Maddening Injustice
Injustice, especially in the church or in the Christian community, can provoke a crisis of faith. In this article, the author addresses the anger that is so often the natural response to injustice.
Helping Women Respond Biblically to Anger
The author uses the story of Abigail (1 Samuel 25) to provide guidance for helping women respond to anger in their relationships.
Anger Talks: Are You Listening to Yours?
God Is Holy School of Theology Series: Lecture 12
If God Wasn't Angry
How should you think about the anger of God? This article explains that God can be angry and remain holy. The author also shows that God's anger is gracious anger, seen most prominently in the cross of Christ.
Fighting for Anger
When it comes to our anger, the problem is generally not that we are angry, but that our anger is misdirected. This article considers how to fight for a righteous anger.
Slow to Anger Anger can be Good, even Holy — but Usually it isn’t
The Unmentionable Sin Anger is Atheism in Action
Our Emotional Saviour
Life: It’s a Rage Anger Affronts Self, Society and God
Ten Reasons Your Anger Isn’t Righteous
This article presents ten ways in which our anger is unrighteous anger, even though we tend to excuse it as righteous anger.
Righteous Anger (Or Not)?
Ephesians 4:26 – Be Ye Angry and Sin Not
From Ephesians 4:26 this article shows the nature of holy anger over against sinful anger.
Understanding and Redeeming Anger
This article looks at four things the Bible says about anger: its destructive power, its basic goodness, how it goes wrong, and redeeming anger.
The Angry Person: Always the Last to Know
Do you have an anger problem? This article seeks to show how can you know if you have an anger problem so that you are not the last one to know if you have it.
Five Tips to Handling Angry People
Your path will cross someone full of anger towards you. How should you deal with angry people? This article suggests five ways.
Be Ye Angry and Sin Not
Though it is not sin to have anger. it is difficult to be angry and not sin. For that reason, this article shows from Scripture what constitutes holy anger and sinful anger.
What the Bible Says About Anger
Anger is the result of sin but also the common cause of sin. This article explains how.
Not All Anger Is Toxic, and Jesus Wasn’t Nice
Anger isn’t the opposite of love. Does this mean that it is right to be angry? The article contends that we are commanded to be angry. The difference is what makes you angry. Here a distinction between healthy anger and toxic anger is discussed
Overcoming Anger: A Biblical Guide for Becoming Patient, Tolerant, and Slow to Anger
Is Anger Morally Neutral?
David Powlison answers the question of whether anger is morally neutral or conditioned.
Don't Be a VIP!
This article warns Christians against laziness, impatience, anger, irresponsibility, apathy, and indiscretion. These should not be things that characterize the students of the word.
The Seven Deadly Sins in a Digital Age: Wrath
This article looks at the seven deadly sins in the context of our digital age. The use of social media frequently provides an outlet for the sin of wrath and anger.
Anointed Affections
The author of this article looks at Psalms as the depiction of all parts of a religious emotional life. WIth this in mind, and with the conviction that all of Scripture speaks about Christ, this article looks at how the Book of Psalms reveals the emotions of Christ, such as his anger, compassion, grief, hope and joy.
The Anger of Jesus
The Losing Battle
Road Rage
Is it Ever Right to Be Angry at God?
Kill Anger Before it Kills You or Your Marriage
People have more anger than they think. The reason is that anger disguises itself. The control of anger is imperative in all types of relationships.
What to Say to the Depressed, Doubting, Skeptical, Confused, Angry
Here is some wisdom for how to support those struggling with depression, doubt, skepticism, confusion or anger.