Apostolic Confession - I Believe On the Third Day He Rose Again
Three Ways the Resurrection of Jesus Can Transform Your Life Today
What is the significance of the resurrection of Christ for you? The gospel reveals that the resurrection eliminates doubt, brings hope in grief, and offers forgiveness to sinners.
Three Ways Christ’s Resurrection Changes You
Do you know what the resurrection of Christ does for you? The Scriptures tell us that his resurrection gives you new identity, new purpose, and new hope. Contemplating on the resurrection can help you persevere in suffering that comes your way.
Why Should I Believe that Jesus Rose from the Dead
Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead? Many people deny the historicity of the death of Jesus and his resurrection. This article discusses the facts of his resurrection and what that means for you now and on the last day.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Empty Tomb of Jesus
How do you know if the story of the resurrection is true? This article explains by pointing to ten things you need to know about the empty tomb.
Jesus as the Risen King
The Reality of Heaven: At the Sound of the Trumpet
Death and Resurrection
Calvary: God’s Provision for Sinful Men
What if there were No Resurrection?
The Resurrection of Christ
The Wonder of Christ’s Resurrection
The Resurrection-Believing Parent and Teacher
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and Life Everlasting
The belief in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting has implications for the Christian life today. This article explains the relationship between the resurrection hope of the body and the daily life of the Christian.
Our Faith Is Historically Verifiable or It's Nothing
Is the Christian faith historically verifiable or is it just a leap of faith? The resurrection of Jesus Christ makes the Christian faith historically reliable.
Eight Reasons the Resurrection Matters More Than You Think
Typically we stress the importance of preaching the cross of Christ. This article shows, however, that without the resurrection, eight awful truths emerge that render the faith as false.
Easter Spells Victory
What If the Resurrection Never Happened?
This article considers what the consequences would be if there was no resurrection of Christ from the dead. Then Good Friday is just another Friday, and there is no hope for Christians.
Don't Wait Until Next Easter
The resurrection of Christ should be central to the Christian life. This article points out six reasons why we celebrate Easter Sunday, and three implications of the resurrection for the believer.
From the Grave to the Sky Gaining Godly Fear for Faithful Living
Why It Matters What if it's true? And what if it's not?
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Did Jesus Rise Again?
Are the Resurrection Accounts Contradictory?
Our Guarantee
The Verdict A Judge Applies the Rules of Evidence to the Resurrection Accounts
The Intermediate State
What happens between death and the resurrection? What happens when a Christian or an unbeliever dies? This article looks at the false teachings of naturalism, modernism, and soul sleep.
The Intermediate State
What happens between death and the resurrection? What happens when a Christian or an unbeliever dies? This article answers those questions by looking at Scripture's teaching on the intermediate state. Exploring the meaning of death for a Christian and the separation of body and soul, the author gives hope to those who rest in Christ. Judgment day is a day they can look towards with courage.
The Intermediate State
What happens between death and the resurrection? This article answers this by looking at the intermediate state. In exploring the meaning of death for a Christian and the separation of body and soul, the author points us to the hope that belongs to those who rest in Christ.
Why the Resurrection Is No April Fools’ Prank
Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important to Christianity? This article shows that the resurrection is so important because of its exclusivity, significance, specificity, and investigability.
The Resurrection of Jesus and the Witness of Paul
Was the resurrection of Jesus a historical event? This article answers this question by looking at 1 Corinthians 15 to show that it was a real historical event.
Hallucination Theories to Explain Jesus' Resurrection?
Is the hallucination theory enough to explain the resurrection of Jesus? This article examines the claims of this theory and gives twenty reasons why it fails to explain the resurrection.
The Empty Tomb and the Resurrected Lord
The article explains how the resurrection is at the heart of Christianity and the Christian life.
Defending the Resurrection of Jesus
Did Jesus rise from the dead? There are four hypotheses that seek to explain away the resurrection of Jesus. Looking at the biblical account of the resurrection of Jesus, this article shows why these hypotheses cannot stand.
2 Corinthians 5:2-4 – Life, Death, Resurrection: The Minister's Priorities
This article is an exposition and application of 2 Corinthians 5:2-4, which is to be a minister's perspective on life, death, and resurrection.
How Are You to Be More Than a Conqueror?
What does it mean that the Christian is more than a conqueror (Romans 8:31-39)? This article explains that it is by living by faith in Christ, whose resurrection confirmed his victory.
