Psalm 95 - Aspects of the New Testament Sabbath Psalm 95 as Interpreted by Hebrews 3-4
Ecclesiastes 4:4-6 - Employment and Meaning in Life
From Week-End to Weekend
Worshipping the Lord of the Sabbath
This article explains that the Old Testament Sabbath, an institution of the Lord at creation, has enduring significance for the church after Christ. God as Creator and Redeemer calls his people still today to rest on the Lord's Day.
Working on Learning to Rest
How do you find rest in a workaholic culture? You must learn to rest from overwork. How do you learn? The article explains two things crucial to learning to rest.
How Rest Is Restored – Sabbath & Jesus’ Redemption in the New Testament
To obey God's commandment about resting on the Sabbath is a matter of a change of heart. For it is only in Christ that true rest is restored. This article explains the implication of this for keeping the weekly Sabbath.
Why People Can’t Rest – Human Nature Revealed in the Hebrew Scriptures
Commanded to Rest: The Impact of the Fall
The impact of the fall on the pattern of rest established by God is not limited to physical rest. The fall also impacted spiritual rest. This article explains how God's commanded is directed to restoring both these aspects of rest.
Created to Rest: Entering into Joyful Communion with God
For Christians, there is more to rest than only gaining energy for production. The pattern of work and rest was established by God in Genesis 1-2, so that we could enjoy communion with God.
Soul Care Garage: Rest & Recreation
What is the antidote for pastoral burnout, breakdown, or even a crash? It is the soul-care garage with its seven service bays. This article discusses the third and fourth service bays: recreation and rest.
Hurry Up and Rest
Reasons Why Christians Must not Seek Their Rest on Earth
Rest or Stress 4th Commandment
Entering into Rest
Come to Me All Who Are Weary and Burdened, and I Will Give You Rest
Sunday Celebration and Working on Sunday
Jeremiah 17:12 - Our Sanctuary
Christians face many challenges and struggles - struggles with sin within, the devil's assault, and the world's temptations. How can the Christian find rest in such a world? This article shows that God’s throne and sanctuary is a place of finding such a rest. God’s throne is a place of purity, peace and protection. This is what Jeremiah witnessed, as recorded in Jeremiah 17:12.
Luke 15:32 - Home at Last
Why Easter Makes Me a Sabbatarian
The Sabbath is a part of salvation history, since God will bring His people to eternal rest. This article shows how Sabbath finds its meaning and fulfillment in Christ, demonstrating that the fourth commandment is still applicable to the church today.
Rehearsing Rest: The Sabbaths
The Art of Constructive Loafing
The Command We Love to Keep
Had a Good Holiday?
Luke 23:56 – The Final Sabbath
The Christian and work - Part 1
In these articles about the Christian and work, the author focuses on labour, laziness, idleness and rest. The relation of work and sustenance and charity is also mentioned. The author also discusses our career from a Christian viewpoint, as a divine vocation. What is the purpose of work?
Compassion in a Broken World: The Powerful Support of God’s Spirit in Weakness
The Minister and His Relaxation
The Christian's Refreshing
Genesis 2:3 - Our World: A Home or Prison?
What’s a Good Holiday?
Sabbath Hedonism
Let the Lord's Day be a delight. It should be a day of rest and joy. (Isaiah 58:13-14)
Sabbath Rest
Jesus Christ is superior because it gives the rest that neither Moses nor Joshua could provide (Hebrews 4). This article looks at this Sabbath rest, the purpose of the Lord's Day, and the history of redemption.