The Laws for Uncleanness in the Pentateuch and New Testament Baptism
Should Infants Be Baptized?
There are differing views regarding infant baptism. This article supports infant baptism, showing from Scripture how God is still in the business of blessing the children of believers through baptism, among other ways. The promises of God revealed in the gospel are for both the parents and their children.
Should Baptism Ever be Repeated?
What Luther Says: The Means of Grace
The Puritan View of Baptism
Why Baptize Infants?
This Time My Baptism Is for Real
Baptism by Immersion or Sprinkling?
The Practical Importance of Baptism
Why Baptism?
Why is baptism important? It is important for Christian identity and growth.
Three Things Baptism Teaches Us about the Christian Life
This article explains how baptism illustrates our guilt, God's grace, and gratitude.
What Is a Sacrament
What is a sacrament? It is a sign and seal, a means of grace, instituted by Christ. This article considers these things, and explains the meaning of both baptism and the Lord's Supper.
The Value of Your Baptism
The Confession of Faith Article 34 Of Holy Baptism
The Confession of Faith Article 33 Of the Sacraments
All in the Family
Baptism should be a momentous experience for the family, for the person (when an adult or older child is baptized), and for the congregation, who are not just witnesses but participants in this sacrament. This article considers baptism as a celebration to be remembered.
Remember Your Baptism
What does it mean to "remember your baptism"? This article reflects on different aspects of Christian baptism as part of the worship service.
The Error of Not Baptising Children
Where's the Font?
Do you know where the baptismal font is in your church? The article reflects on the importance of baptism as sacrament that reminds believers of their bond with God.
Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 6 – God's Covenant Promises
Response to Your Baptism: Chapter 2 – God Addresses Us
Belgic Confession Articles 33-35: The Sacraments (2)
Infant Baptism: Is It Scriptural?
Baptism: The Sign and the Grace Not Inseparably Connected
Baptism is the visible word of God’s grace to his church. In it God speaks and points his church to his promises. However, there are different views on the meaning of baptism. In this article the views of the Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches are examined.
Holy Baptism: Sign of the New Covenant
The Seal and Testimony of God's Grace: Baptism
Water, Spirit, Fire (Part 3)
Water, Spirit, Fire (Part 1)
This article explores the purpose and meaning of baptism by John the Baptist, as well as of Jesus undergoing baptism by John.
Presenting Limbs and Organs: Baptism and Sacrificial Ethics
Sealed for Resurrection: Baptism and the Objectivity of the Body
This article speaks to the bodily character the sacrament of baptism. In doing so it addresses the phraseology of some, that baptism is our act of obedience or the expression of our faith. It reiterates how baptism addresses itself to the objectivity (not subjectivity) of our body, and it uses Romans 6 to do so, showing that the primary NT paradigms of baptism—death and resurrection—present the objectivity of the body, and are prospective, rather than retrospective.
The Signs of the Covenant
Sacramental Efficacy
This article explains the ways in which the sacraments are efficacious by virtue of participation in them. The Lord's Supper is a means by which the church manifests itself as one body, and baptism effects membership in the church and displays the shape of the church and its position over against the world.
Titus 3:5 – The Washing of Regeneration
Is the "washing of regeneration" mentioned in Titus 3:5 a reference to baptism? This article gives some exegetical remarks on this text and concludes that it does not refer to baptism.
Is Luke an Exponent of "Early Protestantism"? Church Order in the Lukan Writings
How is the church portrayed in the book of Acts? Giles responds to the idea that Acts represents a form of early catholicism. He argues that in such things as baptism, communal meals, and forms of leadership, the theology of Luke is simple and non-sacramental.
Is Infant Baptism Scriptural?
The author attempts to answer the question of the title of this article by dealing with the basis of baptism, and specifically infant baptism, as understood from the Presbyterian view. The main points of the arguments include baptism as established by the Lord Jesus, and its relation to the covenant of circumcision in the Old Testament.
John 4:4-52 – The Samaritan Woman's Purity
This article makes a link between the thirsting for water and baptism in the case of the Samaritan woman in John 4.
This article looks at the place of preaching, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper in public worship.
Baptism and the Munus Triplex
The three offices, prophet, priest, and king, have been a standard Reformed way of describing the work of Christ. The thesis of this article is that these offices can be used fruitfully to describe the participation of a Christian in the work of Christ through baptism.
The Church and the Holy Trinity: The Holy Spirit
The Church and the Holy Trinity: God the Son
The Church and the Holy Trinity: God the Father
What does Baptism do for Anyone? Part II: Additional Studies
How does baptism relate to regeneration? To answer this question this article draws from the Greek Patristic sources, Reformed confessions on the meaning of baptism, and the reference to Ezekiel 36:25-27 in John 3:5 and its implications for understanding baptism. The article also looks at the relationship between baptism and regeneration, and the place of infant baptism and its meaning.
What Does Baptism Do for Anyone? Part I: Exegetical Background
How does baptism relate to regeneration? To answer this question this article shows that "sacramental realism" was a basic part of the Old Testament ceremonial system. Then it shows how the New Testament discusses baptism with terms and ideas from the Levitical ceremonies. Finally, it gives thought to baptism and union with Christ.
Mode of Baptism
Should the mode of baptism be immersion or sprinkling? This article examines the meaning of baptism from the Westminster Confession, Old Testament practice, New Testament, church fathers, and archaeology.
History of Baptism through NT Times
How should we understand the word baptism? This article looks at the meaning of the word baptism in the New Testament by tracing its history from the Old Testament, Jewish history, to the New Testament.
The Authority of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
In New Testament studies there often is a search for a non-messianic Jesus. This essay, however, suggests that the essential and distinctive characteristic of Jesus is to be found in his authority (Greek, exousia"). The author argues that "authority" as used by Mark derives from the authority of God that Jesus receives at his baptism.
