Fasting for a Spiritual Purpose
Peter: The Servant Leader
What characterizes biblical leadership? Looking at Christ’s training of Peter, the article explains three characteristics of leadership: restraint, humility, and servanthood.
Ten Things You Should Know about Pride and Humility from Jonathan Edwards
What is pride? What is humility? How do you know if you are proud or humble? Here are ten things that Jonathan Edwards had to say about pride and humility.
Submitting to God in Humility
God told us that he opposes the proud and exalts the humble. How do you know if you are proud or humble? This article explains the seven characteristics of pride and humility.
I Have a Bone to Pick…
Evangelical Humility
Fighting Anxiety through Humility
The author shows from 1 Peter 5:6-8 that humility is an antidote to anxiety.
Humility and Anxiety
The author shows from 1 Peter 5:6-8 that humility is an antidote to anxiety.
Thankfulness is a flower which will never bloom well excepting upon a root of deep humility.
Clothing Yourself in Humility Will Please Christ and Bring You Happiness
Christian Humility and the World's Definition of Humility
This article engages with the objection that Christians are arrogant on account of the absolute claims of Christianity. The article considers the meaning of Christian humility, and explains that the Christian can be humble and certain at the same time.
The Contentment of Being Conformed to the Image of Christ The Mystery of Contentment Series: Part 10
Radical Rights The Christian's Right is not to Retaliate but Humiliation
The Prideful Pursuit of Humility
It is only in Christ that the fight against pride and self-doubt can be won. Why? For in Christ we gain humility.
"Known by God": The Meaning and Value of a Neglected Biblical Concept
Being known by God is a critical concept in the Bible. It is, however, neglected in exegesis and theology. This article wants to revive interest in the theme by reflecting on its definition and considering its pastoral function in the Bible. Being known by God is roughly equivalent to three related ideas: belonging to God, being loved or chosen by God, and being a child of God.
James, Soteriology, and Synergism
This article wants to investigate several ways in which the letter of James describes the necessary human response to the saving initiative of God. It starts with a study of James 2:14-26 and continues by looking at the soteriological language throughout the book: repentance and humility, love and mercy, and perseverance and patience.
Humility: When You See Your Logs, You See Most Clearly
How different would you be if you prayed for the Lord to expose the logs in your own eyes? This article discusses humility.
Pride Vs. Humility
Never Humble Enough
1 Timothy 3:6 – The Character of the Christian: Mature and Humble
The qualifications for being an elder should not be limited to them. They should be characteristics of all Christians. This article explains that in 1 Timothy 3:6 God calls Christians to maturity and humility.
Who Is the Greatest?
The Precious Grace of Humility
This article discusses the godly virtue of humility.
Why Truth Matters Most: An Apologetic for Truth-Seeking in Postmodern Times
This article is an apology for the value of truth. Truth matters for Groothuis. He seeks honesty when dealing with truth for apologetic purposes. In this article he first explores the relationship of truth, self-deception, and personal virtue. He further considers the role of humility in the quest for truth and warns against the vice of intellectual apathy.
Suffering, Step One
The Least of the Apostles
This article considers two of the most important Christian character traits in the life of Paul: love for God's people and humility. The article attempts to trace the source of all these in Paul's salvation and in his understanding of God's love for him when he was unworthy of it.
How We Live in Humility
Crises of Faith Are Yardsticks for Growth
How can you tell if you are growing in grace? This article shares three signs that points to sanctification: humility, faith, and love. Let the article explain them.
The Service of Leading
Using an example from the world of music, this author illustrates the kind of commitment and humility that is required in leaders. These qualities are required in pastors as leaders of the church, and fit with Ephesians 4:15-16.
Reverent Conduct
Supernatural Beauty
Ecclesiastes 5:1 - Watch Your Foot
Humility in Affliction
It is a given that, in one way or another, every Christian will face affliction for the sake of Christ. This is so because God’s hand directs such afflictions. This article shares way to respond in a godly way in times of suffering. Pride and the way it manifests itself causes one respond wrongly to affliction. However, humility and acknowledging God characterize a proper response.
The Meekness Required in the Servant of God (2)
The Meekness Required in the Servant of God (1)
John 13:14 - Christian Humility
Forbearance is the ability to endure the shortcomings of others. Forbearance is essential in preserving healthy relationships, and requires love and humility.
Is God Humble?
The Modest Appearing of the Son of God
A Low Sense of Self-Esteem
Living in Communion with the Saints: What Must I Do?
Philippians 2:1-11 - The amazing Example of Christ
This is a Bible Study on Philippians 2:1-11. It is about humility and service, focusing on Jesus Christ as Servant and King.
Man Grasping to be Superman
Preaching and the Ministry
God Has Allotted to Each a Measure of Faith
We should never think too highly of ourselves. Humility befits believers. The remedy for pride is to take serious the fact that our faith is a gift of God alone through His Holy Spirit.
A Call to Fast for Humility and Power
What is Humility?
Philippians 2:3-4 - Humility and the Communion of Saints
This article on Philippians 2:3-4 is about the importance of humility (versus selfishness) for church unity and good fellowship.