The New Testament Evidence Regarding Paedocommunion
What about Revelation 20? (Part 4)
This is a continuation of the role of Revelation 20:4-6 in the debate on amillennialism, or other theologies such as premillennialism and postmillennialism. The author focuses on the believer's reign with Christ, explaining the identity of the saints, the nature of the first resurrection, and the role of the "rest of the dead."
What about Revelation 20? (Part 3)
The author continues to deal with Revelation 20 as a Scripture text supporting amillennialism rather than premillennialism. Specifically, the issue of the binding of Satan for a thousand years is dealt with. The issue of the literal or figurative interpretation of the thousand years is also discussed.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 2)
The author seeks to prove that the millennium spoken of in Revelation 20 is parallel to the events in Revelation 19. Thus, the author points to the repetitive nature of the book of Revelation, arguing for Amillennialism as scriptural.
What about Revelation 20? (Part 1)
This article presents a critique of premillennialism, by way of the study of Scripture passages that appear to support it. The main arguments upon which the premillennialists base their arguments are noted, mainly from Revelation 20.
Can a Lonely Faith Save?
Christ and Him Crucified
The author attempts to summarize the gospel message according to Paul, as a message of the sacrifice of Christ for the sake of the propitiation of the wrath of God, and for reconciliation and redemption. This gospel message also highlights the aspect of justification by faith, Spirit-authored sanctification, and the glorification of believers.
Justification and Final Judgment according to Works
Justification by the Imputation of Christ’s Righteousness
Interpreting Revelation
How should we interpret the book of Revelation? This article evaluates five approaches to interpreting this book.
The Bible's Teaching on Women and Ecclesiastical Office
Can women be appointed as officebearers? This article looks at the biblical teaching on equality and functional subordination in relation to this question.
Bavinck on the Names and Attributes of the Triune God
Bavinck on the Doctrine of the Trinity
Bavinck on the Doctrine of the Covenant
Bavinck on the Doctrine of God’s Knowability
Bavinck on Special Revelation
Bavinck on the Person of Christ
Bavinck on the Nature and Punishment of Sin Sin and Its Consequences
Bavinck on the Doctrine of Election
The Work of the Triune God
The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today Reformed Evangelism
"I Believe in the Holy Spirit"
He Ascended into Heaven
Reformed Evangelism: "Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel"
An Introduction to the Canons of Dort
Revelation 20:1-6 - What about Revelation 20? - Part 1
In these four articles the author discusses the Millennium from the viewpoint of Revelation 20:1-6. The first article is about the premillennialists' reading of Revelation 20. The author then continues to look at the structure of the book of Revelation and what this means for the understanding of Revelation 20:1-6. After this he expounds Revelation 20:1-6 (third and fourth article).
Christ's Return and the Rapture
This article on the return of Christ and the rapture, is on evaluation of dispensationalism (pre-millennialism). It looks at the two phases of dispensationalism in the light of Scripture. The rapture of 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 is also discussed.
The Problem with Premillennialism
This article is a critique of Premillennialism.
Revelation 20:1-6 - What about Revelation 20? - Part 4
Redemption Applied
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit has a perfect coincidence of will and purpose. They have a covenant of redemption in which they made promises to one another, and in which their different tasks in salvation is distinguished but not separated. This article specifically also looks at the role of the Holy Spirit in the covenant of redemption.
1 Timothy 2:15 – But She Shall Be Saved Through the Child-bearing
Old Testament Evidence Regarding Paedocommunion
Bavinck on the Doctrine of General and Special Revelation
Herman Bavinck: A Sketch of His Life
A Review of James DeJong's Book on H. J. Kuiper Shaping the Christian Reformed Church, 1907-1962
Paedocommunion and the Reformed Confessions
The Worldview of Abraham Kuyper
Herman Bavinck's Life and Theology
The Perseverance of the Saints
"From thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead"
The Forgiveness of Sins
The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting
The "Catholicity" of the Church
Reformed Evangelism— An Oxymoron?
Can a Lonely Faith Justify?
The Enjoyment of Justification
The New Heavens and New Earth The Promise of the Future
The Ground or Basis for Justification
The Importance of Justification to the Gospel Today
Will There Be Degrees of Reward in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Bavinck on the Doctrine of Inscripturated Special Revelation
Abraham Kuyper: Advocate of a Christian Worldview
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
The Problem with Pre-Millennialism
Christ's Return and the "Rapture": Evaluating Dispensationalism
Concomitants of the Second Advent: The Final Judgment
Total Depravity: The Third Main Point of Doctrine
Particular Redemption
The "Signs of the Times" (6): The Anti-Christ
The "Signs of the Times" (5): Apostasy
Concomitants of the Second Advent: The Resurrection of the Body
The "Signs of the Times" (4): Tribulation
The "Signs of the Times" (3): "And So All Israel Shall Be Saved"
The "Signs of the Times" (2): Preaching the Gospel to the Nations
The "Signs of the Times" (1)
"Believing without a Doubt All Things Contained Therein": The Reformed Faith and the Inerrancy of Scripture
The Bible and the Future: "The Intermediate State"
Return of Christ: The Centerpiece of Biblical Expectation
The Return of Christ: An Event Whose Time No One Knows
Return of Christ: The Consummating Event at the End of the Age
The Intermediate State: Purgatory
The Bible and the Future: Hope Nurtured by the Word
The Bible and the Future: Preparing the Way for the Coming of the Lord
1994?: Another Misguided Attempt to Date the Return of Our Lord
The Bible and the Future: "In the Fullness of Time"
The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today: Concluding Observations
The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today Sovereign Grace, Human Responsibility and "Cheap" Grace
Irresistible Grace: The Fourth Main Point of Doctrine
Unconditional Election
Israel and the Church
In this article about the relation of Israel and the church, the author looks at the separation of Israel and the church, the place of the church and the kingdom in the history of God, and God's one purpose of salvation.
The Hermeneutic of Literalism
This article is about the literal interpretation of Scripture. Does the text always justify a literal reading? Can all prophecy be read literally and still make sense? And what about Scripture's own focus on typology?