Raised for Our Justification
This article discusses the implications that the resurrection of Christ has for our justification.
The Resurrection and the Person of Christ
What did the resurrection mean for the Lord Jesus? This article offers some considerations from a biblical and theological perspective. It discusses how Christ in his resurrection functioned as the last Adam, the Son of David and Israel's Messiah, the fulfillment God's covenant promises, and the vindication of his own testimony in his ministry.
Five Lies You've Been Told about Easter
This article outlines and critiques five common lies about the resurrection: the Lord did not know he was going to die, the cross was a defeat, the Lord's greatest pain was physical, his death on the cross was insufficient, and Christians celebrate Easter once a year.
The Christmas-Easter Connection
What connections can be drawn between the events of Christmas and Easter? The article deals with this question and attempts to draw a continuous line between the birth of Christ, his death on the cross, and his resurrection.
A Body to Die For: The Very Physical Doctrine of the Resurrection
This article speaks of the fact that the resurrection at the end will be a physical resurrection.
What Happens after Death (And before Resurrection)
This article addresses the notion of soul sleep after death, and what John Calvin had to say about it. He said that the soul is immortal, and after death waits consciously for the resurrection.
Life from the Other Side: How the Resurrection Changed the World
This article considers how the resurrection of Christ changed the world, particularly for the believer. Life is not in vain, there is no more fear of death, and we live in hope. The article also gives attention to what the resurrection life looks like for the believer.
Are Christ's Human Limitations Permanent?
After Christ's resurrection, are the limitations of his incarnation permanent? Read this article for an answer.
The View from Here: How the Resurrection Changes Your Life
This article looks at how the resurrection of Christ changes the lives of his followers here and now.
Raising the Stakes: Why the Resurrection Matters
This article explores the meaning of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and what it achieved. That resurrection demonstrated that Jesus is Lord and Christ, and it revealed that God will judge the world by a man.
The Resurrected Christ
Christ has risen from the dead. This article shows the fact of Christ’s resurrection, as well as the wonder and benefit of it.
Ten Things You Should Know about the Resurrection
This article offers ten thoughts on the resurrection as the core of the Christian message.
Doctrinal Content of the Message of Evangelism
This article discusses what the author calls "the doctrinal content of the message of evangelism," with the discussion based on Luke 26:46-48. The author lists the points of this doctrinal content as (1) the necessity of the cross, (2) the resurrection, and (3) repentance and remission of sins.
The High Triumph of Christ
This is an explanation of the event of the ascension of Christ and the meaning of that ascension to the believer. Other concepts discussed in this article include the significance of the cloud, the resurrection, Christ as Mediator, and Christ as King at the right hand of the Father.
Jesus and Creation: Jesus’ Resurrection and Creation
1 Corinthians 15:12-19 – If Dead Men Don’t Rise
The resurrection of Christ is essential to the Christian faith. Without it, the Christian faith is a waste. From 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 this article gives seven reasons why this would be the case.
Resurrected as Messiah: The Risen Christ as Prophet, Priest, and King
This article wants to consider the soteriological significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The author considers Jesus' resurrection in relation to his offices as Messiah: prophet, priest (Hebrews 5:5–10), and king (Acts 2:30–32). He wants to emphasize that the resurrection on Sunday is more than just a "proof" of the gospel of the cross.
The Resurrection of Our Lord (Part 2)
This second of a two-part series focuses on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:19, as a fact of vital importance to the Christian today.
The Resurrection of Our Lord (Part 1)
This first of a two-part series focuses on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, testified to in Mark 16:6, as central to Christianity.
1 Corinthians 15:3B-6A, 7 and the Bodily Resurrection of Jesus
Some modern exegetes claim that the disciples' experience of Jesus after the resurrection was nothing more than a visionary experience. This article wants to challenge this view. It further challenges the view that the body of Christ was not important for the church in Jerusalem's concept of the resurrection of Christ.
The Resurrection in Jurgen Moltmann
How does Jurgen Moltmann understand the resurrection of man and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in particular? His use of the word "resurrection" diverges significantly from the common understanding of the term. The social character of Moltmann's use of this symbol is vital to a proper understanding of his contribution.
The Nature of Bodily Resurrection: A Debatable Issue
The Shroud of Turin: A Surrejoinder
In a previous article in this journal, Gary Habermas argued for a great value of the shroud of Turin as a witness to the resurrection of Christ. This article is a surrejoinder to the arguments of Habermas.
