used to contrast the old with the new is Galatians 3:28. This study seeks to determine how the two are related in this passage.
Petrine Redemption: Its Meaning and Extent
How is redemption depicted in 1 Peter and 2 Peter? The paper argues that the apostle Peter presents redemption in his letter primarily as the work of Christ that sets people free from a previously futile lifestyle. The emphasis is on a changed lifestyle.
Redemptive History and Biblical Interpretation – The Idea of Biblical Theology as a Science and as a Theological Discipline
In Chapter 1 Vos puts forward his understanding of biblical theology as a theological discipline. He emphasizes the historical character of biblical revelation. The Bible was for Vos far from a series of isolated proof texts; it was for him an organism with a rich diversity that gives unanimous expression to its message of redemption.
Christ and Him Crucified
The author attempts to summarize the gospel message according to Paul, as a message of the sacrifice of Christ for the sake of the propitiation of the wrath of God, and for reconciliation and redemption. This gospel message also highlights the aspect of justification by faith, Spirit-authored sanctification, and the glorification of believers.
Redemption - Introduction
This Introduction is about redemption. It explores the broad spectrum of meanings attached to redemption in the Bible. The author demonstrates how the Bible’s story about God actually answers our life’s questions. The pattern of creation, fall, and redemption is followed in a brief survey of God’s story with man. In a later section on redemption as renewal, the author indicates how God’s story culminates in a new creation.
Christian Humanism
The author sees Christian humanism as an appreciation of the dignity of man as created by God. Restoration of that dignity is only through redemption in Jesus Christ. This essay focuses on the essentials of a Christian humanism.
The Kingdom of God – Introduction
This introduction indicates the great importance of a good grasp of the kingdom of God—it is indispensable for a proper understanding of Jesus Christ and the redemption he accomplished. A good understanding of the kingdom illuminates many other aspects of theology. The introduction also reflects on divergent views of the kingdom.
Reading the World's Greatest Story
To understand the Bible one must understand the story of the Bible. This article looks at creation, fall, redemption, and consummation as acts that will help you read and understand the Bible. The goal is to help you find yourself in this story.
The Bearer of Iniquity
What did Christ accomplish for us by his active obedience and passive obedience? This article notes four things in answer to this question: Christ accomplished expiation, propitiation, reconciliation, and redemption. In the process, the author attempts to explain these terms and their individual meanings within the context of Christ's atonement.
God’s Hidden Wisdom
By Every Word of God
What is salvation? What are we saved from? Salvation refers to our ultimate redemption from sin and our reconciliation to God. We are saved from the God's judgment. Salvation is both of the Lord and from the Lord. It is the Lord who saves us from the wrath of the Lord.
Redefining Election
This article looks at the relationship between redemption and election.
A Redemption for This World
This article contrasts the biblical understanding of redemption with the modern use of the word. The modern use of this word disassociates redemption with the concepts of Christ's work and mankind's sin.
In 1 Corinthians 1:30 Christ is called our "redemption". This tells us something about our bondage to sin, about those who are redeemed by Christ, and the payment made to secure such a redemption.
Hebrews 9:22 - The Blood of Jesus Christ
In the Old Testament God showed that redemption can only be attained through blood (Hebrews 9:22). This pointed to the blood of Christ as the only sufficient means to cleanse man's guilt and clear his conscience.
Surveying the Wondrous Cross: New Testament Pictures for the Atonement
Looking at redemption, reconciliation, victory, propitiation, and justification in relation to the atonement, this article shows how these words are used in the New Testament to clarify and portray the wondrous work of Christ in the atonement.
The Adamic Administration of the Covenant
This article shows that redemptive history is related to the covenant. The author discusses the covenant in relation to creation, the Fall and redemption.
Redemptive History: Introduction to Redemptive History
This article defines redemptive history as the historical progression of events, sovereignly decreed and providentially controlled by God, leading to the final redemption of creation through the elect remnant of mankind. In this article, the author provides an outline of the narrative of redemptive history leading to Christ. It is necessary to understand the narrative of redemptive history in order to correctly interpret scripture.
Rehearsing Rest: The Sabbaths
"I Believe in the Holy Spirit"
Creation and Redemption
The Reversal of the Curse
Will this earth be thrown on the scrap heap? This article looks at creation, redemption and consummation, and the relation of this world and the new heaven and earth. The author also discusses the curse on the earth, and the fall of creation and the work of Jesus Christ. Romans 8:18-25 is an important passage in this article.
Exodus 13:1-2; 11-16 - Consecrate to Me every Firstborn Male
The Justifying Judgement of God
Our contemporary preaching of the gospel message would be improved by making better use of the much neglected and misunderstood subject of divine judgment. The breadth of the biblical use of judgment is considered in this article and it is argued that judgment as a metaphor of atonement provides the wider context in which penal substitution should be understood. The metaphor of judgment can also be a means of coordinating disparate biblical images of the atonement.
Was Adam an Historical Person?
This article is about Genesis 1-3 and if we have to view Adam and paradise as a historical person and event. The article looks at salvation and historical facts, and the fall in sin and redemption. It also looks at the origin of sin from the viewpoint of evolution. The relation between Adam and Jesus Christ is also discussed.