Can Christians Lose Their Salvation? (Hebrews 6)
Why the Ascension Was Important for Your Salvation
What does the ascension of Jesus have to do with our salvation? Read the article for a discussion on the significance of Christ's ascension for the salvation of the world.
How Do You Know If You Have Saving Faith?
What exactly is saving faith, and how do you know whether you have it? Many people try to work their way into salvation and entry into the kingdom of God through good works. The Bible teaches that saving faith is a gift of God in Christ Jesus. Read this article for a discussion on this point.
It is an amazing thing, indeed, to realize that God takes more delight in our salvation than even we do when we turn to Him (Luke 15:7, 10 [& Zephaniah 3:17]).
The "Appropriation of Salvation" in The Creeds – An Overview –
The Holy Spirit's Work in Salvation
The Three Parts of the Order of Salvation
How We Misunderstand the Command to Work Out Your Own Salvation
In Philippians 2:13-14 we read that Christians are to work out their salvation with fear and trembling. What does it mean to work out your salvation? This article explains how this working out is still a work of God.
Hosea: The Drama of Salvation
Salvation: Past, Present, & Future
A biblical view of salvation will help us have a correct view of your sanctification, and how growing in holiness is often not at the pace we would like to experience. This article therefore describes the past, present, and future elements of salvation.
What Did the Cross Achieve? The Logic of Penal Substitution
This essay attempts to explain the belief that the death of Christ on the cross had the character of penal substitution, and that it was by virtue of this fact that it brought salvation to mankind. First, the author clears up some questions of method. He then continues to explore what it means to call Christ's death substitutionary.
The Quickening of a Dead Will
What is the role of man’s will in salvation? The will of man is dead by nature; therefore, it cannot respond to the call of the gospel. Only the will that is brought to life by God is able to respond. This article shows how this is crucial to understanding salvation to be by grace alone.
Acts 4:12 – Only One Name
Acts 4:12 – No Other Name
The Spirit’s Life-Giving Work: Not Merely a Moral Advising
The work of the Holy Spirit in salvation is both efficacious and irresistible. The Spirit does not just offer life as the Arminians claims; the Spirit gives life.
How Then Can We Be Saved?
This article shows that salvation is only possible when sin is dealt with and the justice of God is fully satisfied. God fulfilled this in Christ; thus salvation is only through him.
Perseverance within an Ordo Salutis
This article wants to put the distinctive elements of salvation in relation to each other in order to create a comprehensive picture. He links the initiating elements of the spiritual life with the progress of the believer’s life, with a view to preparing the ground to redefine the doctrine of the perseverance of believers within such a revised order of salvation.
ARCIC 2 – Salvation and the Church: Pastoral and Spiritual Implications
This article examines an important document that functions in Anglican-Roman Catholic relations. The document was produced by ARCIC, i.e., the Anglican Roman Catholic International Commission. Their statement on salvation and the church was generally received with little criticism.
The author states that prayer is the most important topic in practical religion. All other subjects are secondary. The author offers seven reasons why this is so. Included among these reasons are the subjects of salvation, the character of a true Christian, private prayer, prayer as a source of encouragement, and prayer as a recipe for happiness and contentment.
The Blood of Jesus: Our Only Ground of Peace with God
This article focuses on the importance of the blood of Christ in the salvation of his people. With primary reference to the Passover lamb in Exodus 12:13, the author shows that the sacrificial lamb was a pointer to Christ's atonement of his people through his blood.
A Dialogue of Conflicting Concepts
This article is in the form of a dialogue, and the discussion between the participants is focused on salvation that is based on one's contribution. The alternative view being expressed by the other participant is that salvation is based on no effort of the one saved, but must all be credited to God.
Saving Faith
In this article the subject of saving faith is investigated. The aim is to be able to identify and distinguish between faith that is genuine and leads to salvation and those kinds of faith that do not lead to salvation. By references to various texts in Scripture, the article deals with many of the faiths that do not lead to salvation.
Salvation, I Can Write No Other Theme: A Series of Well-Wishing Letters
This article is in the form of a series of letters on the subject of salvation. It offers advice on the common misconceptions and errors surrounding the understanding of the event and process of salvation. It especially focuses on salvation as wholly a work of God, a calling to obedient living, a divine deliverance, and so forth.
