Five Ways to Grow in Prayer
Do you pray faithfully? Many Christians struggle to maintain a consistent prayer life. The article discusses five things that can help you grow and be more effective in prayer.
How to Pray When You're Struggling to Understand the Bible
Prayer plays a supremely essential part of our study of the Bible. It is difficult to hear what God says in Scripture if you do not pray. The article provides a helpful guide for productive Bible study, especiall in cases where you are struggling to understand the Bible.
When God Feels Far Away in Your Suffering
The Hardest Words to Pray
What were the hardest words the Lord Jesus ever said in prayer? This article considers his mention of "the glory" and "the hour" in his high priestly prayer in John 17.
Five Reasons Even Church Leaders Don't Pray as We Should
Even church leaders struggle with prayer, not praying as they should. Here are five reasons explaining why church leaders struggle to pray.
Is Your Church a Praying Church?
Prayer is the life of the church. Is your church a praying church? How do you know if you are in a praying church? Here are ten questions to help you discern how your church is doing.
Nine Ways for Church Leaders to Pray More
As a leader do you long to pray more? What are the causes of prayerlessness? This article gives nine causes of prayerlessness, and nine ways to cure them in order to attain to a greater prayer life
Knowing God Can Do the Impossible Should Affect the Way We Live
The sovereignty of God implies that God can do the impossible. This reality should impact your prayer, giving, and evangelism, and the article fleshes this out.
Fervent Prayer
Calvin on Prayer
Calling Upon the Lord
John Owen’s Four Motives for the Pastor’s Prayer Life
Prayer is essential to the life and ministry of the pastor. What is it that should motivate the prayers of the pastor? This article offers such four motives.
Prayer that is not the grateful response of the justified sinner is likely to degenerate into an attempt to gain acceptance with God, apart from Christ.
Prayer is the sweat of the soul.
Public prayer ought to be the overflow of one’s private praying.
Prayer is God’s appointed means for appropriating the blessings that are ours in Christ Jesus.
Effective prayer is the fruit of a relationship with God, not a technique for acquiring blessings.
Growing in Prayer
Looking Above: Prayer and Trumpets Revelation 8:1-6
The Relationship Between Bible Reading and Prayer
God Blesses Prayer
Thankfulness in the Psalms
Persistently Knocking at Mercy’s Door
Asking & Receiving
Teach Us to Pray
The Psalms in the Spiritual Life
Ascetics and Ethics
A Pastor’s Reflections: Pray before You Preach
Prayer, Missions and Evangelism
James 5:12-20 - The Chastised Church Urged to Pray Read James 5:12-20
The Aged Christian and His Bible
The Purposes and Implementation of Prayer Meetings
Familiar Conversation with God: Calvin on Prayer Calvin on Prayer
What Is Prayer?
This article explains that prayer is embracing God.
Does God Really Want Honest Prayers?
This article reflects on how psalms of lament are a great source for teaching Christians how to express their grief in prayer.
Why Do We Ask God for Our Daily Bread?
Why is the prayer for our daily bread important? It reminds us that we are sinners, God is good and gracious, and we have future hope.
Grateful Words: The Eucharistic Prayer Is the Table Grace of the People of God
This article reflects on how the prayer at the communion table when celebrating the Lord's Supper cradles the church's central, basic affirmations concerning the knowledge of God, the person and work of Christ, and the life and ministry of the church in the power of the Spirit.
I Don't Love to Pray, but I Want To
Prayer is not always easy. How can we overcome this struggle? This article considers what a well-known catechism teaches about prayer, in order to help breathe life into our prayer habits.
Come, Let Us Bow Down: Reflections on Kneeling
Why do Christians in most Reformed and Presbyterian churches not kneel during prayer? In this article Abraham Kuyper explains that kneeling was still customary as late as 1618, at the Synod of Dort.
Augustine's Four Rules on Prayer
Needed on Prayer Day: True Prayer
Six Truths about Weak Faith and Little Prayers
There are times in the Christian life where your faith is weak and you have low expectations regarding answers to your prayers. In Acts 12 we are shown how God works in the midst of weak faith and little prayers.
Prayer in Worship
Rediscovering Prayer: The Day That Prayer Began
Five Benefits of Praying the Psalms
How I Started Praying the Bible
This article discusses how the entire Bible is a prayer book. It shows how especially the Psalms allow the believer to pray in response to God.
Rediscovering Prayer: Prayer in the Old Testament
Union with Christ Be Instructed by Calvin This is no Empty Ritual or Vain Superstition
A Silent God Between the Prayer and the Answer
Methodical Men Harold Lindsell offers the Secret to Success
A Joint Venture Prayer, Revival and Missions Go Together – or Not at All
Consistent Calvinists Christians must Broaden the Submission of Prayer to All Life
Prevailing Prayer
Speak Up Prayer is Not a Spiritual Shopping List, it’s a Conversation
James McInnes (Clachan, Kintyre)
Public Prayer: Leading & Following
Secret Prayer Openly Rewarded
Daniel 9:1-19 – Prayer with Feeling
The Prayer-Life of Jesus Christ
Praying for Bad Things to Happen to Bad People
Should you pray for bad things to happen to bad people? This article looks at imprecatory psalms. It shows how they call believers to love and seek God's justice, and how this should shape our prayers.
Eight Keys to Personal Prayer
Prayer should be warm and intimate. How can you make your personal prayer to be like that? The article considers eight keys to this.
Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 15 – A Doxology
Ten Reasons Pastors Must Be Prayer Warriors
You Can Pray – The Father Loves to Hear Us Pray
The emphasis of Chapter 1 is that prayer may be uttered in confidence, because God as Father of his children want to hear their prayers.
Beholding the Glory of Christ in Prayer
Prayer is a means of beholding the glory of Christ. This article explains what this means and how we behold Christ's glory in prayer.
Belgic Confession Article 26: Intercession and Prayer
Tertullian on Prayer
A theme for which the writings of Tertullian may be studied with profit is the place of prayer in the life of the church. This study draws attention to and serves as an introduction to a field of study on prayer that has many riches for those who will mine there.
How the Lord’s Prayer Transformed My Heart
How can you find joy in prayer? If praying is hard for you, you can use the Lord's Prayer as a template to enrich your prayer life.
Hallowed Be Thy Name
When we pray, "Hallowed be your Name," what are we praying for? We want to see God's glory revered in our lives and the lives of others. Thie article shows how this prayer shapes discipleship.
Prayer Is the Most You Can Do
Prayer is not the least you can do; it is the most you can do. This article explains by discussing things that hinder us from praying, misconceptions about prayer, and the problem of legalistic prayer. It is when we understand the purpose of prayer that we come to realize that prayer is the most we can do.
Connecting Prayer to Mission
For mission work to go well it must be linked to prayer, because in the Bible mission and prayer are related. This article looks at Ephesians 6:19-20 and Colossians 4:2-4 to show this relationship.
The Church on Its Knees The Life of the Church Series: Sermon Ten
Lessons from a Prayer Warrior
Prayer is difficult for many. How do you learn to pray? This article shares lessons that can help you in learning to pray, but the best way to learn is by getting a mentor.
The Praying and Crying Spirit
Why Do We Pray?
What is prayer and why do we have to pray? Prayer is the divinely appointed means through which we commune with the living God and advance his kingdom. This article explains this definition in order to clarify the necessity for prayer and the reason for prayer.
Thoughts on Prayer
From Philippians 4:6-7 this article offers some thoughts on prayer.
Reflections on Reformation: Why Pray the Hours?
This article makes a case from church history and Scripture for prayer at set times of the day.
The Prayer That Turns the World Upside Down
This article explains how the Lord's Prayer is the prayer that can turn the world upside down.
Prayer Societies
How can you encourage Christians to pray? Consider the use of prayer societies as an encouragement to prayer.
Relating Prayer and Pain: Psychological Analysis and Lamentations Research
This article exposes diverse applications of psychological approaches to the book of Lamentations. It gives an analysis of the benefits and limitations of this research. It then continues to relate prayer and pain in the poetry of Lamentations by exploring the connections between Lamentations and the psychology of prayer.
Lamentations and the Poetic Politics of Prayer
This article wants to indicate the political dimensions of the book of Lamentations. The Babylonian politics of violence are vividly depicted in the poetry of Lamentations. In the second part of the article, the author argues that Lamentations contributes to modern theo-political reflections.
Nine Reasons to Pray
The Religious Life of Theological Students
This article considers what the devotional life of theological students might look like. Important are matters like study, devotion, prayer, and religious exercise.
Prayer in the Life of Jesus
Seasoning the Heart for Prayer
How do you prepare for communion with God in prayer? This article discusses five ways we can prepare the heart and mind for prayer.
Prayer and the Sovereignty of God
Does prayer change things? To answer this question one must understand the relationship between prayer and the sovereignty of God. It is through this understanding that one learns that prayer is submission to God’s will.
Family Prayer
Family prayer is a precious time of fellowship with God by speaking to him. This article explains the role of the father in leading family prayer, the reasons for practicing it, its importance, and then practical ways of conducting it.
Congregational Prayer
Congregational prayer is part of the worship of God’s people, so it must receive proper attention. This article looks at the role of the minister and congregation in congregational prayer.
Cultivating Personal Prayer
Personal prayer is one-to-one communion with God. This article explains the importance of personal prayer, and the way of cultivating it.
Prayer: God’s Gift to His Covenant People
Prayer is a gift of God to his covenant people. Therefore, to understand the nature of prayer, one must understand the nature of the covenant. The article explains this, showing how this understanding shapes the practice of the believer in prayer.
Prepare Your Public Prayers: Helpful Advice from D.A. Carson
Prepare your public prayer. Why? Because public prayer is not only done in the presence of God, but also those listening. Therefore, it provides an opportunity to teach a congregation how to pray.
This article seeks to encourage the believer on the importance of prayer and relying upon God rather than one's own wisdom. It impresses upon the believer the importance of seeking God's will, learning the ways of God, doing his will, and rejoicing in his ways.
The author states that prayer is the most important topic in practical religion. All other subjects are secondary. The author offers seven reasons why this is so. Included among these reasons are the subjects of salvation, the character of a true Christian, private prayer, prayer as a source of encouragement, and prayer as a recipe for happiness and contentment.
New Life amid the Alien Corn: The Book of Ruth
What is the role of prayer in the narrative of Ruth? The article gives particular attention to the providence of God, which is effected by the actions of God and the prayers of intercession and thanksgiving by Ruth and Boaz.
How to Pray through the Psalms
Seven Prayer Lists You Already Have
How do you organize your prayer life as a pastor? This article suggests seven prayer lists you can use for your pastoral prayer.
Seven Principles of Prayer
Philippians 4:6-7 – Prayer and the Peace of God
This article, through the lens of Philippians 4:6-7, considers the blessing of prayer and the peace the believer has in Christ, in the face of frailty and danger.