Fasting for a Spiritual Purpose
Ten Things You Should Know about Repentance
What is repentance? How do you know if you have repented? This article explains ten things you should know about repentance, including the matters of conviction of sin, confessing sin, a sense of remorse, worldly repentance, and divine discipline.
Practical Aspects of Repentance
"Superficial Believism"
What it Means to Repent
Taking Back Christianese #1: "The Christian Life Is All about Being Transparent and Vulnerable"
Should transparency or vulnerability be a defining characteristic of a believer? This article considers why people say, "The Christian life is all about being transparent and vulnerable," and how it is helpful when shunning hypocrisy, yet unhelpful when it creates a culture that is more about authenticity than repentance.
Sin in the Christian and a Second Repentance
A Twofold Sorrow
What Is a Biblical Conversion?
Six Principles for Repentance
This is an article discussing repentance, and the various principles undergirding it. It stresses the need for confession, facing the pain that the sin has caused others, asking forgiveness, and remaining accountable.
What Is Real Repentance?
What is repentance? This article explains the meaning and the fruits of repentance.
How Repentance Leads to Christ-Centred Joy
This article explains the difference between vain responses to guilt that avoid gospel repentance, and responses that form a pattern of gospel repentance.
Repentance and Lament
The Knowledge of God and of Ourselves
Four Anchors of Repentance
What should drive biblical repentance? There are four foundational aspects of repentance: it is from God, is centred on God, produces life-giving joy, and should be sought in community
Evangelization through Repentance
Falling into sin may be viewed as weakening your Christian witness. However, are you aware that your repentance is also evangelism? This article explains how repentance is a form of witnessing.
Repentance – The Missing Note in Today's Preaching
Preaching today often lacks a call to repentance. This article explains why and explains the fruits of preaching repentance based on Scripture.
Jesus and the Repentance of E. P. Sanders
This essay describes the view of E. P. Sanders with respect to Jesus Christ and repentance, and that description leads to the identification of a problem within Sander's view. Sanders argues that Jesus offered the kingdom of heaven to the wicked without repentance. The article analyzes how this problematic view arose.
Luke 13:1-5 – Christ’s Urgent Call to Repentance
Running a Different Race
James, Soteriology, and Synergism
This article wants to investigate several ways in which the letter of James describes the necessary human response to the saving initiative of God. It starts with a study of James 2:14-26 and continues by looking at the soteriological language throughout the book: repentance and humility, love and mercy, and perseverance and patience.
2 Corinthians 7:9-11 – Five Ways to Discern True and False Repentance
This article discusses the difference between true and false repentance, as the apostle Paul discusses it in 2 Corinthians 7:9-11.
The Order of Application
What is the order of the application of redemption? The article deals with this question and establishes the order of salvation: calling, regeneration, faith and repentance, justification, adoption, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification.
God Glorified in Conversion
What processes are involved in conversion? The author reflects on this subject of conversion, paying particular attention to the place and nature of saving faith and repentance unto life.
Four Lies That Keep Us from Jesus
What can keep you from repenting and coming to Jesus? This article points to four lies that can keep you from repentance, and all have to do with how you think about your sins.
The Difference between True and Counterfeit Repentance
This article addresses a number errors that people associate with repentance. These include the proper understanding of one's sinfulness and God's perfect justification through Jesus Christ.
In detail, the author discusses the subject of repentance and includes in the discussion the necessity, nature, implications, and fruits of repentance.
I Can't Repent
This article demonstrates through the narration of an incident in the life of a preacher that a sinner cannot come to repentance and conversion except by the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Evangelistic Malpractice
This article identifies a number of unbiblical approaches to evangelistic ministry. These include the omission of the aspects of repentance from sin and the lordship of Christ, the hiding of the terms of discipleship, and the salesmanship techniques employed in bringing people to confess faith in Christ.
