God Is School of Theology Series: Lecture 7
"Be Imitators of Me": Paul's Model of Leadership
The most important models Paul urges his readers to imitate are those of himself, Christ, and God. He also directs his readers to the behavior of other individuals and occasionally reminds them of the example of other churches. There are also exhortations that his readers become "models" for others to imitate. Questions have been asked regarding the motivation behind Paul’s instruction.
Satan: God's Servant
The Bible portrays the hostility between God and Satan, but there is also abundant testimony that Satan was subject to God’s control and was used by God to accomplish his purposes. He is indeed represented as a servant of God. This presentation of Satan is explicit in the book of Job. This article looks at how Satan is portrayed in Job and then explores how later biblical texts use this presentation of Job.
Toward a Biblical Model of the Social Trinity: Avoiding Equivocation of Nature and Order
This article wants to contribute to the way we think about God. It wants to tighten the relationship between the economic Trinity and the immanent Trinity. Horrell offers in the first part a basic presentation of a social model of the Godhead. He observes especially divine reciprocity in Scripture. Secondly, he traces current issues in social trinitarianism.
The God Who Is There – The God Who Made Everything
Three Levels of Meaning in God-Language
This essay focuses on the philosophical aspects of the problem of theological language. This is a reference to the language of faith about God. The paper wants to give insight into the contribution of the philosophy of language to theological understanding.
The Problem of God
The loss of God in modern society is a theological problem. How do we speak about God? This problem is multi-dimensional. Clark explores three of these dimensions.
Seeing God
The True God
Our Triune God
The Christian faith is monotheistic in a way which is different from the Jewish faith and Islam. When the Bible speaks about the work of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it attests to the Triune nature of the biblical God. This Triune God is the God which Christians confess.
The Holy Trinity
The Godhood of God
To speak about the Godhood of God is to affirm that God truly is God. Looking at God and His attributes, this article shows how society through its lifestyle can deny these attributes and paint another picture of God, which this article calls the "modern god". The author points to creation, revelation, salvation and providence as affirmation of the Godhood of God.
Soteriology Notes: The Doctrine of God
In this article are notes on the doctrine of God. The focus is on the communicable and the non-communicable attributes of God.
Euthyphro, God's Nature, And The Question Of Divine Attributes (Part 3)
Looking at the relationship between the attributes of God and His nature, this article discusses some solutions given to the doctrine of the simplicity of God; namely, the Cartesian solution, the contemporary nominalist solution, the Thomist solution, and the Augustinian solution.
Euthyphro, God's Nature, and the Question Of Divine Attributes (Part 1)
What is God? Looking at the relationship between the attributes of God and His nature, this article shows that while the word "God" is not the proper name of God, it is used as an umbrella word to cover what God is. Defining the attribute of simplicity (God cannot be divided into parts; He is non-composite), the author discusses what this tells us about God's nature.