Paradise the First
The Glory of Heaven – Heavenly Hash
What is heaven and what might it be like? Heaven is often associated with the life hereafter. In chapter 1 of this book, the author attempts to explain why every major religion and every significant culture in human history has had some notion of heaven or “paradise.” Different names are used: nirvana, Elysium, Valhalla, Utopia, Shangri-La, etc.
Covenant of Works and Merit?
Work: Curse or Calling?
Adam and Evolution
Was Adam an Historical Person?
This article is about Genesis 1-3 and if we have to view Adam and paradise as a historical person and event. The article looks at salvation and historical facts, and the fall in sin and redemption. It also looks at the origin of sin from the viewpoint of evolution. The relation between Adam and Jesus Christ is also discussed.
Covenant Theology under Attack
This article is about the covenant of works (covenant in the paradise). Rewards and blessing, the active obedience of Jesus Christ, and the relation of paradise and the covenant of grace is also discussed.