Doctrinal Content of the Message of Evangelism
This article discusses what the author calls "the doctrinal content of the message of evangelism," with the discussion based on Luke 26:46-48. The author lists the points of this doctrinal content as (1) the necessity of the cross, (2) the resurrection, and (3) repentance and remission of sins.
Faith and Repentance: Which Comes First?
When the gospel is preached, which response comes first, faith or repentance? This article weighs in, revealing that each implies the other.
Four Key Principles of Repentance
Repentance is part of the joyful duty of putting sin to death and coming alive to righteousness. This article discusses four principles for repenting of sin.
What Is Repentance?
Luke 15:11-32 – Repentance and Conflict in the Parable of the Lost Son
There is a continued disagreement over the interpretation of the parable of the lost son in Luke 15:11-32. In particular, there is disagreement as to whether the first section deals with the theme of repentance or not. Another point of disagreement is whether in the second part the elder son serves as a referent for the Jewish religious leaders. Forbes wants to analyze the story, keeping these two issues in mind.
Responding to a Holy God
Has the church not lost repentance as one of the most important parts of its piety? This article addresses the question by briefly looking back to King David's life.
Repentance and Faith
Soteriology in the Gospel of John
This article explores different aspects of the doctrine of salvation in the Gospel of John. Aspects considered include the role of repentance, incarnation, and vicarious atonement.
Phoney Repentance, Abundant Mercy
If true repentance will always show itself in a change of attitude and behaviour, then phoney repentance is the opposite. This article uses Ahab as an example of superficial repentance, to shows what true repentance is.
Calling and Repentance
This article explains the relationship between regeneration, calling, and repentance. How do these three work in bringing man to salvation? This question the article answers.
Repentance – Natural, Legal, or Evangelical?
Repenting Always
The only way to avoid the trap of self-righteousness is to always remember that the entirety of the Christian life is that of repentance. This article will explain.
Restoring Love
The article deals with what kind of attitude believers in the church should have toward sexual sins. It also touches on the importance of bringing those who have been caught in such sins to repentance and restoration in Christ.
Determined to Forgive
True Repentance
Repentance is essential, since without it we will all perish. Repentance is the center of gospel preaching. This article shows what true repentance involves.
Regeneration is the work of God through the Holy Spirit which gives life to the sinner. It's fruits are purification, repentance and faith, and Christlikeness.
What is a Christian?
A Christian is one who has come to trust Christ as the only Saviour, showing this by a life of repentance which is motivated by the work of the Holy Spirit, and living in fellowship with other believers.
How Jeremiah Leans on Deuteronomy
This article shows the relationship between the book of Jeremiah and Deuteronomy, describing how the book of Deuteronomy influenced Jeremiah's preaching of repentance.
The New Members Class Outline: Confessing Christ - The Bible, The Basis of Our Confession
This article provides an outline of the book Confessing Christ by Calvin Knox Cummings, including some notes on the Bible, Christ, repentance, faith, and the Christian life.
The Triangle of Marriage
Sin and punishment
You Should Not Always Forgive
Comfort for Christ's Sheep
Repentance Is Imperative
Sorrow, Regret and Repentance
Luke 17:32 – Don't Look Back
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:5 and 6 (Part two)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:5 and 6 is about faith, forgiveness and repentance.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:3 and 4 (Part two)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:3 and 4 is about repentance and salvation.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:1 and 2
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:1 and 2 is about repentance and faith.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:5 and 6 (Part one)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:5 and 6 is about faith and repentance.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:3 and 4 (Part one)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 15:3 and 4 is about repentance.
Preaching is a Serious Matter
National Repentance Needed: Ezra's Example
Thesis #1: Repent
Jeremiah 3:8 - Lessons for Unfaithful Judah
Luke 23:28 - Mere Sentimentalism
Matthew 5:4 - Faithful Mourning
Again: So Many Accidents! Why?
Matthew 3:10-14 - What then Shall We Do?
When God’s Will is that His Will Not Be Done
It is a real danger that we sin so long and so grievously that the Lord will not grant repentance?