Guido de Bres: Author of the Belgic Confession
This article is about Guido de Bres, born in 1522 A.D. in Belgium. He was the author of the Belgic Confession, a faith for which he was later burned to death on a scaffold.
This article is about Guido de Bres, born in 1522 A.D. in Belgium. He was the author of the Belgic Confession, a faith for which he was later burned to death on a scaffold.
This article is about Guido de Bres and his struggle against Menno Simons and his view on the origin and character of the human nature of Jesus Christ.
This article is about the position Guido de Bres had on the possibility for the sick to have the Lord's Supper outside of the normal worship service, with approbation of the church.