The topics of Christian marriage and the Christian family are very current, controversial, and crucial. At the same time, it has to be said that these subjects are also very extensive. This article discusses the first topic, Christian marriage.
This chapter informs and interacts with you on another very relevant topic, namely that of the Christian family. The family as a basic social unit in our society which is in grave difficulty.
What are the characteristics of a preacher? This article shows that the preacher should be one who is dependent on God, a servant, a communicator, passionate, and a digger.
Is the preaching of the law still necessary today? From Lord’s Day 44 of the Heidelberg Catechism this article shows why preaching the law is important in God’s church. It helps believers to look inward, outward, upward, and onward.
What is it that characterizes true worship? A sense of the greatness of God, a love and hunger for truth, a true understanding of human unworthiness, reverence and awe, and an orderly manner of worship.
Part of the task of the elder is to offer pastoral care. This article shows that such pastoral care involves care of the member, the congregation, and the minister.
This article looks at the relationship between the preacher and the Holy Spirit. This relationship is crucial, because the Holy Spirit is the Author of scripture, is the One who gives understanding, and is the One who empowers the preaching.
This article calls for the return of preaching from the Heidelberg Catechism. The author looks at the relationship between Catechism and textual preaching, and gives one approach to preaching the Catechism.
Why is the preaching of the law essential to the life of the church? The preaching of the law helps believers to examine themselves to see their sinful nature. It encourages them to trust in Christ for their salvation, and makes them realise their dependence upon the Holy Spirit.
Despite the fact that He was perfect, our Lord was still criticized. How much more can an imperfect pastor expect criticism from an imperfect congregation? This article identifies the source of criticism, and shows how the minister can deal with criticism through prayer, self-examination, and seeking advice.
This article looks at different challenges that deacons face in the congregation, which include personal challenges, church challenges, and support challenges. The author gives guidelines for how the diaconate can deal with these challenges.
Elders function within church structures which either enable or hinder their work. This article explains the different types of church government (Papal, Episcopal, Congregational and Presbyterial), drawing conclusions about the best approach to church government.
The work of family visitation is crucial to the task of the elders, so that they can have a better knowledge of the congregation members. This article gives the biblical grounds for the home visit, discussing the purpose of the visit, the relationship between the elder and the family, and how to relate to different members in different circumstances.
This article discusses three questions raised around the work of the diaconate: Should the church make use of welfare?; Should deacons wait for members in need to approach them, or should they be pro-active?; Should deacons demand budgets from members who ask for assistance?
This article provides a basic outline for making a sermon. The author discusses how we must view the text, the exposition of the text, the message of the text, and sermon application. The author also stresses the importance of making preaching Christological.
This article discusses five sets of opposites seen in the debate around infant baptism or adult baptism: unity versus disunity, generations versus individuals, infants versus adults, circumcision versus baptism, and normativism versus subjectivism.
Infant baptism should not be treated as a minor issue, because it speaks about God and His work, God’s people, and the covenant. It is also a source of comfort for parents of children who pass away before they have a chance to express their faith in Christ.
This article shows the relationship between Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This relationship is seen through the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christ.
The emphasis on ecumenism, the culture of subjectivism, and consumerism have had a great impact on church membership. These have brought in a divorce between membership and the church, where people no longer value loyalty to a church. This should not be. Biblically, being a Christian and being a member of the church are related concepts; one cannot be without the other.
This article is about every believer's task in evangelism and witnessing. The author discusses witnessing in your direct vicinity, stressing that the church must be preserved, but also increase in size.
The church has a duty to report to the law the criminal act of child sexual abuse should it happen in her midst. This article shows that for the protection of the victim, the restoration of the offender, the honour of the church and the glory of God's Name such case must be reported. At the same time, discipline must be administered by the church, since sexual abuse is both a criminal offense and an issue of sin.
This article is about the characteristics of miracles in Bible. The author also discusses the role that miracles play in Scripture, and if we can find miracle workers today.
This article is about growing up in the Christian church and in a Christian family. The author discusses the blessings and dangers of children growing up with the Christian faith.
How should the church live in this world? How must we view society and the culture around us? What drives the agenda of the church: Scripture or culture?
This article is about the importance of the office of deacon for the church today. The office of deacon is not just about handling finances, but about equipping church members for service to the Lord.
This article is about the expectations a church has of its minister, and the importance of the involvement of elders in the congregation. This article is about working together as elders and ministers.
There is a danger that worship services today become superficial and lacking in substance. The author of this article provides five principles which he views as the basis for worshiping God in reverence and awe.
Sometimes there is controversy instead of joy when the Lord's Supper is celebrated. This article discusses contention around issues of having one cup versus many cups, using wine versus juice, or sitting at the table versus in the pew. How do we keep joy and unity at the Lord's Table?
What is the calling and task of the church? This author maintains that it is threefold: to worship the Lord, to equip the saints, and to witness to the world.
This article is about a new type of Christianity where people want to be free of any accountability. The author shows from the New Testament how this is contrary to the care, supervision and responsibility that people should take for one another in the church.
This article on the Reformation discusses God's abiding truth as found in the inspired, authoritative Word of God. The author discusses how the reformers viewed the Bible as God's truth, and what they saw as the calling of the church in regard to Scripture.