Every Man Must Be a Theologian
This article argues that it is the characteristic of every believer that they know God, and thus they are theologians. The discussion is centred on salvation and the knowledge of God for those who are saved.
Irresistible Grace
The biblical concept of grace can easily become meaningless due to its abundant use in Christendom. The author of this article sets out to describe this term and especially how it is related to God's work of salvation. This grace is irresistible grace.
The Gospel and Evangelism: An Assessment
This article reviews a number of positions held on the nature of salvation. The article refutes the Roman Catholic accusation that the Reformation rejected all works of holiness and the need for moral transformation in the life of converts. Other unbiblical approaches to evangelism are antinomian elements that deny the necessity for commitment to Christ.
Differentiating the Work of the Son and Spirit in Salvation
This article, by way of a chart, presents the different tasks of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit in man's salvation.
Not "Just Forgiven": How Athanasius Overcomes the Under-Realized Eschatology of Evangelicalism
Is the view of salvation generally held in contemporary evangelicalism an under-realized eschatology with a too-narrow focus on forgiveness alone? This article suggests this is the case, and offers the doctrine of salvation we find in the theology of Athanasius as a correction.
The Essential: Salvation
Salvation is the final triumph of the gospel in bringing believers to eternal safety and joy in the presence of a holy and glorious God.
This article recalls the great work of the Lord in bringing the sinner to salvation, and from there it encourages vital living as a Christian in this dark world.
God's Righteousness as God's Fairness in Romans 1:17: An Ancient Perspective on a Significant Phrase
Thielman is convinced that if one is to understand how justification functions in Paul's writings, one needs to understand how the righteousness language functions in Romans 1:17. He argues in this article that part of the reason for the volatile interpretive history of this verse is that the phrase is polyvalent. He further argues that the "righteousness of God” has three meanings in Romans 1:17.
Unjust, Unkind, Unfair, Un-humble
Is it unfair to claim exclusivity of Jesus Christ for salvation? Jesus is the only way to salvation; to claim the opposite is being unfair.
Corporate Election in Romans 9: A Reply to Thomas Schreiner
In a previous article Thomas Schreiner argued that Romans 9 teaches individual election unto salvation. Abasciano finds Schreiner's argument for the primacy of corporate election in Romans 9 unpersuasive. In this article, he examines Schreiner's case and articulates the nature of election as it is represented in Romans 9.
Jesus as the Imago Dei: Image-of-God Christology and the Non-Linear Linearity of Theology
Grenz's concern is the telling of the story of salvation in terms of Jesus as image of God. He begins by outlining the <em>imago Dei</em> Christology of the New Testament. Next, he places this Christology in the context of the biblical story of man as image of God. Grenz also draws out the implications of this Christology for the flow of theological construction.
Titus 3:4-8 – What God Has Done for His People
Our Spiritual Roots: God Saves Sinners Augustine on Sin and Grace
Evangelicals, Catholics, and Orthodox together: Is the Church the Extension of the Incarnation?
What is the nature of the relationship between Christ and the church? What is the role of the church in salvation? In this article the author reflects on the significance of the image used for the church as the body of Christ in 1 Corinthians 12:27 for our understanding of the functions of the church as prophet, priest, and king.
Reflections on Salvation and Justification in the New Testament
This article offers some reflections on how the New Testament views salvation and justification. It first notes the common ground in Roman Catholic and evangelical views of salvation.
God's Glory in Salvation through Judgment – Can the Centre Hold?
Hamilton argues that the centre in Biblical Theology is God, who is both merciful and just. The central theme of Scripture, according to Hamilton, is the glory of God in salvation through judgment. In Chapter 1 he first considers whether there is a centre in Scripture that holds everything in Scripture together.
The Nearness of God – Incarnation as Presence
In Chapter 1 Burns discusses the subject of the presence of God in John 1:1-18. The focus of the chapter is verse 14.
