Christ's Kingship in All of Life:

In previous articles on the topic of Christ's kingship in all of life, I offered a summary of what is known today as the "two kingdom/natural law" (2KNL) view. According to this view, Christians live in two kingdoms, the kingdom of the church where Christ reigns by his Word and Spirit, and the "common kingdom" of non-churchly life in God's world where Christ reigns by means of the natural law. Advocates of this perspective are wary of the idea that Christians are called to acknowledge Christ's redemptive rule in their common vocations or in the non-ecclesiastical realm.

Can a Lonely Faith Save?

Did James teach justification by works? This article looks at James 2:14-26 and the question of the relationship between justification and good works. It shows that there is no contradiction between James and Paul. It looks at Luther’s struggle with this text, and shows that James deals with dead faith in contrast to living faith. It also shows how the Reformers dealt with the text.

Justification and Final Judgment according to Works

What does it mean that believers will be judged by works? This article shows that the believer’s justification and eternal salvation are rooted in the merit of Christ. Therefore there is no room for future justification. Out of his grace God will reward the good works of believers; however, even this remains an act of God’s grace.

Reformed Evangelism: "Election and the Free Offer of the Gospel"

In this article on election and the free offer of the gospel, the author looks at election in an evangelism and mission context. Things like the call of the gospel, the well-meant offer of the gospel in the preaching, the general (universal) calling and effectual calling, and unconditional election is discussed.

The Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting

This article is about the resurrection of the body, when Christ returns. The author also discusses what the nature of the resurrection is and the relation to the renewal of all things. He concludes by discussing questions about the resurrection of the body in instances where the body was destroyed or impaired on earth, or where infants died prematurely. He also answers questions about how we should treat our bodies today, and if we will recognize our body in heaven.

The "Signs of the Times" (5): Apostasy

Among the signs of the times leading up to the return of Christ is the is the sign of apostasy and unfaithfulness among the people of God. This article goes into some detail on the scriptural concept of apostasy, considering also whether there will be a period of "great apostasy" before the end. The author then considers the implcations of the sign of apostasy for the church's calling today.

Concomitants of the Second Advent: The Resurrection of the Body

This article discusses the events that will occur concurrent with the return of Christ. It focuses particularly on the resurrection of the body. The author discusses the nature, timing, and author of this resurrection, and addresses some common pastoral questions in relation to this bodily resurrection.

The "Signs of the Times" (3): "And So All Israel Shall Be Saved"

One of the signs of the times leading up to the return of Christ is the preaching of the gospel to the nations. In connection with this, Romans 11 says, "And so all Israel will be saved." How are we to understand this language of "all Israel" being saved? This article searches for the answer by first re­viewing some Old Testament promises regarding the res­toration and salvation of Israel.

The "Signs of the Times" (2): Preaching the Gospel to the Nations

One of the signs of the times is the preaching of the gospel. To appreciate the importance of this, the article first looks at the Old Testament anticipation of the universal preaching of the gospel, then considers the New Testament fulfillment of the promise of universal preaching. From there, the author expresses the great responsibility of the church today to preach the Word.

"Believing without a Doubt All Things Contained Therein": The Reformed Faith and the Inerrancy of Scripture

Is the Bible really inerrant? This article considers whether or not it is Reformed to affirm that the Bible is inerrant. It presents the case against inerrancy, and then observes whether the Reformed confessions affirm inerrancy, as well as the position of the Reformers themselves on this point.

The Return of Christ: An Event Whose Time No One Knows

Many Christians who have a vested interest in the Bible's teaching about the future also have an impulse to project when the return of Christ will occur. This article considers the biblical passages that speak about the impropriety of this impulse: it considers passages that seem to speak of the imminence of Christ's return, and passages that speak of a delay or extension of the period of timw before his return. It makes clear from Scripture that no one knows the day or hour of Christ's return.

Return of Christ: The Consummating Event at the End of the Age

Will the return of Christ bring history to a close, or will it mark the beginning of a new phase in the history of redemption (i.e. the beginning of the millennium)? This article explains briefly the premillennialist or dispensationalist response to this, and goes on to explain from Scripture that the second coming will be a consummating event at the end of the age.

1994?: Another Misguided Attempt to Date the Return of Our Lord

This article considers the argument used by Harold Camping in the early '90s that the return of Christ would happen in 1994. Camping developed a timetable of redemptive history, beginning with the date of creation and ending with the date of Christ's return. The author discusses what is wrong with the argument, stressing in particular that the Bible makes clear that no one can know the time or date of the second coming.

The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today: Concluding Observations

What really is the significance of the Canons of Dort for the church today? This article shows that it has much to contribute to the life and ministry of the church: it is unswervingly biblical, it gets at at the heart of the Reformed worldview (namely, the sovereign ini­tiative and grace of God), it encourages a God-centred faith, and it points to God as the only comfort for the believer.

The Significance of the Canons of Dort for Today Sovereign Grace, Human Responsibility and "Cheap" Grace

This article considers the value of the Canons of Dort for today. It explains that the Canons are helpful for understanding the relationship between divine sovereignty and human responsibility. The author discusses modern issues like the lordship salvation controversy, as well as the meaning of cheap grace.