Should Christians Baptize Their Children?
Should children of believers be baptized? This article looks at God's promise in the covenant. It explains the relationship between circumcision and baptism, then it shows that infant baptism is biblical. Some objections to paedobaptism are addressed.
Seeing Is Believing: Signs and Seals of the Covenant of Grace
What are sacraments? Sacraments are tokens of the Lord's love leading believers to communion with God. This article explains the meaning of sacraments as signs and seals, and as means of grace. It then looks at the meaning of baptism and the Lord's Supper and how they function as signs and seals.
Holy Baptism
Baptism: A Sacrament of the Covenant of Grace
Christian baptism must be seen in light of the covenant. This article explains the nature of the covenant relationship between God and sinners, as well as the unity and continuity of the covenant in the Old and New Testaments. From these arguments it considers infant baptism.
Baptism: This Rite Exhibits Union with Christ
Baptism signifies cleaning and remission of sins. It points to union with Christ in his death and resurrection. This article considers the relationship between the external and inward significance of the sign, the mode of baptism, and who are to be baptized.
The Birth of Israel
The article discusses the nature of God's covenant with His people from its institution in the Old Testament to the time of its fulfillment in the New Testament. The author discusses the covenant in relation to circumcision, the Passover, baptism, and the Lord's Supper.
Basics of the Reformed Faith: Baptism
Baptism is rooted in God's promise in the covenant. This article shows the relationship between circumcision and baptism, the relationship between the symbol and the reality of the thing signified, and the relationship between faith and baptism.
Baptism, Profession of Faith, Lord’s Supper
The Biblical Basis for Infant Baptism
Election and the Covenant of Grace
With whom was the covenant of grace made? The covenant of grace was made with Christ as the second Adam, and in him with all the elect as his seed. In baptism God proffers to our children the truth and promise of the gospel - a truth which is accomplished through the work of Christ and applied by the Spirit, according to God's election and his enabling us to respond in faith.
Covenant Baptism as Practised in the Reformed Churches
Is there biblical ground for infant baptism? Infant baptism is rooted in God's covenant with Abraham and the promises He gave to him. The author looks at the unity of the old and the new covenant.
Romans 6:3 – Baptism Is Like a Funeral
“He’s Just a Little-Bitty Baby” A Look at the Structure of the Covenant of Grace
Hebrews 9 - Mode of Baptism
The Seed of Abraham
Catechism… or Discipline
Should parents who do not send their children to catechism classes be disciplined? The author shows that this has been a conviction in the history of the Reformed Churches. He shows the need for catechism and the benefits it has for the church. The author maintains that instruction in the Heidelberg Catechism is linked to the promise parents make to their children at their baptism.
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper (1)
The Lord’s Supper is Christ's gift to His bride. This article looks at the differences between the Lord’s Supper and baptism, as well as the link between the Passover and the Lord’s Supper.
Holy Baptism: Sign of God’s Unconditional Covenant
Baptism is the visible sign of God’s grace to His church. This article looks at children of believers as members of the church, and also discusses infant baptism as believer's baptism.
Holy Baptism: Sign of the New Covenant
Submersion Rather Than Aspersion
Is Immersion Necessary for Baptism?
This article discusses whether immersion into water is necessary for baptism, as is maintained by the Baptist church. The author provides a brief summary of baptisms in the Old and New Testament, and discusses some of the concerns Baptists may have regarding the sprinkling of water instead of immersion into the water.
Baptism as a Seal
Baptism as Sign and Seal
Baptism – The Issue of Continuity within the Covenant Grace
Holy Baptism
The Mark of Citizenship: Baptism
As much as circumcision made one a citizen of Israel, baptism is a mark of our citizenship in Christ. This article shows whats it means to be a citizen of both heaven and this earth.
Infant Baptism and the Promise of Grace
Most discussions on infant and adult baptism focus on the role of faith. This article looks at this discussion from another angle, addressing the question: when is the grace that is symbolized in baptism given to the individual? The author shows that adult baptism sees it to be given in the past, whereas infant baptism is a promissory seal of grace to come.
God's Obedient Son
This article is about the baptism of Christ and His temptation. The author shows how Christ's baptism served to confirm His person and work, while His temptation showed Christ to be the last Adam and the true Israel (Matthew 3:13-Matthew 4:11; Luke 3:21-Luke 4:13).
Why Baptise Infants?
Baptism as a Sacrament of the Covenant
Subjective Believing
Why Baptize Your Babies?
Looking at the difference of practice between paedo-baptism and credo-baptism this article shows that the cause for difference lies in the approach to scripture between a dispensational and covenant perspective.
Covenant Sign And Seal: The Symbolic Significance Of Circumcision (Part 2)
Does the New Testament commands us to baptize children? This article shows that this is a wrong question to ask.
William Cunningham and Infant Baptism The Place of Infant Baptism in the Westminster Symbols
Acts 2:38-39: Peter's Pentecost Appeal
This article looks at the relationship between circumcision and baptism, with a focus on the baptism of children under God's covenant promise. This paedobaptism is supported by Peter's appeal in Acts 2:38-39.
The Beauty of Baptism
Bearing the Name of God
The Need for a Confessional Basis for Our Children's Education
Saving Faith and Infant Baptism
Zwingli on the Unity of the Church
Is Infant Baptism Divisive?
Baptism and the Covenant
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:1 (Part one)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:1 is about baptism and sacraments.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:1 (Part two)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:1 is about baptism, sacraments and salvation.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:2 and 3
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:2 and 3 is about baptism.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:4
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 28:4 is about baptism.