The Message of the General Epistles in the History of Redemption – An Eternal Inheritance: Salvation in 1 Peter
Crowe explores in Chapter 1 the significance of salvation in 1 Peter. He reflects on the meaning of the believers being called exiles/aliens/sojourners in 1 Peter and Scripture generally. Next he discusses the blessings of salvation. At the end of the chapter he provides some questions for reflection and discussion.
"I Will Not Erase His Name from the Book of Life" (Revelation 3:5)
Is it possible for a true believer to lose his salvation? How should we read and understand the promise of Revelation 3:5? Should this text be read as a support for the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints? The author wants to demonstrate that a good reading of this passage does not include the possibility of the loss of salvation.
This Is Love – God's Eternal Love
Chapter 1 is about love as an attribute of God. The author directs his readers to consider how this love is manifested in the Trinity, and how the glory of this love is seen in Jesus Christ and the salvation of man.
Jesus Christ's Two Amazing Natures
Advice for a Seeking Soul
Faith in Christ
Resurrection and Redemption – Introduction
In this Introduction the author deals with a shift in studies on Paul in the second part of the twentieth century. The shift is from a focus on categories of personal salvation and the order of salvation (ordo salutis) to a new emphasis on redemptive-historical categories.
How to Be Saved by Our Glorious Christ
Infant Salvation
Does the Bible say anything about infant salvation? What happens to infants when they die? This article looks at three answers given throughout church history. It then discusses infant salvation in relation to effectual calling and regeneration, election, baptism, and covenant. What should be the answer?
Few Saved!
The Sovereignty of God in Salvation
Why is it that some people are saved and others are not? This article traces the answer to this question to the sovereignty of God in salvation. It argues that the biblical answer is found in that God the Father elected certain ones to salvation, God the Son died for the elect, and God the Spirit quickens the elect.
There Are Only Two Religions in the Whole World
There are those who preach salvation that is based on good works and the free will of man. There is also salvation based on God's grace. This article shows that to preach a salvation dependent on man's free will goes against the grain of Scripture. It gives four reasons why this is so.
Accepting Christ
"Accept Jesus as your personal Saviour." What view of salvation is promoted by such a statement? Does it match the biblical view of salvation? This article argues that this statement is a result of evangelism gone wrong. It betrays the biblical teaching on salvation.
The Journey
An Apologetic Problem: No Hope Where the Gospel Has Not Been Heard?
Is there any hope for those who never heard the gospel? In this essay Baker affirms that the Scriptures teach that salvation is by faith in God, and mediated through Jesus Christ. The author wants to look at safeguards against the dangers of unwarranted inferences from this. He wants his readers to be wary of speaking carelessly about the hope we have.
By Faith, Not by Sight – The Order of Salvation and the Theology of Paul
The author confronts the influence of the New Perspective on Paul. Gaffin’s controlling question throughout concerns Paul’s understanding of how the individual receives salvation. What does the application of salvation to sinners involve for Paul? Is a distinction between salvation accomplished (historia salutis) and salvation applied (ordo salutis) present in his preaching?
Acting the Miracle – Prelude to Acting the Miracle: Putting Sanctification in Its Place
In the first part of Chapter 1, Piper defines sanctification. In the next part he gives it a place in the order of salvation. He explains that sanctification has to do with being and becoming holy and this is nothing less than a sharing in the holiness of God.
Law and Grace
God's Salvation for the Homosexual
Romans 3:21-26 - Three Illustrations of Salvation
The Heavens Declare
What is the nature of God's grace? The article describes the differences between God's common grace and God's special grace, in line with the reformed teaching of election. Common grace is extended to all men, but does not lead to salvation. Special grace is extended to the elect, and leads to righteousness in Jesus Christ, and thus salvation.
How Did We Come to Faith?
How did you come to believe in Christ? Answering this question rests in understanding: man's total inability, God's sovereign power in election, free will, the gift of salvation, the work of the Holy Spirit, the well-meant offer of the gospel.
The "Appropriation of Salvation" in the Creeds An Overview
What is salvation? What are we saved from? Salvation refers to our ultimate redemption from sin and our reconciliation to God. We are saved from the God's judgment. Salvation is both of the Lord and from the Lord. It is the Lord who saves us from the wrath of the Lord.
