Pentecostalism: A Work of the Holy Spirit or Some Other Spirit?
The Nature and Function of New Testament Glossolalia
What was the nature and function of speaking in tongues in the New Testament? Is there any relationship between what functioned in the New Testament and contemporary charismatic glossolalia? What was the linguistic nature of New Testament glossolalia? This article concerns itself with these questions but does not give a direct answer. It does, however, provide a survey of the main views on the matter within New Testament scholarship.
The Pentecostal Initial Evidence Doctrine
Is speaking in tongues (glossalia) evidence of being baptized in the Holy Spirit? This is a claim of the Pentecostal movement. This paper wants to understand the meaning of this "doctrine" and see whether there is any support for it from the New Testament.
The Holy Spirit: Special Topics
Tongues-Speech: A Patristic Analysis
Was there speaking in tongues in the period immediately following the apostles? Hunter examines writings from the early church fathers for the possible references to the phenomena of glossolalia. Specific attention is given to reactions against Montanism.
Theological Reflections on the Charismatic Movement (2)
This article picks up where part one ended. Focus is on the claims of Neo-Pentecostalism or the charismatic movement on baptism of the Spirit, glossolalia or speaking in tongues, gifts of the spirit, and healing, with the leading texts being Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 12-1 Corinthians 14.
Church with Charisma
A Study of Speaking in Tongues
This article looks at the meaning of speaking in tongues in the context of the whole Bible and discusses whether it still occurs today.
Questions and Answers About Healing, Tongues, and Prophecy
Azusa Street Revival and Pentecostalism (1)
Azusa Street is known as the birthplace of Pentecostalism. This article considers the history of the movement under the leadership of Charles Parham. The author critiques its teaching on speaking in tongues, as first experienced by Agnes Ozman, and baptism in the Spirit.
Spiritual Warfare
This is the sixth article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. This article discusses spiritual warfare, also Strategic-level Spiritual Warfare and prayer warfare, evaluating the concept of speaking in tongues as the means to wage this warfare.
Pentecost: Baptism with the Holy Spirit
Miracles, Wonders and Signs
Uttering Mysteries
Do you Need to be Born Again?
In this article on regeneration the author discusses John 3:3 and the work of Jesus Christ and our regeneration. Speaking in tongues and being born again are other topics discussed.