The Shroud of Turin and Apologetics: A Rejoinder to Basinger and Basinger
In a previous article in this journal, Gary Habermas argued for a great value of the shroud of Turin as a witness to the resurrection of Christ. This article is a rejoinder to arguments against Habermas' position.
What Will Happen When Christ Returns?
The Shroud of Turin and Apologetics - A Response to Gary Habermas
In a previous article in this journal Gary Habermas argued for a great value of the Shroud of Turin as a witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This article challenges that position on philosophical grounds.
The Exaltation of Our Mediator
The Language and Nature of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament
The resurrection of Jesus Christ stands at the centre of the Christian gospel. What exactly happened on Easter morning? This paper considers the language and nature of Jesus' resurrection.
The Shroud of Turin and Its Significance for Biblical Studies
The shroud of Turin occasions interest every now and again. This paper focuses on four areas of interest around the shroud: its history, its relationship to biblical references of burial practices, its possible correlations to the historical Jesus, and its possible function as evidence for Christ's resurrection.
Was the Tomb Really Empty?
Stein takes an apologetic approach in this article on the topic of the resurrection of Jesus, emphasizing its historicity. He expands on the importance of the empty tomb as part of the early Christian message.
Current Problems and Projects in New Testament Research
This is a survey of the state of New Testament studies. Aspects noted include textual criticism, redaction criticism, and the divinity of Jesus and his resurrection.
Revelation and Reason – Resurrection, Proof, and Presuppositionalism: Acts 17:30-31
What is the relationship between revelation and reason in apologetics? What is the role of revelation when biblical veracity itself is under attack? These concerns are major aspects of this chapter. The basic argument of this chapter is that the apostle Paul’s gospel of the resurrection functions as proof of final judgment in Acts 17:31.
Christ's Resurrection and Ours
"Because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also"
Fourteen Resurrection Certainties
Jesus Appearing to James
All Power Is Given unto Me
Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples by the Sea of Galilee
A Compassionate Christ and a Doubting Disciple
Jesus' Appearance on Resurrection Night
On the Way to Emmaus
"Appeared To Simon"
Jesus-Seeking Women on the Way to Galilee
Mary Magdalene at the Grave
Christ & His Disciples after His Resurrection
The Benefits of Christ's Resurrection
The Resurrected Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Christ's Resurrection in the Old Testament
The Importance of Christ's Resurrection
The Lord Is Risen Indeed!
Christ's Glory in His Resurrection
The Resurrection of the Body
In light of 1 Corinthians 15 this article explains the biblical significance of death and the necessity of bodily resurrection. It points to the way in which this should shape the Christian attitude towards death.
How Christ's Resurrection Shapes Our Hope
The Person of Christ
This article considers the person of Christ without trying to separate the work of Christ from his person. It reflects on Jesus' sinlessness, divinity, miracles, names, resurrection, humanity, and his temptations.
Resurrection: Jesus Christ Was Raised from the Dead
Jesus' resurrection is essential to Christianity because it attests to Christ's victory over death, his righteousness, and his divine identity. This what the article explains.
The Resurrection: What If It Is Not True? What If It Is?
Those Others who Arose The Glorified Saints of Matthew 27:53
Resurrection Joy
He is Not Here, He is Risen
What significance does Christ's resurrection have in God's redemptive plan?
Resurrection Obedience
Christianity begins with who God is and what He has done for us in history. God has revealed His person and will by awesome and supernatural events, and Christ's resurrection is the centrepiece of His revelation and His redemptive acts throughout history. Christ's resurrection is indespensible for our justification and our sanctification.
The Feast of the Resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is in line with the Old Testament feasts. Looking at 1 Corinthians 15, the author shows how the Paul is guided by Israel's festal calendar as it finds its fulfillment in the Christ's resurrection. This has a great bearing for the church, as she lives between the time of the firstfruits and the harvest.
Responses to the Resurrection
God has given His church three written accounts that attest to the historical reality of Christ's resurrection. There were many different reactions to Christ's resurrection, including surprise, misunderstanding, and doubt. How will we react to Christ's resurrection?
The Resurrection: An 18th Century Defense for 21st Century Christians
This article gives a short biography of John Gill with a focus on the role he played in defending the resurrection of Christ. The author draws out lessons for Christians today who must defend the doctrine of Christ's resurrection.