Christ Our Substitute
Why do we love the Lord Jesus and some people do not? Isaiah 53 helps us with this question. Many people do not consider Jesus as a Saviour, a winner, a king among kings and a great Lord over lesser lords. Believers not only understand that Jesus suffered, but also know why He suffered. We view Him as our substitute who suffered for us, obtaining salvation for us.
Salvation By Grace Alone: None Seeketh After God
No one seeks after God. Man's salvation is only as a result of God's grace. In expositing Romans 3:11, this article shows that man by nature has no inclination to seek after God. Only when He is found by God can he seek after Him. This truth of salvation by grace alone is fundamental to the life of every Christian, family and church.
Jesus Our Savior
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 11 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Can man receive salvation without Christ? No. Jesus is the only Savior, and without Him there is no salvation.
True Saving Faith
This article is an exposition of Lord's Day 7 of the Heidelberg Catechism. Without faith there is no salvation. What does it mean then to have true faith?
John 11:17-45 - "Do You Believe This?"
All of Grace
Our salvation is through grace alone. This article discusses the order of salvation, focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit.
Christ's Resurrection: Fact and Factor
The resurrection of Christ is very important for our salvation, and is a significant aspect of Christian doctrine.
Nothing to Do
Christ accomplished a complete salvation; there is nothing which needs to be added to what He has already done.
Saved By a Cup of Water
As sinners, we all deserve condemnation and death. And yet, believers can be assured of their salvation, obtained for them through Christ's death!
Saving Knowledge
In order for one to be saved, one must possess a saving knowledge. This is a knowledge that is rooted in the heart in response to the truth of the gospel, leading to faith in Christ. Salvation is knowing the Father and the Son in their character.
A False Sense of Security
Is Jesus the only way of salvation? The doctrine of Inclusivism is a denial of God's justice and His gracious work of salvation.
Evangelical Inclusivism
This is the second article in a series on various doctrinal issues facing the church today. This article looks at the debate between salvation exclusivism and inclusivism. Are those who were not evangelized also saved?The current embracing of inclusivism by the Roman Catholic Church and the challenge of neo-Arminianism is posing a threat to the orthodox faith. The author calls readers to stand up for biblical truth.
God Accepts You!
No Separation From God's Love
John 10 presents Christ as the Shepherd. This article shows that Christians are assured of their salvation because the Father has given the sheep to the Son, and the Son gave His life for the sheep. Also, the Father and Son are one, so no one can snatch you away from the Father's hand. This is our assurance.
Romans 1:16 - The Power to Save
Jesus Christ: Risen, Ascended and Enthroned
This article examines how the resurrection, ascension and enthronement of Christ relates to our salvation. Christ's resurrection seals salvation, His ascension gives us guarantee, and His enthronement points us to Christ's Lordship.
The Atonement
Irresistible Grace
2 Kings 13:21 - The Speech of Elisha's Grave
God's Gospel Gift
This article is about the gift of salvation for believers. Christians are powerless, ungodly, dependant, guilty sinners. However, God met these needs and shortcomings with the gift of His Son.
That God Should Come as One of Us!
The uniqueness of the Christian message rests with a true view of Jesus Christ. This article is about the incarnation of Jesus Christ, who came to earth to work out our salvation. Jesus had both the capacity and the authority to save believers through His death on the cross.
The Godhood of God
To speak about the Godhood of God is to affirm that God truly is God. Looking at God and His attributes, this article shows how society through its lifestyle can deny these attributes and paint another picture of God, which this article calls the "modern god". The author points to creation, revelation, salvation and providence as affirmation of the Godhood of God.
Soteriology Notes: The Doctrine of Salvation
In this article are notes on the doctrine of salvation defining the meaning of salvation and the involvement of the Triune God in salvation. The author also zooms in on the different views of salvation discussing the Arminian view and Calvinisitic view.
Arguments Supporting the Doctrine of Limited Atonement
Looking at the doctrine of limited atonement, this article shows why atonement was needed in the case of man and God. The author also discusses the intended result of atonement, namely, salvation for sinners.
Answering The Objections To The Doctrine Of Unconditional Election Part 2
This article is on the topic of election and salvation. The author looks specifically at the objections raised against the doctrine of unconditional election.