The Belgic Confession of Faith: Articles 1–3
God Breathes Out the Scriptures School of Theology Series: Lecture 3
How God’s Special Revelation Should Impact Worship
Knowing God from Scripture Only?
The Fundamental Principle of Calvinism
The article finds that the most important principle of Calvinism is the centrality of God. It identifies some fallacious statements of the fundamental principle. It then considers other first principles that also underlie the whole system, chief of which is God's special revelation.
The Essential: Revelation
We know God through his revelation. This article explains both general revelation and special revelation.
Between Two Wor(l)ds: Worldview and Observation in the Use of General Revelation to Interpret Scripture, and Vice Versa
This article reflects on the opportunities and obstacles that confront believers as recipients of the two modes of revealed truth, special revelation and general revelation.
The God Who Reveals Himself
Between Two Wor(l)ds: Worldview and Observation in the Use of General Revelation to Interpret Scripture, and Vice Versa
A Christian is not only caught between two worldviews—God-centred and man-centred worldviews. He is also caught between two words—general revelation and special revelation. How should he think about the relationship between all these, and how can he keep the balance? This is what the article answers.
Listening for the Voice of God: How Does God Speak to His People Today?
Should Christians expect to hear a direct voice from God? This article looks at how God spoke with people in the Bible. It shows that today Christians cannot expect to hear the direct audible voice of God, but that God speaks through his special revelation.
Life's Biggest Questions – Does God Exist?
The Bible does not ask the question about the existence of God. From beginning to end it takes it as a given that God exists. God reveals himself in special revelation and general revelation. The chapter further considers traditional arguments for the existence of God.
Survey Studies in Reformed Theology (2): Revelation - Divine Self-Disclosure
This article looks at the way God has revealed Himself through general revelation and special revelation.
Revelation, Inspiration, and Infallibility (2): Revelation - General and Special
This article focuses on God's revelation through both general revelation and special revelation. After examining the meaning of each, the author shows that the reason God provided man with general revelation was to leave no excuse for man's disbelief.
Ongoing Revelation?
This article examines the claim that God still gives special revelation beyond scripture to believers. This claim is a departure from believing that God's word is the means He uses to guide His church. This claim undermines the completeness of scripture and Christ as the full revelation of God.