The Hardest Words to Pray
What were the hardest words the Lord Jesus ever said in prayer? This article considers his mention of "the glory" and "the hour" in his high priestly prayer in John 17.
How Jesus Prays for You
For whom was the Lord Jesus in his high priestly prayer, recorded in John 17, praying? This article considers the part of the prayer in verses 6-8 and 14-16, explaining which of his disciples he had in mind.
Pondering the Great Love with Which God Loved Us
How should we respond to the love of God? When you understand that God loves you as he loves the Son, then you can only respond with wonder. The article explains this based on John 17:23, 26.
Spiritual Oneness
What Christ Wants You to Know above Everything
From John 17:24 this article shows that the desire of Jesus is that we should know his eternal love.
Safe in the World John 17
John 17 – Gift of Glory, Gift of Unity
This article considers the high-priestly prayer of John 17, particularly the expression of mutual indwelling of the Trinity, and of Jesus' reference to himself receiving glory and passing it on, and the unity that issues from this.
John 17 – God in Man, Man in God
This article considers the Lord Jesus' prayer in John 17. It discusses the perichoresis, or mutual indwelling, of the Trinity, and how the church is incorporated into that communion of the Father and Son by the Spirit.
Limited Atonement
The article deals with the doctrine of limited atonement. The main texts considered include Jesus' high-priestly prayer in John 17:1-13 and the angel Gabriel's announcement of the birth of Christ in Matthew 1:21. The author shows that Christ did not die on the cross for every man that ever lived but for the specific people chosen by God to believe and enjoy the benefits of salvation. This teaching also relates to the teaching of predestination.
John 17:3 – Knowing God
This article considers what it means to know God, in light of the message of John 17:3.
John 17:15 – Danger, Opposition, and Sorrow
This article offers some encouraging words based on the prayer of the Lord Jesus in John 17:15.
John 17 – The Great High-Priestly Prayer
This article offers some reflections on the high-priestly prayer of the Lord Jesus in John 17.
“What Is Truth?” Pilate's Question in Its Johannine and Larger Biblical Context
Kostenberger takes a fresh look at the significance of the question of Pilate in John 18:38, “What is truth?” in its immediate context of Jesus’ trial. He also considers the larger context of the passion narrative in John 18-John 19 and the farewell discourse in John 13-John 17.
The Transcendent Love of God
The author identifies the love of God for his own people as one of the most amazing revelations in Jesus' high-priestly prayer in John 17. The author summarises this revelation by noting that God loves all true believers as much as he loves his Son.
A Prayer for Church Unity
Christ's Glory from Eternity
John 17:21 - "That They Might Be One"
In John 17:21, Christ prays for unity in His bride, the church. Why is this church unity important, and how is it achieved?
John 17:17 - “Your Word is Truth”
Jesus Christ Reveals the Name of God (3)
Jesus Christ Reveals the Name of God (2)
Looking at John 17:6-11, this article shows that when Jesus reveals the name of God, He reveals God as the fulfiller of promises and the Redeemer of His people. Both of these center around Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Reveals the Name of God (1)
Looking at John 17:6-11, this article shows that when Jesus reveals the name of God, He reveals God as the fulfiller of promises and the Redeemer of His people. Both of these center around Jesus Christ.
John 17:20-26 - Christ's Highpriestly Prayer (Part 2)
John 17:1-19 - Christ’s Highpriestly Prayer (Part 1)
Walking Together
Looking at John 17, this article shows how the unity of the Trinity should serve as an example for Christian unity. Christians should reflect this unity by glorifying, serving, and loving one another.
The Importance of Prayer
Elders at Prayer
Church Unity and the Lord’s Table
God is the Gospel
Why do you value God’s forgiveness? Or why do you value eternal life? Have you ever considered asking why a person would want to have eternal life? Why would people want to live forever? Does God feature in how we think about these things? This article looks at John 17:3 and how this text should shape our perspective on forgiveness and eternal life.